Buy corporate dms. Voluntary health insurance for employees: dealing with taxes and contributions

Voluntary health insurance (VMI) is a great opportunity to expand the social package for your employees. Our qualified specialists will develop an individual program of voluntary health insurance, meeting the requirements of a specific team in accordance with your requirements. Further:

  • We will hold a tender
  • We will carry out an examination of programs and contracts
  • We will accompany you at all stages until the completion of the contract.

Benefits of insurance for business owners

Currently, VHI services for legal entities very much in demand in the market. This is largely due to the benefits that business owners receive when insuring the health of their employees for corporate terms. The cost of insurance for legal entities in such cases allows you to save up to 30% of the budget, since insurance premiums reduce taxable income. Such conditions are much more profitable than obtaining insurance for each person individually.

Other benefits of VHI for legal entities:

  • reduction of loss of working time (with insurance, payments for temporary disability leaves are reduced);
  • increase in labor productivity;
  • strengthening business reputation;
  • increase in the attractiveness of the company in the eyes of employees, their motivation and stability of the team;
  • tax incentives.

Benefits of VHI insurance for employees of legal entities

A voluntary medical insurance policy is an opportunity for individuals (employees of an organization) to use qualified medical care. Medical services are provided at the expense of the insurance company, and employees can save their own money.

Voluntary medical insurance for legal entities opens wide opportunities for employees:

  • help of qualified doctors;
  • diagnostic examinations on modern equipment;
  • ambulance and resuscitation services;
  • disease prevention measures;
  • dental services.

Benefits of our services. Prices

We also offer:

  • accident insurance;
  • travel insurance;
  • international health insurance;
  • treatment services in any country.

The calculation of the cost of VHI for legal entities is based on the list of services provided, the level of the clinic, and the procedure for hospitalization. The age and health status of the insured, risk factors (for example, harmful working conditions) are also taken into account.

Without dental treatment, the price for 1 person per year is from 15 thousand rubles. When included in the list of dentistry, the cost of a package of services increases to 30-70 thousand rubles.

Estimate the cost of VHI programs for legal entities will help you special calculator on the site. We also provide consultations and select the best ready-made options for companies with the number of employees from 1 to 11, from 11 to 100 and from 101 for free.

The term voluntary health insurance raises many questions, since at the legislative level this issue is covered very briefly. What does VHI mean for employees of an organization? How is this issue regulated between the parties of labor relations? What are the benefits for employees?

What is VHI for employees

VHI insurance for legal entities implies that the company enters into an agreement with an insurance organization to provide its employees with medical services that cannot be obtained under a regular policy.

In other words, the enterprise acts as an insurer for its employees in the event of certain events.

The list of medical services that an employee can receive depends on the following factors:

  • the insurance program chosen by the employing company;
  • employee position;
  • his work experience at this enterprise, etc.

That is, an employer can provide its employees with a different number of additional medical services, or generally provide for VHI only for certain categories of employees, for example, management staff. The only nuance that he must take into account here is that it is impossible to provide or deprive an employee of this service for reasons that may discriminate him (by gender, race, age).

Benefits of VHI for company employees

Why do companies need VHI payment what does it give her, besides the additional costs of insurance premiums? VHI acts as a tool that increases the attractiveness and competitiveness of an enterprise in the labor market, and, accordingly, gives it the opportunity to attract highly qualified workers to its staff who will be interested in working at this enterprise.

Benefits that will be received by employees of a company that provides for voluntary medical insurance:

  • the opportunity to seek medical help in a paid medical institution;
  • undergo an examination by narrow specialists without a queue and free of charge;
  • be able to take expensive tests for free;
  • get medical care at home, etc.

The list of all services provided can be practically unlimited and depend only on the insurance program that the employer chooses.

Another indisputable plus is that insurance conditions often allow the use of a VHI policy for relatives of employees, as a rule, children and spouses.

Contract of voluntary medical insurance

After the employer has chosen an insurance company and decided what list of services he needs, a voluntary medical insurance contract is concluded. A sample of such an agreement is not legally approved and, as a rule, insurance companies independently develop for themselves standard contracts or make it individually for each client.

