Economy. Its main members

Economics is the ability to run a business according to the rules

Economics is a science

The economy is a life support system built by people

Economy (in history) - Agriculture, industry, trade

Leading homework: come up with a law to protect the producer and consumer (so that the word is used: goods, goods)

Public lesson

Goals: Educational

    To improve the ability to work with educational and additional literature, laws.

    Create conditions for the assimilation of new material in the lesson

    Key concepts are economy, resources, needs, producer, consumer.

    Comprehension of understanding of the main issues and terms in the field of "economics".

    Application of acquired knowledge for everyday life, choice of profession, independent solution of problematic tasks


    Creation of conditions for the formation of a communicative culture

    Ability to work in a study group

    Ability to listen and respect the opinions of others

    Formation of a humanistic worldview and tolerance among students


    Create conditions for the development of logical thinking, the formation of intellectual skills

    Formation of the ability to critically analyze the acquired knowledge on the basis of independent study of educational and additional literature, formulate a conclusion and update one's position

    Contribute to the further growth of interest in the process of cognition

Equipment -projector, PC, cards, Constitution, Civil Code, Labor Code, plasticine, dictionaries, didactic material - resource table, terms, magnets.

The lesson is the second on the topic "Economy and its participants" A.S. Pushkin:

Branil Homer, Theocritus;
But read Adam Smith
And there was a deep economy,
That is, he was able to judge
How does the state grow rich?
And what lives, and why
He doesn't need gold
When a simple product has.

Board: number, plan, rational (lat.) - reasonable.

During the classes.

1 .Org.moment. Greetings. (I'm very glad to see you!) Targeting active activity in the lesson.

Today we have the second lesson on the topic "Economy and its participants." (Therefore, the topic can not be recorded)

    The main participants in the economy.

Producer and consumer.

    The state is on the protection of participants in the economic process. Laws.

    Economic resources.

    The main rule of economics.- at the end of the lesson, we must bring it together, formulate it.

2. Repetition.

1-2 people - individual cards

1 person - at the board. (Distributes correctly - exchange, technology, distribution, production, consumption, goods)

The rest - in groups of 2 people - work with cards, textbooks, dictionaries.

SLIDE about the rules of independent work:

1. There are no bad ideas.

2. Think creatively.

3. Take risks.

4. Do not criticize.

1 card: fairy tale "Turnip", what is technology?

2 card: verse "We shared an orange", what is the economy?

3 card: verse "Robin Bobin Barabek", what is subsistence farming?

4 card: the verse “A squirrel is sitting on a cart”, what is commodity production?

We check the work at the blackboard.

3 Work with the textbook.

We continue the theme of the last lesson. SLIDE

For the first time they started talking about economics as a science: Xenophon, Aristotle (384–322 BC). It was they who first singled out the two main participants in the economic process: the producer and the consumer.

So, in order to participate in the process of the economy, by and large, two participants are needed: one who produces a product and one who consumes it.

Let's call them producer and consumer. SLIDE

We write in a notebook.

Found concepts in a textbook or dictionary (p. 94) - read aloud.

Is the hero of a fairy tale a consumer?

    Fly-sokotuha, when did you go to the market and buy a samovar? (Yes)

    The old man in relation to the goldfish. (No, since the old man does not pay the fish for services.)

    Robinson Crusoe on the island? (No)

Talking about Andrew

(example, builder Andrey and he is resting in the evening)

Who is the manufacturer in this case? Can there be only 1 person producer, a group of people?

Imagine that Andrei did not create a company with friends, but works at a state-owned factory, so who is the manufacturer? (state)

Let's focus on the state. The state is not only a manufacturer, it performs another function. Do you think the state should protect producers, consumers and other participants in the economy or not? (Yes)

How can the consumer or producer be protected? (create laws)

4. Legislative experiment.

Work on the drafting of the law on the producer, consumer and goods. (given to be completed as an advanced homework for a group of students)

Imagine that you are invited to take part in a competition for the best consumer, producer, and product law. Two groups were given homework. We listen. (at the blackboard.)

