How to find out a current account through Sberbank online. How to find out the current account of a Sberbank card

The differences between these concepts have a great influence on the meaning of the term itself. For depositors, current and personal accounts are of interest.

Definitions and differences

Payment account is an account that is created for a bank client in order to carry out business activities. It is designed to perform various kinds of financial transactions.


  • for reception Money from clients
  • for transfers to other persons
  • to pay for bank services (as installments on loans, etc.)
  • to store capital

The main category of users are individual entrepreneurs, organizations and legal entities that use it as a wallet for storing funds received for the provision of services or the sale of goods. At the same time, its details are public information. Funds can be transferred both by non-cash method (when paying with a client's bank card through terminal equipment) and by cash money transfer.

Registration of this account for legal entities is carried out on a paid basis. For individual it is opened for the transfer of wages and various kinds of social benefits.

personal account- This is a special unique number that is assigned to the client at the time of issuing a debit or credit. It is opened for the purpose of financial transactions between the bank and the owner. The intervention of third parties is not foreseen.


Only a natural person can be its owner. At the same time, commercial use is prohibited for him.

Sberbank current account - a bank account for non-cash transactions, storage and use of funds in solving financial problems. The rules for registration, the term and the package of documents are regulated by the internal rules of the credit institution. Sberbank account number- "key" to the account that allows you to identify the user, make withdrawals, deposits and transfers of funds. This number is created automatically after the registration of the client and entering data about him into the ABS database.

? With regard to Sberbank and other credit institutions, a number of methods are distinguished :

  • Through formalized agreements.
  • Through the call center of the bank.
  • According to the data indicated on the PIN envelope.
  • Personal visit.
  • Using Sberbank-online.
  • On the website of the institution.
  • Through an ATM (terminal).
  • Using a mobile application.

How to find out the Sberbank account number in documents?

When registering a current account or receiving a corporate card, a bank employee and a client sign an agreement. How to find out the current account number ? The algorithm is this:

  • Find the item where the details section is given (on the last page of the agreement).
  • On the left side there is a 20-digit code in the column where information about the account owner (cardholder) is indicated.

The method of obtaining data from documents is the simplest, but it is not always possible to find an agreement in a pile of documents. How else can you find information of interest?

call center

The number of the current account of Sberbank will be prompted by the hotline operator of the banking institution.

Required to clarify information :

  • Dial the number of a call center that works without interruptions. Phone - 8-800-555-55-50 (there is no charge for the call).
  • Press the "*" button to switch the device to tone mode.
  • Listen to the recommendations of the "robot" and wait until the operator of the center gets in touch.
  • Give information on a bank card, about the owner and a code word (phrase). The latter is prescribed in the application when making "plastic".
  • In case of successful identification, get the current account number.

PIN envelope

More and more banks are refusing to issue PIN-envelopes, preferring the personal installation of the code immediately after the card issuance. How to find out the current account number using this method? You need to find the 20-digit numeric code on the envelope. Do not confuse it with a 16-digit card number, because these are different things.

Personal visit

The easiest way is to personally come to the branch of Sberbank and find out what interests you. You should take your passport and corporate (other) card with you. After waiting in line and gaining access to the manager, you can expect to receive the following data:

  • TIN and BIK.
  • Payee.
  • Correspondent account.
  • Account number.

This is enough to transfer money or receive transfers from legal entities.

Sberbank Online

The easiest way is to find out the current account number online . Three conditions are required here:

  • The presence of an activated Sberbank-online service.
  • Registration in the system.
  • Access to a computer and the global network.

You can view your current account number online as follows:

  • Log in to your online banking account (ID required).
  • Select the section for obtaining information on the map.
  • Go to the transfer details section.
  • Record or print the received data.

The peculiarity is that information on salary or credit "plastic" is not displayed.

You can also get data through mobile app on a similar principle (only via phone).


Plastic cards are so necessary for people that almost everyone has them. However, as they are used, questions often arise. One of the most common is about the account number. It is not printed on the payment instrument, and sometimes this greatly complicates the life of customers. How to find out the account number of a Sberbank card if it is opened simultaneously with the issuance of a card and is not always announced to people? All funds are accrued on it: wages, scholarships, pensions, contributions and transfers. What methods to use?