Each contract must contain the following information:

  • data of the parties;
  • insurance program, that is, a list of insured events that will be paid by the insurer;
  • the cost of insurance, that is, the amount that the company will pay to the insurance company;
  • the amount that will be paid to cover the costs of a particular insured event;
  • medical institutions to which a sick employee can apply under this agreement
  • contract time.

As mentioned above, this contract will be signed only by the employer and Insurance Company employees have nothing to do with it. For them, all the conditions of VMI are prescribed in the employment contract.

Is VHI valid after dismissal

Since additional medical services are provided to employees as one of the advantages of working in a company, it is quite logical that VHI ceases to be valid for an employee after dismissal.

But at the same time, there are cases when the local regulatory documents of the employer contain an option in which even a retired employee can use additional medical services until the end of the contract. Most often, a policy is issued to an employee for 1 year, until the end of the VHI policy, the retired employee uses its capabilities, without its subsequent prolongation.

In this matter, the decision depends only on the desire of the employer.

VHI expenses in tax accounting

The insurance premiums that the employer pays for voluntary health insurance can be attributed to the expenses of the enterprise, which reduce the taxable base for income tax. However, some conditions must be met:

  • the amount of payments related to VHI, which may reduce profits, should not exceed 6% of the wage fund;
  • The VHI agreement must be valid for at least one year.

All companies can use this right, including those that are on a simplified taxation system.

VHI for a patent

Separately, it is possible to allocate VHI for foreign citizens, for them this policy is mandatory when obtaining a patent to work in the country.

In this case, they pay for the policy and choose insurance programs on their own. This is necessary, since these categories of workers, not being citizens of the country, are not entitled to a compulsory medical insurance policy. You can read more about VHI for foreigners in our article.

VHI policy is an optional type of employee health insurance that an employer uses to attract highly skilled workers. All conditions of VMI are determined only at the discretion of the employer.

Voluntary medical insurance (VHI) – social protection citizens. VMI guarantees fast and high-quality medical care for citizens, thereby maintaining their health and well-being. Each employer must clearly understand what VHI is for employees, be aware of its benefits for the organization, as well as the specifics of this insurance system.

The management of the organization issues an order on voluntary medical insurance for employees, appoints those responsible for selecting an insurance company and concluding an agreement with it. local normative act employees are informed about the conditions, the amount of voluntary insurance, the list of additional services, signs the procedure for issuing VHI policies. The employer introduces people to a suitable insurance program, explaining the process of obtaining VMI, which is important for them.

After the insurance company is selected, the possible conditions are agreed upon, a written application is prepared to its address about the desire to conclude an agreement. All terms of the agreement are also negotiated with the insurer.

The maximum amount of deductions in favor of the insurer should not exceed 6% of wage costs.

Lists of those wishing to receive a voluntary insurance policy are prepared for the insurance company, their personal data are provided. These lists will be an integral part of the insurance contract.

How to conclude an agreement

When concluding a contract, it is important to consider the following points:

  • insured events for medical care;
  • the maximum amount for the treatment of each employee;
  • rules of service in a medical institution;
  • list of clinics offered by the insurer;
  • list of insured diseases;
  • term of the agreement.

When buying a corporate VHI package, an employer needs to choose the optimal insurance program and meet the funds allocated for insurance. After concluding an agreement with an insurance company, the employer makes changes to the collective agreement of his organization. First of all, it is worth considering offers with discounts, which are sometimes practiced by insurers.

Timely and high-quality medical care helps to increase the efficiency of the team

Algorithm for choosing a suitable program:

  • analyze the average age of employees;
  • compare the incidence rate;
  • conduct a comparative analysis of medical institutions in the region.

For family members

The employer can also organize voluntary medical insurance for the employee's family members. An employee can insure his close relatives: wife/husband, children, parents.

The leaders of most large companies understand that medical problems is an important task. Its solution guarantees trust and improved performance. Family packages are cheaper and health is a must.

Exist insurance programs for retired parents, for the children of employees and the ability to insure one of the parents or children. Family packages are also standard and extended. AT modern world The popularity of family insurance is only increasing.

How the voluntary insurance system works

Currently, employers often organize a voluntary insurance system to motivate and support their employees. How does the DMS system work? Having such a policy, a person without problems and queues can go to the clinic to which he is attached to receive medical services. It is even possible to call an ambulance for a fee. At the same time, the insurance company will control the quality of service and cover the necessary costs.