What is the name of the main law of the country? (Constitution)

What are the real laws?

5.Search activity.

Practical work in groups of 2 people with the Constitution. - chapter 2.

We are looking for articles about economics, we write them down in a notebook. (Art. 34, Art. 35, Art. 36, Art. 37) SLIDE

We read aloud. Let's check the slide.

In addition to the Constitution, in the Russian Federation there are many more documents regulating the activities of participants in the economic process. For example, the "Law on the Protection of Consumer Rights", "Civil Code", "Labor Code" and others. Write them down in your notebook . SLIDE


Let's return to the concept of the Consumer. Who is it? (p. 94 is someone who uses goods and services to meet their needs)

What human needs can you name? (passed in the 6th grade - biological, social, spiritual - food, water, sleep, communication, listening to music, reading, etc.)

We will talk in more detail about needs, about their types in high school.

Q: Human needs are limited? (No)

Why? (example, food, new CD, etc.)

If Old Man Hottabych, for example, fulfilled all your desires at 12.30, would you be absolutely happy at 13.00? Why?

Man as a biosocial being is in constant development and in the course of communication he forms new desires.

Russian poet of the 18th century Mikhail Matveevich Kheraskov wrote,
We never moderate our desires;
Having something, we wish the best.

So, human needs are unlimited, they must be constantly satisfied. That's what a manufacturer is for. He manufactures goods to meet our needs. But any product is made from raw materials, materials, using resources. Bread is made from wheat that is grown on the ground, paper is made from wood, we need people who will produce all this. Everything that is involved in the production process is the resources - in a notebook . SLIDE

Let's add resources to the economic process.

To the work of the one who answered at the blackboard, we will add resources, class helps - where? (from students)

The manufacturer uses 4 types of resources:-

7. Search and research activities on additional material, dictionaries.

Task: according to additional literature (handouts), dictionaries, choose the name of an economic resource, give an example and prove that it is limited.

SLIDE about the rules of independent work.

1. There are no bad ideas.

2. Think creatively.

3. Take risks.

4. Do not criticize.

We are working. (While they are working, hand out tables)

There is didactic material for each on the table - a table with only headings, the guys enter answers there as they speak. I explain the task on an empty table

(gradually coming out on a SLIDE)

Economic resources



Human physical and mental abilities

+ (age, gender, abilities, mortality)

Natural resources of the planet

Means of production: machines, buildings, money

Wear out, spend


Initiative, ability to conduct economic activities

Not all people are capable

So let's fix it. (according to the slide) - ask about Peter 1 - forest - connect with history.

8.Let's play a small game-research, where now I will try to prove to you that resources are limited (Game).

Distribute plasticine (to all participants). We sculpt one product of production - a commodity ( one thing) food or industrial. We consider. We break. (if we were producers, our consumers would starve to death). We prove that resources are limited, and food needs must be met more.

(While they are sculpting, music sounds: close the projector)

9. Joint withdrawal.

So, we come to the main question of the economy: You need to satisfy human needs, but how then to use resources? (RATIONAL)

(pay attention to the word "rational" on the blackboard)

The main rule of economics is:

To satisfy human needs, it is necessary to use resources rationally. SLIDE

Remember: what are the needs? What about resources? So, the main rule of economics sounds a little different:

To satisfyunlimited human needs, it is necessary to rationally uselimited resources. SLIDE

Write down in a notebook.