What is a personal account

This is an accounting system that reflects the monetary relationship between an individual and a bank: deposits, accrued interest, expenses. Information is strictly confidential - by law, it is issued only to regulatory authorities upon their request. A personal account is 20 digits, which are not similar to the numbering on the card. The latter changes with each reissue, but the score always remains the same.

There are certain rules of the Central Bank. According to them, accounts of individuals begin with certain numbers, for example, with "40820", "42601", "40817". The 2 digits following them indicate the currency code, the 9th indicates the bank itself, the 10th to 13th digits indicate the division financial organization, and the last 7 are the individual client number.

What is the difference between a checking account and a personal account

The main difference between them is that the personal one is a bank account of an individual (taxpayer), and the settlement one is a legal one. Settlement is not used for savings or for the purpose of passive income. Legal entities need it for quick and reliable access to their finances via the Internet or a personal visit. Clients can deposit any amount and withdraw their money on demand. One person can open multiple accounts.

Another type of bank account is a correspondent account. It is sometimes necessary to know him and the BIC in order to transfer money to the organization. A correspondent account is needed for internal bank operations and direct settlements with other financial institutions. Not used by individuals. This account consists of 20 digits, with the same beginning for all - 301, and the last 3 duplicate 7-9 BIK digits.

Ways to check the account number of a Sberbank card

How to find out the account number? This requisite is the main one that will be needed for making payments and various types of transfers. Read more about what bank card details are. As noted above, you will not be able to recognize them just by looking at your map. However, there are several available ways obtaining the necessary information. We will describe how to find out the account number of a Sberbank plastic card in more detail.

In an envelope with a PIN code

Often a bank card is issued along with a special paper envelope. Inside it is a pin code. The account number is printed on the front. The issued envelope is black and white, impersonal - without the logo and name of the organization. Because of such an unremarkable appearance, it is very easy to lose or throw away. The number we are interested in is easily recognizable - it is long, has at least 20 digits. If a paper envelope is saved, there should be no questions about how to find out the current account.

At a bank branch

The bank branch is contacted not only for registration banking products, obtaining a loan, statements, concluding agreements, replenishing the balance or changing a payment card. They are also visited for further advice. If you cannot find out the account number in another way, you should contact the bank employees for help. You must take your passport with you. You will be printed out all the details, including the desired number. The only drawback of this method is that it takes time to travel.

In the form or contract

When applying for a card in Russia, customers always sign an agreement on opening and maintaining an account. One copy remains with the financial institution, the other with the individual. V this document the 20-digit account number is always indicated. It is just what you need for money transactions. Sometimes the account is put down in the questionnaire of the recipient of the loan, for example, or in the application for issuing a card.

By phone or email

One of the quickest ways to find out any information is to get through to the support service. To obtain information, it is worth preparing a passport in advance and remembering the code word. If the client has forgotten the control answer, the hotline staff will not help, since the account information is confidential. However, you can get information from them on how to find out the account number of a Sberbank plastic card in other ways, how to view card details in Sberbank online.

The official website provides a feedback form, which is also worth using. To get a prompt response, you need to describe the problem in detail, indicate your region and formulate the topic correctly. After clicking the "Next" button, you need to make sure that the application has been sent. After that, it remains to wait for a response.

Through the Internet using an online service

How to find out the details of a Sberbank card on the Internet? Registered users of Sberbank Online have the opportunity to perform many operations on their own: order details, make transfers, control payments, find out official rates currency, receive the necessary information on a plastic card. To use the service, you need to create an account. Next steps:

  • enter the program using the login and password;
  • enter a one-time password sent by a message to the phone;
  • go to the "Cards" section and click on the desired option (if there are several cards);
  • find the "Information" tab and find your number in the "General Information" section.

The online service allows you to perform transactions around the clock, regardless of the day of the week and date. The bank client does not have to go anywhere, sit in line or communicate with strangers. Operations are carried out almost instantly. Most importantly, the services are free. If you have any difficulties during work, we recommend watching a video on how to find out an account on a Sberbank card.

Through an ATM or terminal

If you know what card details are, use remote self-service channels from time to time, and have an idea of ​​what they look like, this method will suit you. It is convenient to use it abroad, where there are no bank branches. To find out Bank details, need to:

  • insert the card into the device;
  • dial your pin code;
  • in your personal account, find the "Information" box, then "Service";
  • click on the "Screenshot" button, get the full data (they appear on the screen).

