We are considering investments in parking spaces. Types of multi-storey above-ground car parks and features of their designs Typical solution for multi-storey parking

In terms of profitability, parking lots are more attractive, office, retail and residential real estate (see). There are several reasons here:

  • the number of cars per capita is growing faster than the population;
  • parking spaces are cheaper than apartments and offices in business centers;
  • unlike apartments, offices and commercial premises, parking spaces do not require repair and periodic replacement of plumbing, etc.;
  • parking customers are constantly changing, so problems with non-payers are minimal;
  • paperwork for the purchase and sale of parking spaces does not require presence on site, which in some cases significantly reduces costs.

At the same time, this direction of investment has its drawbacks. Among them, the main one is the strong dependence of the flow of parking customers on the economic situation. During periods of crisis, business activity, attendance at sports and shopping centers, passenger traffic, etc., fall. Accordingly, parking spaces are more often empty and cease to generate income. In addition, recently there has been a tendency to artificially limit the traffic flow by city authorities in large metropolitan areas. One of the most effective measures in the complex of relevant measures is the transfer of an increasing number of parking lots to the category of paid ones and an increase in the cost of a parking space. Because of this, many low-income motorists are forced to limit car travel, which leads to a decrease in demand for parking.

Investments in parking lots in Europe

In European countries, the experience of creating and operating paid parking lots is much greater than in Russia. In addition to the fact that European parking lots are interesting in themselves as objects for investment, it is easier to study the phenomenon itself with all its pluses and minuses using their example. In Europe, the annual investment in parking lots is about 1.5 billion euros, with a revenue of 45 billion euros. In total, there are more than 400 million parking spaces in the countries of the European Union, they belong to 5 categories in descending order of number:

  • Residential & work private property - private residential and work parking lots. There are more than 150 million of them. These parking lots are privately owned, are not used on a paid basis and are not allowed to private operators.
  • On-street public space - street public parking. There are approximately 130 million of them. Everyone can use these parking lots. Some of them are paid, but private operators are practically not allowed to reach them. This is due to the fact that such parking lots have a very important social significance and are created at the expense of the municipal authorities.
  • Open-air public space - open public parking lots (more than 100 million). Among them are both paid and free. The tolls are in many cases run by private operators.
  • Floors of shops and offices - parking lots for visitors to shopping and office centers. There are about 30 million of them. Such parking lots are almost always managed by private operators.
  • Purpose built car parks are commercial car parks specifically designed to generate income. This type of parking is the smallest (about 10 million). They are the main object for investment.

The profitability of parking lots depends to a large extent on their location. The most profitable parking lots are near airports. They bring an average of 1200 euros per year. The lowest incomes are near cultural sites and residential buildings (100 euros per year or less). There are two ways to invest in car parks:

  • investing in special funds that purchase a large number of parking spaces for the purpose of subsequent leasing;
  • buying parking lots from companies that deal with their equipment for subsequent sale.

As land becomes more expensive, so does the cost of creating a parking space. For example, in London, the average price of one place is in the range of 30-40 thousand pounds (about 3,000 rubles). At the same time, paid parking is not popular with the absolute majority of the population. The average London household spends £50 a year on parking. This is not a very large amount, but for many families the costs are many times higher.

Parking near airports is especially popular. Not everyone is ready to use taxi services, because it is expensive. For example, trips from central London to Heathrow and Gatwick airports cost between £45 and £75. The first day in the paid parking of the airport costs 20 pounds, and every subsequent day - 15. Therefore, going on a trip for several days, it is more profitable to put your own car in paid parking.

Recently, I often come across proposals for investing in parking lots at London and Glasgow airports, and in RuNet. The arguments of such intermediaries seem very convincing:

  • the flow of passengers is constantly growing, and there are very few parking spaces;
  • as soon as the transaction is possible online, there is no need for personal presence;
  • if the parking space is purchased, the income from renting it out starts to flow immediately;
  • the investor does nothing, he just rents out the parking lot to the management company.

