Reso Oms guarantee. Reviews about branches of health insurance reso-med

Good day! We have been issuing your policies for several years, once again I came to submit documents for myself and for a sick mother who could not come, called the branch that is located on Krasnoselskaya, they said you can only take her documents without a power of attorney, I arrived in fact, they said I needed a power of attorney, I left, wrote a power of attorney, they say it was possible without her, and upon receipt, you only need my mother’s temporary policy without a passport, the operator was a man! This is the first thing. Secondly...

I would like to express my deep gratitude to the lawyer of the medical insurance company "RESO MED" KUZNETSOV PAUL IGOREVICH and write my opinion. Pavel Igorevich provided highly qualified legal assistance, was involved in the preparation of all the necessary documents, and then represented my interests in the Resurrection Court. I would like to note the high level of responsibility as a company lawyer. THANK YOU VERY MUCH!

I turned to Reso-Med, I thought I would run for half an hour next to it, but it didn't work. Not only is it a sharashka, and in order to get there, you have to call from the checkpoint and wait, the aunts from the bazaar are still working, but they are trying not to weigh, but to cheat. I applied to issue a compulsory medical insurance and at the same time OSAGO. In my presence, other clients extended the temporary huts of the compulsory medical insurance, since a month has passed and nothing is ready. Further more: I issue OSAGO, the data does not break through, the verdict: you had a break and now the odds. KBM unit (about the fact that it was, I advised my aunt to take a break ...

We have been using the insurance services of this company for a year now, and there is some opinion about their work. Where to start, I needed car insurance, although before that I had been insured at Rosgosstrakh for a long time, and then I decided to try Reso. We have several offices of this company in the city. So when last year I insured a car in one of the branches of this company, me, and everyone who was waiting, was simply killed by these lines, in which you disappear for several hours. Okay, the deadline has come that year ...

Obtained a compulsory health insurance policy with this health insurance company. I want to say that we did not choose this company of our own free will, that it was, so to speak, a production necessity. In other words, I did not like either the attitude of the company's employees when preparing the document, or the deadlines themselves. They made policies for three and a half weeks, I think that these are very long terms and that they had to finish much earlier. But the most interesting story happened when I lost this ...

Disgusting company! I turned on Saturday to consult on the compulsory medical insurance. The answer of the insurance company: the CHI department works only on weekdays (from 9 to. - I don’t remember exactly). My child broke his leg with displacement, urgently need help, and the insurance answer: wait for Monday, then we will advise you!

Branch at the address: Moscow, st. Okskaya, 5, building 1. I came to the office to issue an OMC policy. Queue of two people. The premises are completely different from the office of an insurance company. An employee who deals with paperwork along the way sells anti-freeze, engine oils and spare parts. There is a warehouse in the tiny hallway. As a result, it announces that the database is frozen. It is necessary to wait for an unknown amount of time and a Gazelle with an anti-freeze protection immediately drives up. An employee is actively starting to unload the machine ...

Hello, I have been a client for many years, for the first time an insured event has come, so I faced the fact that documents are accepted from 10 o'clock to 17 o'clock during working hours for all people. In order to submit the documents, I need to take a day at work without pay h. etc., for which money will be deducted from me. Now we pay a lot of insurance, plus days for submission of documents! The insurance company will not make up for the expenses that I am losing. How do you propose to act! Ugliness. Per...

We were with my husband on July 20, he needed to pick up a ready-made policy. They wanted this procedure to go faster, because my husband had a severe toothache and after receiving the policy, he was going to see the dentist. So no, the girl (did not remember the name) on Moskovskaya started asking some stupid questions, although the signature of the insured person was enough. As a wife, instead of a husband, I answered her questions and made the remark that the person had acute pain, but that she kicked me out of the office and continued to blunt for another 10 minutes. Drive such heartless boorish!

