How I help build a successful bank. Bank: career start and prospects

The bank employee is a fairly broad concept, which includes economists with various levels of knowledge and skills, ranging from simple cashiers to managers. But any such employee must have a special education in the field of economics. The more qualified a bank employee is, the more opportunities he gets when moving up the career ladder.

How are bank employees represented?

Relatively recently, bank employees were represented as conservatively dressed, calm men who have a higher education, and they can speak correctly. Such employees immediately after graduation came to work in a credit organization with the aim of working there all their lives and becoming a leader.

Today this stereotype is no longer relevant. Bank employees are mostly women and are much more common among managers. And work in a bank in positions is no longer just about shifting pieces of paper, it has a greater focus on selling bank services.

What are the main requirements?

Before joining the service, a bank employee's resume must be drawn up, just like any other. Even in the absence of experience, it should indicate the relevant economic education.

To work in a credit institution, it is necessary to count well and quickly, to navigate in any documents, and also to have sufficient attention and perseverance. One of the most important traits of any bank employee is responsibility. Most of the employees of credit institutions work every day with clients of various categories, ages and incomes.

Therefore, to work in a bank, it is necessary to have a balanced character so that communication with people is always calm. An important quality that any bank employee should have is patience, as well as stress resistance, since he must calmly accept unexpected non-standard situations in order to retain customers and earn a reputation.

What is the salary in the bank?

The salary of a bank employee can be completely different. Cashiers receive the smallest of all, despite this, this position is the most responsible of all. But the position of a cashier is the very first step in climbing the career ladder. Most of the bosses in various financial organizations started with her. Middle managers have the highest earnings, not counting executives. They work with customer acquisition because they get a good premium for them.

Is it worth working at a bank?

We can say that a bank employee is engaged in a varied, prestigious and interesting job. As a rule, with the help of such work, a reliable one is provided. But such activities require a high level of professional competence and communication with clients in various, sometimes difficult situations. Moving from one bank to another is not at all frowned upon, especially if it is done to build a career. In some of these institutions, people who come from outside work in leadership positions, and not those who have worked for a given bank for a long time.

What knowledge and experience is needed?

As for knowledge, the profession of a bank employee requires mandatory knowledge of all information about banking services and products. Employees are required to be able to offer a banking product, for example, open an account, get a loan or make a deposit. Here everything will depend on how well the employee is guided in these issues, respectively, in this regard, it will increase in this regard.A person should constantly study new materials and sell any banking products or services if he is sure that they are of high quality and well navigate all the risks and opportunities that are associated with it.

Another requirement that a bank employee must meet is commercial ability, positive communication with customers, and conversation. This suggests that the employee must be able to cooperate with the client and create partnerships with him. Not a single client can remain indifferent if they are treated tactfully, sensitively and attentively.

Most banks are trying to attract young people to work, as they penetrate into market relations much faster and easily adapt to them. Modern bankers believe that people who are more than forty-five are used to getting paid without much straining, since they still remember the old system. This does not apply to every person.

What are the advantages of working in a bank?

  1. You can always officially go on study leave with annual leave, maternity leave or sickness. All this is paid by the bank.
  2. You have a stable salary, bonuses and various additional payments.
  3. excellent: it is clean, quiet, modern technology is installed, comfortable furniture, there is a buffet, a medical center, and so on.
  4. The work is carried out on a computer with Internet access. But here it all depends on which particular banking department you work in.
  5. Permanent schedule and established working hours according to the regulations.
  6. The order for admission to the position necessarily stipulates your working hours, and if for any reason you have to work overtime, then you can safely ask for an additional payment. Although this question is more subjective, since it all depends on the policy pursued by the bank's management. But work in excess of the norm will not be permanent.
  7. Constant communication. You will be surrounded by a large number of people who are bank employees and clients. Accordingly, working in a bank is working with people.

Disadvantages of working in a bank

  1. Strict dress code. We'll have to forget about all kinds of jeans and T-shirts. You need to dress mostly in uniform - and wear formal clothing.
  2. Five days a week you are at your workplace, so only weekends are given to solving personal problems, or you have to leave them until vacation or shift them to others.
  3. A large number of superiors. If you are a simple employee, then several different bosses may stand over you, who at any time may contact you with questions, ask you to present any document or convey any instructions.
  4. If the bank is small, then perhaps it is "family". That is, you will immediately be offered a good salary, but only a relative or close acquaintance of the founders will take a high position.
  5. If you do not work with money, then you are responsible for documents related to the movement of funds, securities and customer identification.