Video: how to get the details of your Sberbank card

The video describes in detail how to find out your details and SWIFT code in the Sberbank Online program. The first information is required for domestic transfers, the second for international ones. Before making currency transfers, the announcer strongly recommends checking with the bank branch whether they accept them. Small units may not.

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To perform some necessary operations using cards, including using a Sberbank bank card, you will need to find out your personal current account. It may be needed when it becomes necessary to carry out some payment transactions, for example, send money to someone or receive money to your own account from another person. At the same time, the person who will transfer money will not be able to do this without knowing your current account.

If you have no idea where you can find out about the current account of the card - do not despair! There are several ways to get all the required information and complete the necessary operation. Since it is a confidential type of data that can be accessed only by the cardholder, it is simply impossible to find out without any necessary details. Despite this, it is not difficult to find out the settlement code if you have certain data. In addition, this procedure can be performed in completely different ways, depending on the situation and the opportunities that you have at the moment. How to find out the current account of the Sberbank card, consider below.

Envelope with a card

The issuance of a bank card to Sberbank customers takes place in a special envelope on which there is an official company logo. By printing it, you can find out the pin code. Your Sberbank payment card is indicated on this envelope. In the event that the envelope has been preserved and it is possible to take it, then finding the necessary numbers will not be difficult.

The invoice itself will be written on the front side of the envelope, namely in the column located just below the field where the name and surname of the owner are indicated. If you count, then this will be the third column from the top. Your current account consists of 20 digits.

Hot line

In the event that the envelope was lost or there is no way to get to it, but you have some other details, then you can call the head office of Sberbank by dialing 8 800 555 55 50. Calls within Russia to this number are made absolutely free even from a mobile phone, and you can call around the clock. Dial this number - and they will tell you how to find out the current account of the Sberbank card.

This happens as follows: a robot will greet you - listen to all the information and act according to the instructions. Soon you will be served by the released Sberbank operator, who should be informed about what exactly interests you and what problem has arisen. The operator will ask you to provide some data confirming that the card really belongs to you: you will have to tell the operator the name of the person who owns the card, its number and the secret word that is indicated when you fill out the necessary application for the purchase of the card.

The secret word should be pronounced very clearly, better spelled, in order to avoid misunderstandings and mistakes. If you name everything correctly, the system will definitely confirm your data, and the operator will inform you of the card's current account. If you provided any incorrect information or forgot the secret word, the operator will refuse to provide assistance and will not report the coveted numbers. In this case, the employee acts absolutely legally, since the main rule of any bank is confidentiality.

Bank branch and ATMs

If you do not remember the secret word or do not have the envelope in which you received the card, do not despair. There are several more ways to find out the current account of a Sberbank card. It is quite easy to find out the necessary numbers if you personally visit one of the bank branches. In order to provide you with the necessary information, you will need a document that confirms your identity and the card itself. Go to the bank operator and present your card and passport, after which the employee will tell you your current account.

You can just walk to any nearest ATM and find out your account there. When performing absolutely any operation at an ATM, the device screen always displays the account number with which the actions you have declared will be carried out. This number is the current account.

Provision of services via the Internet

If you have subscribed to the service Mobile bank” and you have Internet access, you can find out the account number in a matter of seconds. To do this, you need to go to a specialized resource. To log in, you must receive a number and password with which you will be identified on the Sberbank-Online website. You can see the current account of the card when you log in to the system on the tab that opens. You can get these details through a phone or any ATM.

Documents resulting from card payment

Without the help of Sberbank operators (and without visiting a bank branch), you can also find out about a current account. Dig into the documents, for sure you can find some kind of receipt for the payment through your bank card. If you find it, then you're in luck. At the bottom of the receipt, you can see your twenty-digit current account, which will definitely be indicated there.


If you didn’t save with the help of the Sberbank card, but saved, for example, an account opening agreement bank card, then you should get it, because on the back of your document in the details you can find the number of the current account of the Sberbank card.

As can be seen from this review, there are a large number of ways to find out the current account of a Sberbank card. However, it is better to keep such important information written down in a mobile phone or notepad that you usually carry with you. Of course, remembering a twenty-digit number is almost impossible, so you should at least write it down and have it on hand, because this information may be needed at any time. And it is not always possible to remember the secret word, go online or look at the contract with Sberbank.