On October 10, 2013 she applied to the RESO-MED branch in her city (Kungur, Gogol str. 3a). Regarding the replacement of the policy in connection with marriage and change of surname. The policy is still not ready! Half a year has passed, and I still go with a temporary policy, which expired on November 17, 2013 ??? Nobody can say when it will be ready. What happened? Why can't anyone explain to me when I get my policy? I have to give birth at the end of June, how can I go to the hospital without a policy?

Got into an accident. I was standing at the intersection at a red traffic light, a friend flew into me from the oncoming lane, like I was distracted. He also grabbed a typewriter for me, and that one more. In general, the engine turned out. Comrade, thank God, admitted his guilt, which solved the problem of coming to the traffic police several times. I turned to the culprit's insurance company - RESO. Before that, I was already in an accident, so I know the process of all this burden, and in insurance companies I have to sit in line and come there more than once. Turning to RESO, the kind employees ...

11/06/2013 filed an application to replace the compulsory medical insurance policy for herself and her son. When drawing up the documents in the office, they offered policies of the old and the new model, explaining that the old model would be done exactly in a month - 100%, and the new one would have to wait a long time. I agreed to the "old" one. Today, on 02/04/2014, there is still no policy, Nizhny Novgorod.

The presence of a compulsory medical insurance policy guarantees the receipt of a basic set of medical services in any constituent entity of the Russian Federation. You can issue it at any insurance company that has the appropriate license.
One of these companies is SMK RESO-Med.

general information

An insurance medical organization will protect the interests of a person and pay for medical services; you need to approach it responsibly.

There are 48 such companies operating in Russia today, 10 of which account for more than 80% of the market. In addition to the number of insured, there are other criteria for evaluating insurance companies: the quality of staff work, support for people in litigation with medical institutions and doctors, etc.

LLC "SMK RESO-Med" has been on the market for over 25 years. Today it is one of the leading insurance companies in Russia.

The organization has two licenses - to carry out activities on voluntary personal insurance and to provide insurance services for compulsory health insurance.

The company is part of the RESO group - one of the largest in the Russian insurance market.

The organization is a member of the Presidium of the Interregional Union of Medical Insurers and the SRO of the All-Russian Union of Insurers.

MSK RESO-Med operates in 11 regions of the country. The number of persons insured in the company has exceeded 6 million people today.

In accordance with the requirements of the legislation, in order to fulfill its obligations to the clients, LLC “SMK RESO-Med” has formed a statutory fund, the amount of which is 150 million rubles.

The block of shares of the enterprise is divided between two organizations - CJSC RESO Financial Markets (40%) and CJSC RESO Investment Company (60%).


The advantages of LLC "SMK RESO-Med" include not only the vast experience accumulated over more than 25 years of work, but also the professional team. Due to this, many controversial cases, in which the insured persons apply to the insurance company, are resolved without going to court.

Another argument in favor of RESO-Med can be considered the well-organized work of the organization to conduct an independent examination of the quality of medical care - for these purposes, highly qualified expert doctors with the highest category in clinical specialty or a scientific degree are involved.

RESO-Med pays special attention to the issue of communication with clients:

  • there is a round-the-clock hotline, through which insured persons can get advice on all issues of interest to them;
  • on the company's website there is an opportunity to issue an electronic appeal;
  • a written request can be sent by mail to the main office of the organization, and to the regional branches of the company.

The widespread use of modern technologies, the company quickly processes all requests and ensures that deadlines are met at every stage of the work.

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How to get a policy

The procedure for obtaining a compulsory health insurance policy includes two main stages:

  • the citizen submits documents to the insurance company and receives a temporary certificate;
  • within 30 days from the moment of the first contact, a policy is made, and on the second visit the person picks it up.

To get a policy, a person needs to go directly to the office of the insurance company or submit an online application on the organization's website. He can do this himself or through his representative.

In this case, a notarial power of attorney is not needed - in accordance with Article 185, Part 1 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, it is enough to issue it in simple writing.

There is an opportunity to apply for a policy via the Internet. On the website of LLC "SMK RESO-Med" there is a form for sending such an application. However, this service is available today only to citizens of the Russian Federation.