When choosing the profession of a bank employee, be sure that you will always have a job, since there are a lot of banks, and specialists are required everywhere. The whole difficulty lies in the fact that by choosing such a profession, you are deprived of freedom, that is, the opportunity to work for yourself.

As you may have noticed, this profession has many advantages and disadvantages. In this case, the choice will depend only on what priorities and goals you pursue in life. If they turn in the direction of the bank, then over time you yourself will analyze the features of such a difficult job.

Working in the banking sector is not easy and will require maximum effort. You should not expect to be immediately accepted for a high rate, and fast career growth in the bank is not guaranteed. In order to break higher, you will need to become a highly qualified specialist, and not only in your direction.

A significant advantage of modern banks is that a senior student, a graduate, and even an older person can get a job. Previously, it was simply impossible to get into the banking sector. Where to start and what to rely on?

First steps towards a career

Education. Education, as they say, is the beginning of beginnings. And, if you have made the decision to build your career in banking, think about getting as close to this direction education. This can be accounting and auditing, enterprise economics, international economics, and so on. Naturally, banking will be the closest, but in general, any economic direction will do.

Desire and perseverance. If you are getting an education in this specialty only in order to earn big money in the future, then stop doing it and find another specialty. Learning and work should be fun, your eyes should be on fire when you talk about what you are doing. Otherwise, nothing will come of it.

Employment. It may happen that the first time you try to find a job, you will not be accepted. Do not despair and panic. Return home and start calling the head offices of banks, there they will be able to tell you about the availability of vacancies and the necessary requirements. You can also go to bank branches in your area and talk directly to employees. Vacancies are usually reported in all branches. Agree to any position that will be offered to you, it doesn't matter if it is a call center employee, cashier or sales manager. By the way, if a sales manager is offered, agree without hesitation. This is the position that allows you to climb the career ladder very quickly.

Work, work and work again

High quality and fast service. Even if you are currently a cashier, do your best. In any bank, the cashier is offered to register the sales of the products of this bank. Communicate with customers, advertise products, say that you yourself use it and are very satisfied, and at the same time, do not forget that you must work efficiently and quickly. The more positive ratings you get for a service, the sooner you can start thinking about a promotion.

No narrow specialization. Try to learn as much information as possible and constantly improve. Study the bank's products, how they work, what are the benefits of using these products. Help customers at the branch, perhaps you have self-service terminals, study them thoroughly to help customers. And most importantly, try not to redirect the client from specialist to specialist, make every effort to resolve his issues yourself. This will provide you with a good reputation and invaluable experience.

Education and self-development

Training in the corporation. Often, large banks send their employees for training or professional development. Grab this opportunity! Ask to be sent more often to trainings and seminars, if any. Use every opportunity to gain new knowledge and new experience. By the way, quite often banks provide access to the internal library. Be sure to read the books that are in these archives.

Selfeducation. In addition to corporate training, we strongly recommend paying attention to the courses in English and various trainings for personal growth. Learning and improving English will allow you to communicate with foreign clients and easily solve their questions. Perhaps you will become the only person in the bank branch who knows perfect English. Of course, this will have a beneficial effect on the speed of your growth in the corporation. Personal growth trainings will allow you to become more self-confident, teach you how to correctly prioritize and achieve your goals. Be sure to consider getting additional business education. If your goal is a leadership position, additional skills and professional knowledge are essential for you.

Be prepared for the fact that the first time you after employment, you will be constantly busy. Learning new responsibilities, additional courses, a huge amount of literature - all this will take up a lot of time, but in the future it will bear huge rewards. Be persistent and trust that everything will work out!

- Can I count on career growth?
- Sure you can!!! But it only depends on you ...
- And what exactly depends on me? ...
- Well ... if you are not able to determine what depends on you, then how are you going to work?

... And indeed, no one will explain to a job seeker in a bank how he will work, and most importantly: why?

The personnel policy of banks is designed to actively attract young specialists, and they have every chance of getting a job, even if there is no special education and work experience in the banking industry. But where to start and what area of ​​work to choose as a good start to a career in a bank?

A determined and positive-minded candidate is likely to be very happy with promises of career advancement, but this does not mean that in the future he is immune from disappointments associated with a lack of prospects. You need to correctly compare your desires and capabilities from the very beginning, independently determine which is more important - a permanent place of work, prestige or the presence of real growth prospects?

Career start and bank prospects

The motivation of more ambitious young people is determined by the desire not only to get a job, but also to achieve high results, and this is normal. However, "painted in oils", bright prospects can not only confuse, but also force you to step on a rake, "carefully" placed by personnel managers and experienced bank employees themselves.

How to build a career in a bank?

