Change the password of the alpha bank credit card. Pin-code of the alpha-bank card

Ensuring the safety of funds is a task that Alfa-Bank successfully solves. The maximum possible protection of plastic cards is provided when they are issued, at the moment they have a special function that ensures the security of transactions on the Internet (3dSecure). And to protect bank cards when working at ATMs, Alfa-Bank uses a PIN code - a simple, reliable and proven method. Is it possible to change the PIN code at the request of the owner, and what should I do if I forgot it? All useful information on this topic, you will learn from the article.

What is a PIN

This is a code number consisting of 4 digits, which is known only to the owner of the plastic card. When working with an ATM, he asks for this password, and only then allows you to carry out any operation, be it a simple account check or a transaction. How to find out the PIN code in Alfa-Bank? There is only one way to do this: open the envelope in which you were given bank card, there the treasured combination of numbers will be indicated. Each client of Alfa-Bank using cards of any type (credit, salary, debit) is warned about the privacy policy regarding the pin code.

Confidentiality at Alfa-Bank

A mandatory way to protect their money for bank card holders is the complete confidentiality of information about the PIN code. What does this mean in practice?

If you have forgotten the PIN code of the Alfa-Bank card, you can always look at it in the envelope issued with the card.

And there are simply no other options. Therefore, even when issuing a credit card (or other plastic), the bank specialist focuses the owner's attention on the fact that the envelope with the PIN code must be kept out of the reach of strangers. To prevent an attacker from gaining access to your money, do not recommend:

  • Carry the card in an envelope or an envelope in a wallet (bag) along with the card;
  • Leave the envelope in full view of strangers (even if we are talking about people close to you);
  • Share the password with someone;
  • Rewrite it and store it with the map.

These are elementary security rules that prevent the disclosure of secret information (code numbers) and protect finances in case of theft / loss of the card.

Is it possible to get a PIN code from bank employees

Is it possible to find out the PIN code of the Alfa-Bank card from employees in case of loss of the envelope? The answer is unequivocal: no! This is the privacy policy of Alfa-Bank: no employee can know your password. If the owner has forgotten it, and, at the same time, has lost the envelope with this information, you should contact the bank with a corresponding request.

What to do if you forgot your PIN

There are two options:

  • Order a card reissue service.
  • Recover the password over the phone after the identification procedure (the service began to operate from 10/16/2014).

It is useless to contact employees if the Alfa-Bank client has forgotten the PIN code, asking them to provide the current password!

They simply do not know him, and also cannot access this information. Change password by phone hotline» takes place automatically, without the participation of bank employees. That is, the privacy policy also applies to such a convenient way to restore / change code numbers.

Replacing and restoring the PIN code

For the convenience of customers, Alfa-Bank specialists have developed a program that can change or restore the code numbers of the password from the card.


Until recently, to the question: “How to restore the PIN code of Alfa-Bank?” the answer simply did not exist. The only option was to reissue the card with "binding" it to the old account (the number of the bank card itself remained the same) and receiving a new password. After the introduction new service for automatic recovery of the PIN-code, such an opportunity has appeared. How to restore the PIN code of an Alfa-Bank card over the phone? It's quite simple: you call the hotline with a corresponding request, the operator identifies you as a client (mandatory procedure), and then redirects your request for automatic recovery of the PIN code.


For those who find the given combination of numbers in the password inconvenient, it became possible to change it in Alfa-Bank. How to change the PIN code so that it contains a combination of numbers that will be easier for the owner to remember? Take advantage of the automatic change / restore service, which was introduced for the convenience of users. A request to Alfa-Bank to "change the PIN code" is made by phone by the "hot line" operator.

Get ready to go through the identification procedure (answer questions about your personal data). This is a guarantee that an outsider who has taken possession of someone else's card will not be able to use the password change/recovery service. After that, in automatic mode, choose a new, convenient for you, combination of numbers.

Do not forget that when changing, you will need to specify a valid code, that is, the process of changing and restoring in automatic mode are different procedures. Therefore, clearly indicate to the hotline operator what you need: change the PIN code of the Alfa-Bank card or restore it.

Alfa-Bank bank card blocking

An additional way to secure money on bank card and protect them from the actions of intruders - its blocking. A person who does not know the PIN code will not be able to use the card after three unsuccessful selection attempts, as it will be automatically blocked. That is why the combination of password numbers (if you chose it yourself when changing) should not be simple, for example, consisting of four identical or consecutive numbers.

Even if the owner has forgotten the PIN code and entered the wrong combination 3 times, the result will be the same: blocking. The Alfa-Bank ATM will consider an incorrect PIN code entered three times in a row as an attempt to gain unauthorized access to finances and will automatically block the card. To unlock it, the client will need to visit the Alfa Bank branch with the necessary documents: a passport and an agreement.

The specialist will be able to unlock the bank card in the presence of the owner. In this case, the password will remain the same. Therefore, before visiting the branch, look into the envelope and remember the valid PIN code in order to gain access to money.