10. Will what we talked about come in handy in life? Where? In what situations? (in everyday life, live in market economy maybe you will become businessmen, laws - to protect yourself from deceit, a fashionable profession - a manager - an organizer - to be able to think, to know the needs of a person)

11. Fixing.

1. What laws protect participants in the economic process?

2. What resources of the economy did you learn?

3. What is main question economy?

SLIDE with test questions:

1. Which of the following cannot be described as Natural resources?

A. oil
B. natural gas
V. coal
G. gasoline

1. A person who creates economic products:





3. Insert the missing words in the text of the Law (Article 34 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation)

(law, property, economic)

Art.37 (free, abilities, profession)

12. Homework:

paragraph 8, task number 2, pick up newspaper articles about working people. SLIDE

13.Lesson grades.

14. Reflection - handout on the desks, mark with any sign what you think is necessary.

Thanks everyone!

Sinkwine (if time) - economics, science, system, rational, private, state, manage, produce, trade, (With unlimited needs, etc.)

"Song of the Fair"

Leonid Filatov (with changes)

Whether you're a sheriff or a cowboy, here every product is needed
Or a gold digger, - And it is not difficult to sell him,
Let's go with you, even smoke is sold here
To the fair, mate! From the fire of Giordano Bruno.

Although it happens coins Here you can easily find -
Here is a quick leak, Though this product is expensive!
But there was not and is not in the world Not only bird's milk,
Nicer place. But even bird curd.

It's sold by auction Well, in a word, whoever you are,
Whatever you want - Even if the Creator himself -
For example, Spartak's hat is harmless for you to look
And Nefertiti's shoes. To the fair, mate!

Bring at least a broken chest of drawers,
Even a dead hyena -
There will always be that weirdo
Who will ask the price.

  • What motivates a person to act?
  • What are the main needs of people?
  • What role does work play in society?
  • Are economic processes possible without human intervention?
  • Is the economy able to meet all the needs of people?

What is economics

You start getting to know the individual sides economic life society. The initial understanding of the economy will help you prepare for a more complete assimilation of its foundations at the next levels of study.

You encounter manifestations of the economy every day: you hear conversations at home and on the street about the prices of goods, you learn about the size of your parents' salaries, you read about taxes in the newspaper, you participate in the repair of school furniture, you buy groceries in the store. All these individual phenomena can be combined under the general concept of "economy".

Initially, the word "economy" in translation from ancient Greek meant "management according to the rules, laws." Over time, this concept has received a broader interpretation. Thus, the English writer George Bernard Shaw (1856-1950) argued: “Economy is the ability to use life in the best possible way”, and modern scientists concluded: “Economy is a life support system consciously built and used by people”.

Getting acquainted with the activities of people in the courses of history, geography, you can be convinced that the concept of "economy" is considered in two meanings: 1) economy; 2) area of ​​knowledge. You can offer your options on how to supplement the following definitions: "Economics is a skill ...", "Economics is knowledge about ...".

We started the conversation with individual manifestations of economic life, but behind them one can also see the most general processes and phenomena.

The main manifestations of the economy, reflecting the stage of movement of the product, include production, distribution, exchange, consumption. These phenomena are interrelated. The constantly repeating process of production, distribution, exchange and consumption is the reproduction of the product. In the process of production, economic benefits (goods and services) are created that are necessary to meet the needs of people. The produced product must be distributed by carrying out actions related to its movement from the producer to the consumer. Distribution is followed by exchange - the process of obtaining the desired product with the offer of something in return. The reproduction of the product ends with consumption - the use of the product in the process of satisfying needs.

Consider the stages of reproduction on the example of satisfying a person's need for bread. The baker, using a certain technology, bakes, that is, produces bread. (Production.) The bakery supplies one part of its products to kindergartens, schools, and the other part to shops. (Distribution.) The seller in the store sells bread to people, i.e., exchanges it for money. (Exchange.) Schoolchildren eat fresh bread during breakfast. (Consumption.)

Using the text and illustrations, tell about the main manifestations of the economy.

Subsistence and commodity economy

Let's remember how diverse human needs are for food, clothing, housing, communication, health protection ... Why is it necessary to satisfy these needs? Quite obviously - to ensure the life and activities of people. The economy takes an active part in meeting these needs.