In this article, we will tell you how to find out the current account of a Sberbank card online. We will tell you about various ways get this information, consider why you need to find out the bik and current account of the Sberbank card and much more. We will try to make our narrative detailed and detailed, so that anyone who reads can freely master the methods we have described. But first, we bring to your attention a kind of introductory part, in which we will explain what a Sberbank card account is and what it is eaten with.

Settlement account of Sberbank card

In our life, non-cash means of payment are increasingly coming to the fore. It is understandable why, because this method of transferring funds is very mobile and safe. But cashless payments require savvy. That is, if in the form of cash payments we know how to perform this or that procedure, then with non-cash finances we cannot always confidently declare that we are aware of all possible procedures. But one way or another, new knowledge in the field of cashless payments will expand your horizons, and today we will tell you how to find out the current account of a Sberbank card.

Usually, finding out the current account of a Sberbank card is required in order to subsequently transfer money to this same card. The current account of the Sberbank card consists of twenty digits. Usually, according to the rules Central Bank Russian Federation, the current account of Sberbank cards begins with the number four.

The first 5 digits of the current account of the Sberbank card are numbers reflecting the balance sheet of the banking organization

The numbers under the serial numbers 6,7,8 carry information about the currency in which the account is opened. Usually it is ruble currency, dollar or euro. The number under serial number 9 carries information about the control number, which is already determined by Sberbank. The numbers of the current account of the Sberbank card by serial numbers 10, 11, 12, 13 inform about the individual number bank branch where you registered the card. The numbers under the serial numbers 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20 are the personal numbers of the Sberbank client.

As a rule, the twenty-digit current account number of the Sberbank card is indicated in the papers when signing the contract. Why does a client need a Sberbank card account? We will not go far for examples - when, say, you are charged wages when you make money transfers for a "communal", when, in general, you transfer money to any companies for the service provided, when you are transferred money from a foreign country. And a lot more for which it is worth knowing the current account of the Sberbank card. So, let's now proceed directly to the answer to the question, how to find out the current account of a Sberbank card?

How to find out the current account of a Sberbank card through an agreement?

As we mentioned above, there are several ways to find out the current account of a Sberbank card, and we are glad to present you the first one - through an agreement. If you are attentive and serious about important documents, then you could not throw away your contract with Sberbank. Usually it is placed in a separate shipping envelope, where the card is located. If you found it, then you can be congratulated: the current account number is written right on the envelope. These are twenty digits that are written in your full name. If the envelope is lost, but the contract remains, then it will also allow you to find out the current account number of the Sberbank card. Look through its pages and find the treasured twenty numbers.

How to find out the current account of a Sberbank card at a branch

If you could not find out the current account of the Sberbank card through the agreement, then we present to your attention another method - through the branch of Sberbank. All you need for this is an identity document. You go to a branch of Sberbank and turn to an employee with a request to find out the current account of the Sberbank card. After presenting your passport, you will be printed out a paper in which you will see your current account. As you can see, this method is simple, but at the same time time-consuming, because there are often huge queues at Sberbank branches.

How to find out the current account of a Sberbank card online

These are not all the methods by which you can find out the current account of a Sberbank card. There is another method through the Mobile Bank service online. To do this, you need to have a Sberbank card that is connected and linked to the Sberbank Online option. You need to go to the official Internet resource of Sberbank online. To do this, you need to fill in the login and password fields, which will come to you in the form of an SMS message. After you log in to your Personal Area, you will find out the current account of the Sberbank card - it will be indicated directly on your page.

If you have this option and if you have access to the Internet, then this method is perhaps the easiest and fastest way to find out the current account of a Sberbank card.

Find out the current account of a Sberbank card through an ATM

Another way to find out the current account of a Sberbank card is to use a payment terminal or an ATM of Sberbank. How does this happen? It's very simple: you insert your card, enter your pin and complete any transaction. As a result, before confirming the action, your card account will appear on the screen, consisting of twenty digits. This method is good if you do not have Internet access, but you have a Sberbank ATM nearby, within walking distance. By the way, one more way should be mentioned here, how to find out the current account of a Sberbank card. If you still have any money transfer receipt or any check, then carefully consider it, because your current account number should be there.

How to find out the current account of a Sberbank card through a call to the operator

We have already given enough options on how to find out the current account of a Sberbank card, and now I would like to talk about the latter. It consists of calling hotline Sberbank 88005555550. Contact the operator, explain your problem and then they will tell you what to do

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