If the health problems are minor, then the insured person can apply directly to the recommended clinic. In case of a serious illness, you will first have to agree on all costs with the insurer and receive a letter of guarantee from him.

Pay Money in the event of an insured event, only medical organization who provided services. The transfer of funds to the insured person is not provided.

Acquisition VHI policy currently very profitable. Small new companies with a stable income should not refuse to conclude a voluntary medical insurance contract for their employees. Voluntary health insurance, which is part of the social package, will help attract competent specialists to the organization and increase prestige. Thus, the employer will be able to improve the internal legal culture and protect themselves in the event of a long-term incapacity for an employee due to illness.

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Of all types of insurance, voluntary health insurance ( VMI employees) can be attributed to the most complex and one of the most important. Many years of experience of our company's specialists in the field of voluntary medical insurance allows us to minimize the risks of choosing a low-quality insurer and provide a high level and prompt service to our customers.

In addition, we recommend including accident and illness insurance in the social package. We can safely say that this symbiosis completely protects against unforeseen health-related expenses. And this fact significantly increases the loyalty of the team to the employer.

Voluntary medical insurance of legal entities.

Health insurance for employees is not only cost-effective, thanks to the provision tax incentives, a way to solve the problem of protecting the health and preventing diseases of employees, but also an important component of the image of a successfully developing company. As well as an effective tool for attracting or retaining highly qualified personnel.

The number and variety of medical services provided under the voluntary medical insurance of employees differ depending on the chosen insurance program. Each company chooses the necessary services for itself individually, based on its own needs and budget, and may include the following types medical care:

  • the possibility of calling a doctor;
  • inpatient treatment in the clinic;
  • ambulance services;
  • the possibility of obtaining services of a cosmetologist;
  • drug supply;
  • dental services;
  • services of pediatricians and other children's doctors;
  • provision of certificates for sanatoriums, certificates for universities, medical certificates for visiting the pool and other recreational activities.

The cost of a policy for legal entities depends on a number of factors, such as:

  • the level of medical institutions providing medical services;
  • list of necessary medical services and their scope;
  • Availability VIP services(usually for the most valuable employees and management of the company);
  • the number of insured persons;
  • the presence of chronic diseases;
  • age and gender of the insured.
Estimated cost of VHI
OptionOptions for filling insurance programs
outpatient care + + + + +
Help at home (call a doctor at home) + + + + +
Dentistry + + + +
Ambulance + + +
Stationary service according to emergency indications + + +
Stationary service for
planned indications
The minimum cost of the program 10000 r. 15000 r. 20000 r. 25000 r. 30000 r.
Maximum program cost 200000 rubles 220000 r. 250000 r. 270000 r. 310000 r.

Corporate health insurance for employees

the main task corporate VHI- Concern for the health of employees. VMI tools allow solving this problem at a higher quality level. But this does not mean at all that high quality is high cost, given the current downward trend in the cost of VHI.

Insurance companies have hundreds of contracts with medical institutions. These are both commercial medical centers and public health institutions. We help our clients make optimal choice medical institutions and draw up a program of voluntary medical insurance in such a way that it meets the needs and requirements of a particular team.

Services provided by our company as part of voluntary medical insurance

  1. Holding a tender for VHI (drafting a quality request for an insurance company, recommendations on medical institutions, examination of programs, audit of the contract);
  2. Solving administrative and organizational issues when concluding and maintaining an agreement (speedy receipt of policies, passes, changes in the payroll, own accounting of the insured);
  3. Provision of information on the procedure for providing medical services to the Insured (organization of the relationship between specialists of the insurance company, medical institutions, assistance companies, duplicating the function of the control panel of the insurance company);
  4. Control over the fulfillment of the terms of the contract;
  5. Quality control of medical services and assistance in non-standard situations;
  6. Organization of services prescribed by a doctor in third-party health facilities if it is impossible to provide them in the selected clinic.
  7. Settlement of disputes between the Insured, medical institutions and the Insurance Company, if any.

We also offer the possibility of concluding a contract of voluntary medical insurance with coverage in Europe and North America. This program developed with the participation of the British insurance company BUPA.

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