On the statement of "Natalie Tours" on the suspension of operating activities. Rostourism excluded the legal entity "Natalie Tours" from the register of tour operators

In connection with the large number of requests from clients of the Natalie group of companies to the Association "TURPOMOSCH" with a claim for reimbursement Money from the fund personal responsibility, we draw your attention to the fact that to date, Travel Agency Natalie LLC, Panorama Tour LLC, Soglasie Tourism Center LLC, which are part of the Natalie group of companies, have not announced the termination tour operator activity, and, consequently, the customer of the tourist product currently has no legal basis for sending the relevant requirements to the Association "TURPOMOSCH".

At the same time, we recommend that tourists from the above companies comply with the established legislation. sequencing:

  • 1.Before the official announcement the tour operator on the termination of the tour operator's activities, tourists' claims for payments can be presented to the tour operator judicially with the use of Art. 15 of the Law Russian Federation from 07.02.1992 No. 2300-1 "On protection of consumer rights", as well as Art. 151 and Articles 1099 - 1101 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.
  • 2. If the tour operator officially declares about the termination of tour operator activities, the injured tourist must contact insurance company tour operator for monetary compensation (Articles 17.4, 17.5 of the Federal Law 132-FZ of November 24, 1996 "On the basics of tourist activities in the Russian Federation").
  • 3. If insurance company funds to pay insurance compensation under a tour operator's liability insurance contract was not enough, the tourist has the right to apply with the appropriate application to the Association "TURPOMOSH" for payments from the personal liability fund of the tour operator (Article 11.6. Federal Law 132-FZ of November 24, 1996 "On the basics of tourist activities in the Russian Federation").

For information:

    Tour operator information LLC "Panorama Tour" were included in the Unified Federal Register of Tour Operators (hereinafter referred to as the Register) by order of the Federal Tourism Agency dated 09.09.2016 No. 393-Pr-16.

    The registration number of the tour operator is PTO 017843.

LLC "Panorama Tour" has a total amount of financial security of 50,000,000 rubles.

Insurance contract civil liability tour operator No. 433-036763 / 17 dated 09.06.2017 SPJSC "Ingosstrakh", the period of validity of financial security from 16.08.2017. until 15.08.2018

Civil liability insurance contract of the tour operator No. 433-038463 / 18 dated 05.06.2018. SPJSC "Ingosstrakh", the period of validity of the financial security from 16.08.2018. until 15.08.2019

    Tour operator information LLC "Travel Agency" Natalie " were entered into the Unified Federal Register of Tour Operators (hereinafter - the Register) by order of the Federal Tourism Agency dated 02.04.2018 No. 130-Pr-18. Registry number of the tour operator PTO 000736.

    Scope of tour operator activity: domestic tourism, international inbound, international outbound tourism.

Travel Agency Natalie LLC has a total financial security of 50,000,000 rubles.

Civil liability insurance contract of the tour operator No. 433-019351 / 18 dated 01.06.2018, SPJSC Ingosstrakh, the validity period of the financial security is from 01.06.2018 to 31.05.2019.

The basis for the payment of insurance compensation under the tour operator's liability insurance contract is the fact of causing I am a tourist of real damage due to the failure of the tour operator to fulfill its obligations under the agreement on the sale of a tourist product duewith the termination of tour operator activities due to the inability of the tour operator to fulfill all obligations under contracts for the sale of a tourist product.

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