    The purpose of the economy is to maintain and continue the life of society. For this, a variety of material goods are produced.

Material (economic) benefits are food, items, goods and services that satisfy human needs.

Economic benefits are created using such forms of economic organization as natural and commodity.

Subsistence farming is a way of organizing life in which everything necessary is produced by people themselves and only for their own consumption. This is the most ancient form of economy. It is distinguished by the use of mainly primitive tools of production, simple technologies. In a subsistence economy, there is no exchange of products and services, which makes it difficult to improve people's living standards.

A completely subsistence economy was led by the literary hero Robinson Crusoe, known to you. In conditions close to subsistence farming, the peasants of medieval Europe, India, and China lived. For many centuries, subsistence farming was characteristic of the inhabitants of the Russian village, nomadic pastoralists of the Asian and Black Sea steppes.

    If your family uses products grown by their own labor, can you say that you have a subsistence economy? What else does the family use to meet basic needs?

The main disadvantage of subsistence farming is low labor productivity. It, as a rule, made it possible to provide only the most basic human needs.

Natural production has been replaced by commodity production. This is a way of organizing the economic life of society, in which people, specializing in certain types of activities, produce goods and provide services for exchange with each other.

    Give examples of the specialization of people in certain types of economic activity.

Commodity economy, to a greater extent than natural economy, meets the goals of the economy - to satisfy the needs of people as much as possible. All produced products become goods intended for exchange (purchase and sale). Producers strive to increase labor productivity and improve the quality of goods in order to make a profitable exchange. People's awareness of the advantages of such a way of life led to the fact that the commodity economy, having replaced the subsistence economy, became predominant in the life of society.

Key players in the economy

The main actors in the economy are producers and consumers. It is easy to understand what role a person plays at the moment by the characteristics of the economic activity in which he is a participant. Andrey is a graduate of the Civil Engineering Institute. He created the firm "Architect" with his friends. Young people are building beautiful and comfortable country houses. Andrew is a producer.

After work, Andrey relaxes with friends in the Altair cultural and leisure center: he plays billiards, works out in the gym, and has dinner in a cozy cafe. Andrew is a consumer.

As we can see, the same participant in the economy can perform both roles.

Manufacturer - one who participates in the creation of goods or the provision of services. A consumer is someone who uses goods and services to satisfy their needs.

The producer and consumer in the economy can be both an individual and a group of people, an enterprise, a state.

The manufacturer is interested in organizing his activities in such a way as to obtain the planned result at the lowest cost of all the resources necessary for the production of goods and the provision of services. This allows him to earn income and develop his production.

    Having decided to earn money for traveling around the country, Peter and a friend opened the Urgent Photo salon. What is the economic interest of the salon organizers as manufacturers? What kind economic knowledge will they need to succeed and grow their business?

The consumer, in turn, seeks to derive the greatest possible benefit from the consumption of goods and services, while satisfying his needs at the lowest cost. The shopper's reliance on rational, rather than emotional, buying choices allows them to cut costs and save revenue.

The economic interests of the main participants in the economy are closely interrelated. The manufacturer strives to produce those goods that will find their consumer in the future. He is forced to focus on his requests and needs. The consumer, making his choice of a product or service, tells the manufacturer what, how much and what quality should be produced. Such behavior of the main participants in the economy makes it possible to carefully (economically) and reasonably use the available resources (material, financial, labor).

Let's check ourselves

  1. How does the economy serve people?
  2. What form of management most successfully achieves the goals of the economy?
  3. What is common and what are the differences between the economic interests of the producer and the consumer?
  4. How are the activities of the main participants in the economy interconnected?

In class and at home

Learning to make a rational decision

Why do we make certain purchases? Researchers divided buying motives into emotional and rational ones.