Parking advertising at Gatwick Airport is particularly active. Attempts to find reviews of at least one real investor in British parking lots near airports have not yet been successful. But this is not necessary. In 2014, an oil field was discovered under the airport, the reserves of which are estimated at 100 billion barrels. This is more than 2 times the amount of oil produced in the North Sea for all time. The owner of Gatwick Airport, BAA Limited, has taken the decision to gradually dismantle the airport, especially given the growing importance of another London airport, Stansted. Thus, aggressive advertising of parking lots in Gatwick is no longer relevant.

It is highly doubtful that some sites offer several dozens of parking spaces for 20-25 thousand pounds at a cost of 1.5 times more. In addition, the constant confusion in numbers (yield, cost of renting a parking lot), which is shown by intermediary companies (such as Parking Invest and Dom International), does not add any weight to this idea.

How are things in Russia

And how are things going with investing in Russian parking lots? Consider the situation on the example of St. Petersburg and Moscow. As you know, investing in real estate is profitable before it is put into operation. If we compare equal investments in residential real estate and in parking lots, then the second option is generally more attractive. The calculations below are based on average prices for St. Petersburg without taking into account various negative factors.

Initial cost, thousand rublesCost after commissioning, thousand rublesProjected profit, thousand rubles
1 room apartment3000 3700 700
1 car parking space 500 650 150
6 parking spaces 3000 3900 900

But this table shows the profit that can be received after the sale of these objects. At the same time, for many investors, the leasing option is more interesting. The number of cars per capita in Russia continues to grow, so the demand for parking is growing at a faster pace than the demand for housing. Now let's compare these types of real estate in terms of profitability in the case of renting out.

Projected profit per month, rub.Projected profit per year, rub.Payback period of investment, years
Flat 20000 240000 12
1 car parking space 5000 60000 8,3
6 parking spaces 30000 360000 8,3

And in this case, parking lots are more profitable for investment. In addition, a number of factors are not taken into account here. For example, to rent an apartment, you must first furnish it with furniture and household appliances, and this also requires expenses. Often the houses are put into operation in such a way that it is necessary to make repairs before moving in. Therefore, investments in parking lots often turn out to be even more profitable than apartments.

In addition, if a floor or a view from a window may not suit a tenant, then the main thing for parking is proximity to certain objects and safety. In addition, measures are constantly being tightened in relation to parking in the wrong place, up to the evacuation of a car to a penalty parking lot, which is especially painful for business people, because. takes a lot of time. It should also be taken into account that during 2015 alone, it was planned to demolish at least 25,000 garages in St. Petersburg in order to free up space for housing construction.

The situation with parking in Moscow and the Moscow region is becoming more complicated. The price bubble that exists in the real estate market has not bypassed parking. According to current regulations, each residential building under construction must be equipped with a certain number of parking spaces. But at the moment in Moscow, approximately 30% of them are empty, which is explained by too high prices. In the Moscow region, the share of empty parking spaces in new buildings even reaches 70%. On bulletin boards, the lowest selling prices for one parking space are only slightly below 1 million rubles, but more often the prices significantly exceed this figure, reaching up to 5 million. Here are the approximate prices for parking spaces in Moscow (I took it on the Miel-Novostroyki website):

It should also be taken into account that operating costs amount to 500-600 rubles. per month per vehicle. The situation created by representatives of developers is usually explained as follows. In many cases, parking space regulations are very difficult to implement in practice.

There is a catastrophic lack of land for surface parking, and underground parking equipment dramatically increases the burden on investors, which affects the price. For example, deepening one tier underground costs 10-12% more than surface parking, and the third tier is 40-45% more expensive. As a result, developers often cannot sell parking spaces even at cost. In areas that the paid parking zone has not yet reached, there are no incentives to acquire such parking spaces. According to the current standards (MGSN 1.01-99), for an economy class there should be at least 1 parking space for each apartment, while for a business class there are already 2. Developers reimburse the costs of their equipment due to the rise in price of apartments.

Do these facts mean the futility of investing in Moscow parking lots? The question is far from simple. On the one hand, such investments will certainly not be able to pay off within a few years. On the other hand, on the outskirts, where there is still enough space for the creation of surface parking, the situation is rapidly changing and over time there will be the same shortage of space as was the case in more populated areas. This means that prices will inevitably rise, and the gradual expansion of the paid parking zone will force car owners to abandon the practice of leaving the car anywhere.