As you can see, Alfa-Bank cares about the convenience of customers, simplifying any procedures as much as possible and introducing Additional services without forgetting about safety. For any question related to the service, you can contact the experts. Although the employees of Alfa-Bank will not be able to tell you the PIN code (valid), they will do everything necessary so that the owner can again use his card without hindrance.

Protecting the finances of its clients is one of the main tasks of Alfa-Bank. Therefore, special protection mechanisms are configured for each product or service. The most demanded service of the bank is the use of plastic cards, for the protection of which a PIN code is used. When an Alfa-Bank client receives such a product, he is given a PIN code from him along with it.

What is a PIN code and what role does it play?

A PIN code is a combination of four non-consecutive digits that is entered in a special ATM window before each money transaction. The ATM itself asks for its input after the card is inserted, before selecting the operation. That is, you need to enter the cherished numbers not only in order to withdraw money or replenish your account, but also just to see your balance. Therefore, after receiving the PIN code in the envelope, it is advisable to remember or write it down.

What to do if you forgot your PIN

If you have forgotten or lost your PIN code, it does not make sense to contact bank employees with a request to find out and return it. No one has such information and authority. The code is automatically selected for each new payment instrument, sealed, and only its owner opens the envelope with it.

If the PIN code is lost, there are the following scenarios for the development of events:

  • Find an envelope with a code.
  • Remember him.
  • Restore PIN through the bank's phone.
  • Reissue card.

If attempts to find the envelope with the code were unsuccessful, you can try to remember the combination of numbers that you have probably entered more than once. Three attempts are available for this at the ATM. This option is suitable for those who are not sure about only one or two digits. If you do not remember anything, do not enter random combinations. After three attempts to enter the code incorrectly, the card will be blocked for a day.

PIN code recovery

Until 2015, the answer to the question of how to change the PIN code on the Alfa-Bank card was one - no way. The only way not to lose your card was to reissue it. But now there is a code change service through a call to the bank. For this you need:

  • Call Alfa-Bank at one of the numbers listed on its website or in the client's questionnaire. There are two numbers - for Moscow and other subjects.
  • In the menu, select the desired one - "PIN-code setting".
  • Tell the operator all the identification data so that the bank is sure that the payment instrument really belongs to you. Most often, the following information is required: the full name of the owner, the number of the card, the code for which is lost, the code word.
  • Come up with a new code.

To avoid having to change your PIN again, come up with one that is easier to remember.

Replacing the pin code

If you think that the PIN given to you is too difficult to remember, and it is not possible to carry an envelope with you, you can change it. This service is available in Alfa Consultant, as well as the recovery of a forgotten PIN. To change the old code to the new one you need:

  • Call Alfa-Consultant at the number for Moscow or the regions.
  • Select the service "Change the old PIN-code".
  • Give the operator information about yourself and your banking product.
  • Come up with a new combination of numbers.

A self-generated PIN code is much easier to remember.

Card reissue

  • Contact the bank office.
  • Call the Call Center.
  • Fill out the form in Alfa-Click online.

You can pick up the finished product only at the office.

Applying to the office

To order a reissue at the bank office, you need to come to one of the branches, get a coupon and inform the bank employee about your intention to reissue the card. He will prepare everything Required documents and tell you about the timing of the production of a new product.

Making an application through the Call Center

To file an application through the Bank's Call Center, you need to call 8 800 200-00-00 and inform the operator about the purpose of the call. After clarifying the identification data, you will be informed that the application has been accepted and your card will be ready by a certain time.

Making an application through the site

To use the card recovery service through Alfa-Click, go to your Internet Bank ( Personal Area) with username and password. Then, in the "cards" section, select "order cards". After choosing the type of product, you need to fill out a questionnaire: the name and type of card, the name of the owner, currency, city and department where you want to deliver the finished product.

The system notifies that the card will be ready in 5 business days maximum. If you agree, confirm the order. The application will be sent to the bank's mail.

Reissue terms

The card, the PIN code for which is lost, is restored approximately as much time as indicated when ordering a reissue on the Alfa-Bank website, that is, within 5 days. But other dates may be given in the office or by phone.

The time for manufacturing and sending the finished product to the branch where the customer will pick it up may be longer than the standard period in the following cases:

  • Mistakes were made when filling out documents for reissue by a bank employee. To prevent this from happening when making an application by phone, name the data clearly and clearly. In the office - check yourself before signing the documents.
  • The tariff or card type changes. In this case, the bank employee must warn about a possible increase in production time.

Reissue cost

Reissue of a card with a lost PIN code is free of charge. But there are exceptions for some products. So, there are tariffs for certain credit cards, for which a commission is charged. Information about the cost of the card should be clarified before registration.

1. PIN code - what is it?

A PIN code is a four-digit code number, which consists of numbers, in order to identify the cardholder. As soon as the card has been inserted into the ATM, it automatically requests a pin code and only then it is possible to carry out any operation: checking the balance or transaction.

2. Security in Alfa-bank

When opening a debit envelope or credit card, the document will contain the owner's personal PIN code.

Alfa-Bank warns about the security policy regarding the pin code.

If the client has forgotten the pin code from his card, then you can find out the code number in the envelope in which the card was issued. There is no other way to find out and remember your personal PIN code.