After submitting an online application, a citizen will need to provide the originals of the documents specified in the application to the policy issuing point within 5 days.

To check the readiness of the document, it is not necessary to contact the office of the RESO-Med company. This can be done remotely on the organization's website. To check the readiness of the OMS policy online, you will need to enter the data of the temporary certificate and indicate the region.

On the website of the insurance company, any interested person can check the validity of the compulsory medical insurance policy. To do this, you will need to specify the OMS policy number and region in a special form.

If the data is not found in the system - to clarify the information, you should contact at or in.

List of documents

To issue a policy, a citizen of the Russian Federation must provide a passport and SNILS (if any).

When contacting the office of "SMK RESO-Med" you do not have to fill out the application yourself - it will be done by an employee of the insurance company. In the event that the application is submitted by a representative of the insured person, you will need to provide a power of attorney.

One of the parents (or another legal representative) can issue a policy for a child. Registration is carried out on the basis of the child's birth certificate, SNILS (if any), the passport of the legal representative (but the child's grandmother or grandfather will need a power of attorney from the legal representative to perform these actions).

The issued insurance policy entitles its owner (this may not only be a citizen of the Russian Federation) to receive free medical care in Russia.

To provide such assistance, the presence of a policy on the patient's hands is mandatory. In its absence, you can only count on the provision of emergency medical care.

For citizens of the Russian Federation, the policy is unlimited.

For citizens of other states, refugees and stateless persons, the validity of the policy is limited - usually until the end of the calendar year.

In the event of a change in personal data, you will need to reissue the policy. You need to apply with the appropriate application within 30 days from the date of such changes.

In addition, once a year you can change the insurance company without giving any reason.

How to get medical care outside your region

All Russian citizens must have compulsory health insurance policies in their hands. More than 60 insurance companies and 200 of their branches, including 13 leaders, compete in this market in the Russian Federation. These include the RESO group of companies.

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Features of the policy in the company

When seeking medical care, it is important to be confident in the capabilities of your insurance company. RESO has been on the market for over 20 years. Today the number of clients of this insurer is about 6 million people.

RESO allows you to get the necessary information on the list of CHI services 24 hours a day, 7 days a week - RESO has its own round-the-clock dispatching services, in which people with higher medical and legal education work as operators.

The breadth of the regional network of insurance companies belonging to the RESO group covers the territory of Russia and abroad.

This means that the OMS RESO policy will be valid in countries such as Belarus, Ukraine, Kazakhstan and Lithuania. The RESO group of companies has its own service of medical experts - candidates and doctors of medical sciences.

Their main task is to work with clients of voluntary medical insurance, but within the framework of compulsory medical insurance they can conduct an examination of the medical services provided to a client, determine the level of their quality.

Having in your hands a policy of compulsory medical insurance RESO, in some medical institutions that provide, in addition to basic, also paid services, you can count on a discount when applying for money. For example, you can save 5% on paid prosthetics in the dentist's office.

RESO offers corporate programs for the insurance of employees for legal entities-employers in RESO-Med LLC - a group of specialized companies that carry out compulsory health insurance. It is possible for an insurance agent to visit the company.

How to get insurance

All insurance companies on the territory of the Russian Federation operate according to uniform standards determined by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Therefore, in order to obtain a policy of compulsory health insurance in the RESO group of companies, you need:

  • find the office of the selected insurer in your city. You can find the address you need by going to the website of the Regional Compulsory Health Insurance Fund of the region. It provides comprehensive information about all insurance companies operating in the region, their location and contact numbers;

The regional network of RESO covers more than 120 cities and towns in Moscow, Leningrad, Tver, Oryol, Yaroslavl, Nizhny Novgorod, Chelyabinsk regions, as well as in Altai, Karelia and Perm Krai.