Emotional motives include: a sense of superiority (the need to be better than others), a desire to be different from others (the desire to buy fashionable, original things), a sense of comfort (the desire to make life easier), entertainment (the desire to diversify lifestyle), the need to simply bargain.

Rational ones include: savings (interest in a deal in terms of cost savings), quality (for example, the desire to purchase durable items such as a refrigerator, vacuum cleaner, tape recorder, computer with a guarantee for greater confidence in the quality of the goods).

Think about what, in your opinion, has the greatest influence on the formation of consumer motives: the state of the economy, advertising, the level of consumer income. Suggest and justify your options.

Economists advise the thinking consumer, when making his choice, to rely on rational motives in order to get the maximum benefit from the purchase. Try to heed this advice.

Analyze what motives prevail in you as a buyer. Do they have room for rational decisions?


The purpose of the lesson:

To acquaint students with the concept of "economy", as well as to develop ideas about its necessity.


To form an idea of ​​the economy as a sphere of society, its main manifestations and participants;

To reveal the role and importance of the economy in providing the most important needs and life of people;

Reveal the specifics and interrelationships of the main areas of economic about nomic life, the nature of the activities of its participants;

To help students learn the advantages and disadvantages of various forms of management (subsistence and commodity farming).

During the classes.

Organizational moment. Greetings. Good morning, guys. We are starting a new section of the textbook "Man and Economics". And the topic of our today's lessonThe economy and its main participants. (Slide 1) Write it down in your notebook. You see the lesson plan on the screen. (Slide 2)

1. What is the economy.

2. Why do we need an economy.

State the purpose of the lesson.

Let's remember:

What motivates a person to act? What are the in what are the needs of the people? What role does work play in society? What is created by labor?

1. What is the economy

Question to the class: What is economics?

With the manifestations of the economy you meet daily in but: you hear conversations at home and on the street about the prices of goods but ry, you learn about the size of the salary of parents, you read in g but zeta about taxes, you participate in the repair of school furniture, you buy food in the store. All these department b nye manifestations can be united by the general concept of "ek about nomika.

You already know from the 5th grade course that initially about in "economy" in translation from ancient Greek meant "management according to the rules, laws."(Slide 3) Over time, this concept has received a broader interpretation. So, for example And For example, the English writer George Bernard Shaw (1856-1950) argued: “Economy is the ability to make the best use of life”, and modern scientists e Lali concluded: "The economy is a system of their life support consciously built and used by people."

Getting acquainted with various economic phenomena or studying them in the course of history, geography, you can e It seems that this concept is considered in two meanings:

economics as an economy and as a field of knowledge. you m about you can offer your own options, how to add sl e following definitions: “Economy is knowledge about...”, “Economy is skills...”.

So, the author of the book "Economics" P. Samuelson suggests, n but example, the following definitions of the economy: the economy is: 1) activities related to exchange and monetary s mi transactions between people; 2) daily business life h the activities of people, their extraction of livelihoods e the existence and use of these funds; 3) establishment and implementation of consumption and production; 4) wealth.(Slide 4)

The following questions may be discussed: why and in torus offers different definitions? As in these definitions e various aspects of economic life are manifested in h no society? Which of the definitions with which you but komilis at the lesson, can be considered the most complete?

We started the conversation with private manifestations of economic e human life, but behind them you can see the most about more general processes and phenomena.

The main features of the economy are: proi s management, distribution, exchange, consumption.These processes are interconnected and have a periodically repeating character; they can proceed not only strictly sequentially, but also simultaneously, in parallel. Consider this on the example of satisfying one of the most important human needs - the need to eat bread.Tutorial on pp. 89 – 90.Baker using a specific technology, bakes, i.e. produces, bread. (Production.) The bakery supplies one part of the products to kindergartens, schools, and the other part to stores. (Distribution.) The store clerk sells bread, i.e., exchanges it for money, purchases but calves. (Exchange.) Students eat during school hours but fresh bread for breakfast. (Consumption.)