The specifics of working in a bank implies the presence of pitfalls, both for university graduates and for other inexperienced young people, even if they already have entries in the work book, know how to work in a team, are quite responsible and disciplined.


Until recently, the university faculty of the economic specialty "Finance and Credit" and the qualifications obtained in modern special banking schools were considered an ideal higher education suitable for a narrow profile of banking. But, in spite of the entire volume of knowledge that such training programs offer, students of the faculties of "Financial Management" have much more chances build a career in a bank.

This is due to the fact that management covers the widest range of work of any commercial financial institution in general, focuses on ways to achieve maximum profit results using various technologies. Banking products and services - loans, cards, checks, deposits, transfers - are the same products, on the successful implementation of which the normal functioning of a universal bank depends.

Therefore, the bank also has a sales plan, and most importantly, methods are being developed to achieve effective financial indicators. In a word, managers have the greatest understanding of such categories as financial planning and forecasting, development, investments, innovative technologies, while service personnel and ordinary accounting employees do not take any part in financial management.

The first thing an inexperienced young specialist can count on, including those without special education, is working with clients - individuals, in operating rooms. Customer service requires a strong psyche. Frequent customer complaints about impolite communication can slightly undermine the employee's reputation.

Service cashier individuals.

However, high-quality service does not guarantee career growth at all. Due to the constant turnover of personnel, the demand for the cashier's employees is constantly increasing. This is due to both low wages and a busy work schedule. A sliding shift schedule means that a specialist will not be able to plan his free time, adjust the vacation time to himself, and also insist on being released from work during sessions and exams.

Therefore, if the training has not yet been completed, then you will have to choose between work and the quality of education. However, students of correspondence and distance learning institutions can count on good practice, obtained in a bank division: making deposit and cash transactions, transfers and payments, practical application in the work of banking legislation.

The most positive result that an operator can achieve in the next year is a transfer to the category of a leading or senior specialist. But due to the turnover of personnel in a rather young team, and the efforts made by more experienced colleagues to teach a newcomer to work with primary client documents and an automated system, this may be the end, and the possibility of transferring to bank departments is practically reduced to zero. ...

Therefore, it is better not to use the position of a specialist in servicing private clients of a bank as a start to a career in a bank. After all, nothing makes an ambitious young employee more upset than wasted time.

A somewhat different perspective has an "accountant-operator" serving legal entities... This work is more responsible and requires deeper skills. The amount of transactions is significantly increasing, the terms of their execution are sharply limited.

For example, a non-cash payment between the supplier's bank and the recipient's bank. Violation of the deadlines for the execution of payment documents is fraught with consequences, since commercial enterprises settle among themselves under contracts for the provision of works and services, and delays in payments due to the fault of the bank lead to fines.

Operations accountant for legal entities.

The work of a clerk serving legal entities allows you to directly participate in a very important process in which almost all departments of the bank are directly or indirectly involved: the mechanism of interbank settlements and relations.

Various schemes of non-cash payments, working with card files No. 1, No. 2, interaction with tax authorities, with bailiffs in the execution of payment requests and collection orders, the sequence of payments and cash symbols - all this forms the necessary layer of knowledge that will be useful in further work in departments of the bank.

Prospects - follow-up control department, customer settlements department, interbranch settlements department, passive operations departments, deposits department, deposit department, that is, everyone involved in working with the bank's resource base. Under very favorable circumstances, there is a prospect of becoming the manager of one of the bank's branches for customer service, subject to impeccable knowledge of banking regulations and legislation.

As for the "accountant" of the accounting and reporting department, internal accounting or internal control, such a position is more beneficial for specialists exclusively in the accounting profile. The bank has all the characteristics of a commercial enterprise that acts like any economic entity: pays taxes, fines, rents premises, purchases and maintains equipment, has expenses for advertising, transport, mail and repairs, calculates salaries for employees.

Therefore, a young specialist should be aware that if the painstaking routine work of an accountant contradicts his “stormy temperament”, then in this area of ​​work he will not achieve any tangible results. "Creativity in accounting statements"Is not allowed! Unless a smart accountant comes up with some new way to cut taxes ...

The desire of a careerist to be distinguished by initiative does not make sense, only special care is required, constant monitoring of changes in regulatory accounting documents and unconditional subordination to the senior accountant, deputy chief accountant, chief accountant ... The hierarchy of the banking structure is fully manifested here.


But if a young specialist not only perfectly knows numbers, but also really finds this job attractive, knows how to independently analyze and apply in practice any changes in accounting legislation, that is, the prospects for growing not only to the chief accountant, but in general, - to take a managerial position at enterprise in any field, without waiting for someone to pay attention to him with a proposal for an increase.