  • take the following documents with you:
    • for adult citizens of the Russian Federation - a passport, a temporary identity card or a military ID and SNILS;
    • for children under 14 years of age - a birth certificate, identity card of the child's legal representative (parent or guardian), (if any);
    • for foreign citizens temporarily or permanently residing in the Russian Federation - a passport, a residence permit and SNILS (if any);
    • for refugees - a refugee certificate or a certificate from the migration service on the acceptance of an application for registration of refugee status.
  • write an application for obtaining a compulsory medical insurance policy. This can be done directly at the insurer's office, or at home by downloading the form on the official website of the insurance company. The application form indicates:
    • the legal name of the insurance company;
    • data of the future policyholder - full name, address of registration and actual residence, contact phone number, date and place of birth, gender, passport data, social status of the person;
    • the reason for the appeal (initial receipt, appeal due to loss, change of the insurance medical organization, etc.);
    • date and signature of the policyholder.
  • come to the office personally or with the help of your legal representative. In the second case, you will need documents proving the identity of the representative and a power of attorney to vest him with the right to exercise the relevant powers. Anyone can act as such a representative - from parents of an adult to a spouse or friends;

Since April 2014, you can apply for a compulsory medical insurance policy through the nearest office of the Multifunctional Center for the provision of state and municipal services. But then it will take a week longer to wait for the result.

  • get a temporary certificate, which is an analogue of the compulsory medical insurance policy at the time of its manufacture, and wait 1 month.

How to check the readiness of the compulsory medical insurance policy in Reso

The term for issuing compulsory medical insurance policies is 30 calendar days. But this does not mean that the insured has no right to use the list of services included in the compulsory health insurance system for a whole month.

For this period, the insurance company issues a temporary certificate to its client. A polyclinic or an inpatient medical institution has no right to refuse to admit a patient with this "piece of paper".

After 30 days (and possibly even earlier), the insurance agent will notify the client through a call, e-mail or SMS-message about the readiness and possibility of obtaining a ready-made policy of the established form.

If for some reason this did not happen, the regional branches of RESO-Med offer to use the service of checking the readiness of the compulsory medical insurance policy.

To see the status of the document, you need to enter 9 digits of the temporary certificate number in a special line, and it will become clear at what stage the process of issuing the main insurance document is.

An important nuance: the use of this service is impossible if the client applied for a policy not through the company's office, but through the window of the Multifunctional Center (MFC), which provides state and municipal services to the population.

Child policy

If one of the parents believes that the child does not need a compulsory medical insurance policy until a certain age is reached, then he is mistaken. The presence of a medical policy is the prerogative of not only adult citizens of the Russian Federation.

A medical insurance policy is needed not only when visiting a doctor. Often, a copy of it is requested when a child is placed in a kindergarten, other leisure or school institution, as well as organizers of sports competitions.

But the main thing is that a child without a compulsory medical insurance policy will not be able to count on free medical care in a planned manner.

The doctors will refuse the parents and they will be right - the presentation of the compulsory medical insurance policy is the responsibility of the insured person, established by federal law.

Which of the specialists and when should examine the child, at what age and what vaccinations to give, which tests to take, regulates the Procedure for passing medical examinations by minors, approved by the Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation of 12.12.2012 No.

All the activities that are listed there are guaranteed by the compulsory medical insurance policy free of charge. The algorithm for obtaining a medical policy for a child is the same as for an adult.

From the documents you will need: a statement from mom or dad, a baby's birth certificate and SNILS (if any).

If the grandfather or grandmother draws up the policy for the baby, then the consent-power of attorney from the child's parents is additionally required.

It is important for new parents to know that a newborn child, before receiving his first document in his life - a birth certificate - is entitled to receive medical assistance under the current policy of the mother's compulsory health insurance. But it won't last long.

According to the rules, the term for obtaining a birth certificate is 1 month from the date of birth of the baby (this is the validity period of a certificate from the maternity hospital containing identification information about the baby).

As the saying goes, we only live once, and you need to be sure who you trust your health to. The insurance company is not the last link in this scheme.

RESO is stability, reliability, interest in the client. Compulsory medical insurance policy from RESO - easy registration, control over the period of readiness, the ability to receive discounts and a wide coverage area.

Video: How to get a new compulsory medical insurance policy

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