Let's complete the task (Slide 5)

Write the listed types of economic activity about sti in the corresponding column of the table: making Christmas tree decorations, drawing up a plan for family expenses for a month, breakfast in the school cafeteria, attending a bet to Makherskoy, payment of allowances to families for children, b lighting in everyday life, purchase of equipment for a camping trip.

Next, we will consider in more detail the characteristics of the main manifestations of economic life. Here p about we are trying to determine the role of the economy in the life of a person, of the whole society.Fizkultminutka.

2. Why do we need an economy

Remember how diverse human needs are in And clothing, housing, communication, health care, etc. Why Who needs to satisfy these requests and needs?Quite obviously - to ensure his life and de I value. The economy takes an active part in in meeting these needs, its goal is the maintenance and continuation of human life. For this, various about figurative products, goods, services are provided.

economic products,created using forms of organization or management such as nat at real and commodity.

Question to the class: Do you remember what subsistence farming is?

Natural economy -it is a way of organizing h nor people, in which everything necessary for life b information is produced by them and only for their own about th consumption. (Slide 6). This is the most ancient form of farming, using mainly primitive tools. h leadership, simple technologies. In subsistence economy there is no trade, exchange of products and services, which makes it difficult to improve the living standards of people.

Question to the class: What do you think is the disadvantage of this form of management?

The main disadvantage of this form of management is that s kaya labor productivity,allowing to provide only the most minimal conditions for survival. The lifestyle based on subsistence farming, although extremely difficult, is well known to the inhabitants of the Russian e jealous.

Question to the class: Do you remember what a commodity economy is?

Commodity economy -way of organizing economy And cal life of a society in which people specializing And engaged in certain activities, produce goods and provide services for exchange with each other.(Slide 6).

Question to the class: Why is commodity farming better than subsistence farming?

This form of farming is more about T meets the goals of the economy - to satisfy the needs of people as much as possible. All manufactured products about they are commodities intended for exchange. Prod about Parents strive to increase labor productivity and improve the quality of goods in order to make a profitable exchange. People's awareness of the advantages of such a way of life led to the fact that the commodity economy, having replaced the subsistence economy, became predominant in the economic life of society.

Subsistence farming is a low-efficient form of management and its preservation in the economy, how but vilo, is a brake on socio-economic developmentsociety, a separate country, a factor in the decline in living h no population. The development of society has led to the emergence of a more efficient and perfect form - a commodity economy, which allows you to better meet the needs of people.

3. The main participants in the economy.

We read the text of the textbook with the teacher's explanation, p.93.

To consolidate, we complete the tasks: (Slide 7).

1. You are going to have breakfast at a fast food restaurant. at living (for example, at McDonald's). Apply to this situation the concepts of "goods", "producer", "consumer", "exchange".

The conclusion about the relationship and interdependence of the goals and results of the economic activity of its main participants deserves special attention. Deeper understanding and understanding about It will help to discuss the following questions: what is it in Does the consumption of goods and services affect production? Does the level of consumption depend on the level of production?

Homework: § 8,

on "4" and "5" question number 2, 4 from the rubric “in the classroom and at home” on page 96. (Slide 8)

If you have free time:

Question to the class: Tell me, please, have you ever bought goods? Have you ever wondered why you make a particular purchase?

The task: Recall that you or your family members bought any three items. Using the material from the “Knowledge for Every Day” section, analyze what costs e battalion motives influenced the choice of one or another t about vara, and determine how rational the choice was. Think about whether you need to change something in your strat e gie buyer. If yes, then what?

Product Name

Consumer motives




one . What is the economy. P. Samuelson offers the following definitions of the economy: 1) activities related to the exchange and monetary transactions between people; 2) daily business life activities of people, their extraction of livelihoods and the use of these funds; 3) establishment and implementation of consumption and production; 4) wealth.

one . What is the economy. Production Distribution Exchange Consumption Making Christmas decorations, planning family expenses for a month, breakfast in the school cafeteria, visiting a hairdresser, paying family allowances for children, using lighting in everyday life, purchasing equipment for a camping trip.