The only question is, is there a desire to take on an even greater responsibility than before? Real accountants "by nature" have always been appreciated, so they prefer to find jobs in completely different institutions or have their own small business. Therefore, career prospects from the internal control department or accounting and the reporting of a specialist who just wants to "gain experience in the bank" is unusually small.

Credit specialist.

The most famous position where a young specialist can take full initiative and present himself as a valuable employee is a “credit officer”, in some cases “a credit counselor”.

The ultimate goal of the loan officer is to fulfill the business plan. The greater the volume of loans issued, the greater the bank's operating income, the greater the return in the form of interest paid and profit. Therefore, it is necessary to have such an ability as - to sell. The activity in expanding and developing "own" client base is especially appreciated. Having a successful sales experience and meeting targets in other areas will come in handy more than ever.

If an employee does not know how to make a banking product attractive in the eyes of a potential borrower, and sell this product as soon as possible, he may not count on the prospects for further growth. Whatever the number and volume of loans issued to customers, more capable and successful employees are bound to compete.

If a young professional does not have such a gift, it is better to refuse such positions. The pitfall of this area of ​​work is that sometimes there are circumstances in which the fulfillment of planned targets is unattainable, that is, it is a consequence of a decrease in the credit activity of the population. The demand for loans also depends on the refinancing rate The central bank, and from his credit policy, and from the state of income of citizens in general.

That is, the abilities of an employee, for reasons independent of him, may be underestimated by the management. A drop in demand for consumer loans may arise spontaneously, after the bank has calculated the targets and predicted the possible profit. However, there are vital goods, the demand for which practically does not change, just as the need for money for their purchase does not disappear anywhere. Therefore, a competent approach to customers will play a role, for example, in retail outlets - the so-called "remote workplace".

Prospects - work in the credit department of a bank, work related to determining the solvency of clients, work with credit documents, a specific section of the settlement department, where interest is charged and debited from customer accounts and credit transactions are reflected in the bank's balance sheet, active operations department.

The most attractive in terms of prospects are the foreign exchange department, stock department, dealing, investment and valuable papers... The activities of the departments aimed at making a profit through operations in the stock, foreign exchange and financial markets are associated with a huge risk, therefore, professionals work in these areas.

If an inexperienced specialist counts on such a vacancy, then he will fail. Without work experience in this area, the candidacy will not be considered, and the appearance on the labor market of an advertisement for the search for a candidate without experience is quite fantastic.

However, this does not mean that such vacancies "do not exist in nature." The mere absence of vacancies in the labor market makes it impossible to learn about its existence. But life goes on; employees come and go, departments shrink and expand, women go on maternity leave. The main weapon of a young careerist is awareness.

But, unfortunately, this applies not only to "profitable acquaintances." There are cases when HR managers, after consulting with the manager, are not averse to hiring a young, purposeful and "promising" employee. But at the interview, the candidate is not able to explain why this particular area of ​​work interests him, and most importantly - what does this department do? ...

For example, it is logical to assume that the securities department deals with "securities." However, this is not quite true. The activities of the securities department are aimed at actively investing in the most profitable securities, it implies trading on the stock exchange, as well as the issuance of its own securities, for example, bills of exchange, in order to attract additional Money.

If a young man shows brilliant theoretical knowledge and insists on testing, then he has the opportunity to interest the employer.

Bank analyst.

Experience as a currency trader and a clear understanding of what the Forex market is, increases the chances. If fluctuations in exchange rates bring a substantial profit to the bank, it is the merit of the professionals, the most valuable and highly paid specialists of the bank - analysts. An analytical mind and the ability to make decisions are the key to a successful career in the bank. The talent of an analyst is perhaps the only thing that does not require any patronage or other ways to achieve the position of a top manager and satisfy one's ambitions.

In the meantime, a young specialist “from the street” with a dubious level of knowledge dreams of a career in the bank with the most suitable positions for himself, employers prefer to heed the recommendations of their colleagues, middle and senior employees, focusing on their friendly and family ties.

Bank vault.

So it was and will be, which is quite consistent with the personnel policy of banks, and even, oddly enough, is spelled out in some modern literary sources - textbooks on organizing the work of the bank. The reason is the idealized goal of creating a close-knit friendly team, minimizing the appearance of dishonest, suspicious individuals and financial fraudsters.

It's time to draw conclusions about a career in a bank.

The lack of incentives in the quality of the wages offered by banks to young specialists somewhat reduces the prestige of this profession, but this should not stop real careerists.