That is why a bank employee when issuing a credit or debit card emphasizes the need for the envelope to be kept out of the reach of strangers.

In order to prevent fraudsters from gaining access to funds, you need to:

  • Keep the card in an envelope, and the envelope itself in your wallet.
  • Do not forget, do not leave the envelope in full view of strangers, even relatives.
  • You cannot rewrite the PIN code and carry it along with the card.
  • Under no circumstances should you tell it to anyone.

Alfa-Bank cards are owned by several million of our fellow citizens. The bank offers the widest range of debit and credit cards with various bonus programs. This is probably why most potential customers apply for the release of plastic here. The card is a safe and reliable payment instrument, as all transactions with it are protected by a PIN code. This is a combination of 4 digits required to identify the client. But sometimes there are situations when cardholders ask themselves: “I forgot the password for the Alfa-Bank card, what should I do?”. In this case, you can recover the data. In this article, we will review all the available options.

Password recovery methods

This situation can happen to every client. But, most importantly, do not panic, first of all, the PMN code was indicated on the envelope in which the user received his plastic carrier. If it is not possible to restore your memory, you can find an envelope and look at the data there. This is perhaps the easiest and most accessible password recovery method for every client.

Some clients are helped by another way, how to remember the password and not recover it. To do this, you can try to conduct a transaction through an ATM. Sometimes visual memory helps the user to remember the PIN. But if you still cannot recover the data, then you need to know other ways to find out the PIN code of the Alfa-Bank card.

Methods for recovering a PIN code through a bank

Alfa-Bank makes servicing card customers as comfortable as possible. Because absolutely anyone can forget the PIN code. Here you can recover data without leaving your home by phone number. To do this, we present a short instruction:

  • you need to call the customer support service at the hotline number 8 800 200-00-00;
  • after listening to the voice menu, you need to select "Performing an operation and setting a PIN code";
  • after that, you will need to connect with the operator and identify the person, the client may need passport data and a code word;
  • at the end on the keyboard mobile phone you need to set a new PIN code and confirm it.

By the way, this method can be used if the client wants to change the PIN code. For example, he had suspicions that third parties could receive this data and the client fears for the safety of his funds. In another option, there is another way to change the PIN code on the Alfa-Bank card. To do this, you can personally come to the bank. But in order not to waste time, it is wiser to use this option.

Is it possible to pay for purchases without a PIN code

Sometimes the PIN code is forgotten exactly at the moment when the user is going to make a payment transaction. You can pay for the purchase without a PIN code, but only if the card is equipped with a built-in one-touch payment module. In this case, it is enough to bring the plastic rectangle to the payment terminal, there is no need to enter the PIN code.


So, how to set a PIN code on an Alfa-Bank card? To do this, you need to call the customer support center and inform the operator of your intention to change the PIN code. If for some reason this option is not suitable, you can personally contact any branch of Alfa-Bank. You must have your passport with you. This service is provided free of charge.

PIN code (otherwise Personal Identification Number) is a combination of four digits used to protect finances on a plastic card when working with terminals and ATMs. As a rule, this password from the card is known only to its owner.

How to find out the PIN code from the Alfa-Bank card?

This four-digit combination is indicated in the letter received by the client along with a credit card, debit or salary card. Bank specialists recommend that customers remember the unique code and never disclose it to others.

If you decide to write it down on a piece of paper, never carry it along with your card. In this case, when stealing a wallet or a bag in which it is stored, you risk giving attackers access to your account.

If you have forgotten your PIN number, the most reliable way get to know it - get acquainted with the documents that supplement the card (they are transferred to the client in a special envelope).

How to change the PIN code on the Alfa-Bank card?

Changing the four-digit password may be required in a situation where the client has lost plastic card, cannot remember the code or suspects that this information became known to outsiders.

In the first case, you need to order a card reissue, which is carried out by Alfa-Bank free of charge. The exception is certain fares to which this rule does not apply (for example, for Ural Airlines - Visa cards of the Gold category). The same should be done if the card was stolen.

New map issued to the client in an envelope, which also contains a unique PIN code set by the bank. If necessary, this password can be changed (for example, if the user cannot remember a new four-digit combination).

It is possible to change the PIN code from the Alfa-Bank card:

  • by calling the company's round-the-clock call center;
  • through an ATM.

In the first case, the client must go through the identification procedure. Only after that, the call center employee will direct him to change the password for the card in automatic mode. It is worth noting that you yourself choose the code that will be used to protect your account.

There is also a function to change the PIN code, but it can only be used by customers who know the password for their card. To change a four-digit number, you will need to insert your card into an ATM, enter the current code, select the desired service from the menu and enter a new PIN code.

How to recover a PIN code on an Alfa-Bank card?

Since the autumn of 2014, the bank has been providing the opportunity not only to replace, but also to restore a previously forgotten PIN code by contacting the call center at 8 800 200-00-00. The service of interest is provided around the clock.

To recover the password from the card, the client needs to confirm his identity. For this purpose, the call center employee specifies the following information:

  • name of the caller;
  • date of his birth;
  • card number and expiration date;
  • codeword.

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