2. Why do we need an economy. Subsistence farming is a way of organizing people's lives, in which everything necessary for life is produced by them themselves and only for their own consumption. A commodity economy is a way of organizing the economic life of a society in which people, specializing in certain types of activities, produce goods and provide services for exchange with each other.

3. The main participants in the economy. You are going to have breakfast at a fast food cafe. Apply to this situation the concepts: "product", "producer", "consumer", "exchange". How does the consumption of goods and services affect production? Does the level of consumption depend on the level of production? A manufacturer is someone who is involved in the creation of goods or the provision of services. A consumer is someone who uses goods and services to satisfy their needs.

Homework: : § 8, on "4" and "5" question No. 2, 4 from the heading "in the classroom and at home" on page 96.

Product name Consumer motives Conclusions emotional rational

A man buys something in the canteen, puts on clothes, buys tickets in public transport, children listen to adults talk about prices, wages etc. - these are all economic processes, and they directly affect people.

The economy is a system of life support consciously built by people, it is a system of using those resources given to a person by nature or physical capabilities. It is built in such a way that the maximum human needs are satisfied. Human life consists of those needs that are provided by his daily life.

Scientists distinguish two areas of economic activity: economy (management of everyday life, its organization) and science (a specific field of human knowledge that studies the management of this economy). Science is divided into separate elements: macroeconomics (studies global processes), microeconomics, etc.

The economy as housekeeping is a private type of economy. Its main task is to answer the question: “How can the amount of funds that a person has or the resources of his family be used in the most rational way in order to obtain the maximum amount of benefits?” General characteristics economics in terms of scientific knowledge, consists of the main elements of the study of economics, which were identified long before our time. They will be taught in high school.

Economic activity has 4 main components: production, distribution, exchange and consumption of goods and services produced by man.

All these elements are closely related. For example, a phone manufacturer transports products to stores (distribution), which sell this product for money (exchange), it is used by those who bought it (consumption). So all these elements interact with each other.

Human life consists of many desires that a person tries to satisfy. In different economic epochs, these needs changed: during the war, a person needs only a roof over his head, which protects him from the cold, but during a favorable political situation, a person is not satisfied with elementary needs, he wants frills.

Scientists distinguish two types of satisfaction of human needs: natural production and commodity production.

Natural economy

Subsistence farming as a type of economic production was characteristic of the countries of Western and of Eastern Europe during the Middle Ages (the period of medieval studies). This is a period of history when most peasant farms tried to manage on their own. They not only produced everything they needed themselves, people even believed that it was wrong to use products produced by other people - this was contrary to the divine picture of the world. In the Middle Ages, people made with their own hands everything that could be useful in everyday life: glue, household appliances, dishes, etc. The variety of such things is huge, because each owner made and invented such things practically from scratch.

Subsistence farming is considered a primitive (initial) stage of development economic relations, but it should be noted that at that time the creative potential of man was very high.

Natural production is a type of production in which a person creates everything necessary for life. All students are familiar with the novel by D. Defoe "Robinson Crusoe" (Fig. 2). This work presents a type of subsistence farming. The hero of the novel creates a civilization around himself from things that were thrown onto the island after the crash of his ship.

Rice. 2. Robinson Crusoe ()

In reality, it would be difficult to organize one's life in this way, although subsistence farming has existed for quite a long time in human history. There is one big minus in subsistence farming - very low rates of production and limited opportunities. An individual person can do well only a specific thing or several, but he is not able to cover the entire range of benefits he needs.