The only thing that complicates the process is the distortion of the growth prospects that exist in one area or another during the initial hiring, since young people are not yet able to determine how a promising job differs from a veiled proposal of personnel officers to “patch the gap” in the bank's staff.
You can make a career in a bank. But it's very difficult. Like any other, if the magic of authorities is not used.

Solution " Agile (Scrum, Kanban)"(Hereinafter the Solution) is a system of classes (references), parameters, settings, functions and report templates that complement the basic functionality of Business Studio. Developed using the MetaEdit module and the Report Wizard.
The solution can be installed (integrated) into any database created in the current version of Business Studio, regardless of the volume of information filling.
Thanks to the Solution, now the organization does not need to purchase several software products for different functions. All functions for flexible management of business processes, projects and tasks can be successfully performed within one database in Business Studio.
This gives the following benefits and benefits.
1. Saving money.
2. Saving time.
3. There is no need to synchronize and integrate different software products and databases.
4. Systematic approach. The ability to create a complex business model (business architecture) in which all components will be interconnected.
5. Taking full advantage of the process approach.
6. Possibility by example (for example). Solutions to create your own new classes, lists and parameters in MetaEdit, report templates in the Report Wizard.

Solution Users
Due to the multifunctionality of the Solution, it will be useful for all divisions of the organization, primarily for the following: management of business processes and methodologies, information technology management, strategic and organizational development management, personnel service, project office, business (product) divisions, quality and standardization service ...

Algorithm of work and use of the Solution
Stage 1. "Scheduling tasks"
The management methodology is chosen - Scrum or Kanban.
Working groups (teams) are created and roles are assigned (for Scrum - product owner, Scrum master).
A complete list of all tasks / requirements (backlog) for the process, product or project is filled in.
For each task / requirement, first of all, it is indicated: assessment of labor intensity, priority.
Links are made to the basic Business Studio guides.
For the Scrum methodology:
- the directory "Sprints" is filled in
- from the tasks / requirements of the "backlog" type, the most priority ones are selected for inclusion in the sprint, the properties (card) of the sprint are filled in, the status of "sprint backlog" is set for tasks
- the number of tasks that a Scrum team can take in a sprint depends on its average performance over previous sprints (velocity)
- tasks are selected for implementation and the status "in progress" is set for them
For the Kanban methodology:
- the directory "Kanban Stages" is filled in
- from the tasks / requirements of the "backlog" type, the most priority ones are selected, and their status is transferred to the first stage of implementation (in order: planning, development, testing)

Stage 2. "Execution and accounting of tasks"
According to the frequency (for example, every morning, depending on the chosen methodology):
- meetings of the working group (team) are held
- current results are discussed and task parameters are adjusted (first of all, priorities)
- task statuses change
- in sprints, the actual labor costs for tasks for the past day are put down
- new tasks are created

Stage 3. "Controlling tasks"
Filters and built-in report templates are used to control tasks.
- The "Sprint Scrum Board" report uses the control of the actual execution time of tasks and the Burndown chart
- The reports "Kanban Board in Excel format" use the control of restrictions on the number of tasks at each stage (status)

How to build a career in the banking sector

Working in the banking sector has always been considered prestigious. In addition, the bank is an excellent place for professional development and career growth. However, there is also such an opinion that it is impossible to get to work in a bank (and make a successful career in it) without being “elected”. We decided to find out whether an “ordinary” candidate can get a job at a bank, what qualities he should have and what are the first steps in building a career in financial institution... Alexey Iodko, HR Director of ZAO Raiffeisenbank, answered our questions.

Company information: Raiffeisenbank is one of the most reliable banks. Representative office in Russia has been opened since 1996. He is a member of many organizations and associations (Association of Russian Banks; International Chamber of Commerce; American Chamber of Commerce in Moscow, Russia, Inc., etc.). Today Raiffeisenbank has 9661 employees. The company is always interested in attracting both experienced and novice specialists.

Do all candidates have the opportunity to get a job at the bank, or is work in this closed structure available only to the “elite”?

We do not believe that Raiffeisenbank is a closed structure. We have the same approach to all candidates for any position. We employ specialists regardless of their gender, age, religion. Other categories are important for us - such as qualifications, education, work experience, desire to develop in the banking sector.

I suppose that it is not very difficult for young specialists with no work experience applying for starting positions to get a job at a bank. Difficulties may arise for applicants wishing to occupy higher positions. Please tell me how can applicants with no work experience start a career in a bank? How, from what specific position?

On my own behalf, I would like to wish good luck to all young people who want to build their careers in the banking sector. May you be successful in your endeavors!

The material was prepared by Elizaveta Ananyeva

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