Commodity production is a type of production in which a large number of people take part, and this production has a clear distribution of responsibilities. The participants in commodity production are the producer and the consumer of the commodity. Although the consumer does not produce the product, he is fully involved in the economic process and is part of it. The manufacturer of the goods will not produce what the consumer does not need. If one of the manufacturers began to make dresses that were fashionable in the 18th century, no one would buy them. This means that the manufacturer must always meet the interests of the consumer (Fig. 3).

Rice. 3. Everything for the buyer ()

The consumer is trying to rationally use his resources, which means that he will try to buy the best quality product at a lower price. The manufacturer must ensure that his product is cheaper and better quality. Thus, in the struggle between different manufacturers, competition is born. The economy is a tough race, whoever cannot stand this competition loses.

Economics is a complex science, but it studies the processes that happen to people every day. There are a limited number of resources on earth: material resources, minerals, labor opportunities. The main task of economics is to understand how to make a limited amount of resources serve people in the best way.


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  2. Nikitin A.F., Nikitina T.I. Social science 7. - M.: Bustard.
  3. Lazebnikova A.Yu., Koval T.V., Strelova O.Yu. Social science 7. - M.: Mnemosyne.
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  1. When did you first encounter economic processes? How are you involved in the economy now?
  2. Do you think a subsistence type of economy could exist now? Write down your findings.
  3. Write an essay on the topic: "Economy in my life."
  4. * Using Internet resources, conduct a study: what cars are most often bought by Russians (several brands)? Consider what factors influence this. How can domestic car sales be improved?

Economy and its participants

7th grade. Social Studies

Ushakova L.A., teacher of social studies, secondary school No. 518 of St. Petersburg

Lesson plan

  • What is the economy.
  • The main spheres of the economy.

    2. Why do we need an economy

    Subsistence and commodity economy

    3. The main participants in the economy

What is an economy? Economics - translated from ancient Greek: "house" and "rule", "law", literally - "rules of housekeeping" Find how the dictionary explains the meaning of the word "economy". Economics Economy Field of knowledge Complete the definitions: Economics is skills ... Economics is knowledge about ... The main areas of the economy:
  • Production
  • Distribution
  • Exchange
  • Consumption
  • Illustrations in the textbook, pp. 130 - 131
Name the sectors of the economy: Which of the manifestations of economics do we observe in these texts?(Work in groups with handouts) Why do we need an economy An economic product is a product, product, service that satisfies a particular human need Forms of organization (management) of the economy:

Natural economy

commodity economy

Subsistence farming is a way of organizing people's lives, in which everything necessary for life is produced by them themselves and only for their own consumption. ? If your family uses products grown in the country, can it be argued that you have a subsistence economy?
  • "Journey to the Past" - textbook, p. 132? What are the disadvantages of subsistence farming?
A commodity economy is a way of organizing the economic life of a society in which people, specializing in certain types of activities, produce goods and provide services for exchange with each other. Give examples of people specializing in certain activities. Key players in the economy Producer

parent- one who participates in the creation of goods or the indication of services.

one who participates

in the creation of goods or the indication of services.

one who uses goods and services to satisfy his needs.


? Can one person be both a producer and a consumer at the same time, i.e. play both roles?
  • What is common between producer and consumer.
  • What are the differences?

Manufacturer is interested in organizing its activities in such a way as to obtain the planned result at the lowest cost of all the funds necessary for the production of goods and the provision of services

Consumer in turn, seeks to derive as much benefit as possible from the consumption of goods and services, while satisfying their needs at the lowest cost

Fill the table Internet sources Presentation template: Monopoly game: Emoticon with a question: Picture of the "fundamentals of the economy": Natural economy: 1). 2). Road transport: Internet sources Commodity economy: Eating child: Cheese making: Manufacturer: Consumer: Seller and buyer (exchange): Man with a question Literature

Textbook "Social Science" for grade 7, edited by L.N. Bogolyubov, L.F. Ivanova

A.V. Pozdeev "Lesson developments in social science for the teaching materials of L.N. Bogolyubov. Grade 7."

Moscow. "Wako", 2010

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