In Russia, urbanization is becoming more and more pronounced with characteristic all-consuming features. With the growth of the population in cities, the growth of the entire urban infrastructure is clearly noticeable, which most of all affects the segment of personal vehicles.

In Moscow, as the most crowded city with cars, over 3.5 million private cars are registered and annually their number is replenished by 250-300 thousand new private cars. At the same time, the level of provision of cars with parking spaces is less than 20% of the total number of cars.

In other regions of Russia, they are trying to solve the problem of places for temporary storage of vehicles in an organized manner by all possible means. In particular, in the two largest cities of Russia - Moscow and St. Petersburg - it is planned to build specialized parking lots, which are multi-level built-in, above-ground and underground car parks.

The city program "People's Garage" is of increasing interest to motorists in Moscow. The implementation of the program aimed at solving the parking problem and providing residents of the capital with affordable parking spaces is in full swing. The results of the People's Garage program can be observed both in legislative acts and in Moscow courtyards.

If the residents of a house in the local area have a free land plot (or a plot on which old garages, shells, etc. are installed), they can create an initiative group and apply to the council with a proposal to place a capital or temporary parking there ( both mechanized, including fully automatic parking, and conventional non-mechanized).

Types of parking

Parking is an integral part of residential, office, administrative complexes, as well as shopping and shopping and entertainment centers. Today, for almost every construction site, one way or another, the issue of placing the cars of its visitors is solved. In accordance with the current classification of office buildings, for example, now in a business center located in the area from the Garden Ring to the Third Ring Road, one parking space should fall on 70-80 m? leased office space, and in the area from the Third Ring Road to the Moscow Ring Road - already by 50-60 m². There are several types of parking.

Surface parking- this is often just a street area that is adjacent to the building, in fact, anyone can use it. Companies install guards around their fenced areas allocated for parking, which is not entirely legal. At the same time, ground parking can be a separate building, where cars are placed on several levels.

Underground parking- this parking involves the placement of cars directly under the building. Such parking may have one or more levels of accommodation. In Moscow, it is also planned to begin the construction of underground parking lots with automatic placement of cars with manipulators, trolleys, computer technologies. There will be no descents in such parking lots.

Underground parking lots are multi-storey complexes designed for hundreds of cars, in which a car can be left for an hour, a day or a month. In European cities, where finding a parking space is almost more difficult than learning how to drive, and the entrance to the historical center is often closed to non-residents, paid multi-storey parking lots (underground and surface) are found in huge numbers; they are mainly concentrated at airports, railway stations and at the entrances to the center. Gradually, such parking lots appear in Moscow - in the Atrium on Kurskaya or at the MTS office in 1st Golutvinsky Lane, but so far there are too few of them.

Two difficulties arise. The first is technological, the second is financial. The first is due to the fact that Moscow has very poor, uneven ground, so the construction of parking lots is a very complex, dangerous and long-term undertaking. But such projects are still being formed, for example, there is a plan to make their own parking under each house.

Structural parking- Structural parking lots are already being built by several developers. This is a separate building, usually two- or three-level, built next to the business center. Such parking will be at the business center "Krugozov" on the street. Obruchev, what will allow providing one parking place for 75 m there? leased area. As an alternative to underground and surface parking, experts call a parking lot located on the roof of a building. However, given the numerous restrictions, it can only be organized on the roof of a low-rise building. Therefore, they are not yet used in office complexes - there are precedents, for example, in the L-153 shopping center in Maryino. For his new visitors, this is a kind of attraction, but the regulars gradually cease to favor him, especially when the escalators break down and you have to walk upstairs to get the car. In addition, when equipping rooftop parking, it is necessary to reduce the pitch of the columns so that the building does not sink from the weight of cars; to provide long entrance and exit ramps passing through all levels of the complex, and special gutters for snow removal.

Cell parking- a mechanical device for moving and storing cars in cells. An arriving car is placed in a special receiver mechanism, which moves it to a free cell and stores it until the owner returns for it. In order to pick up the car, the owner uses a magnetic card. Experts believe that this is the most compact way to store vehicles that requires minimal space - it does not need entrance ramps, U-turns, etc., as in a conventional parking lot. Business centers do not yet have them: the cellular mechanism will be used in the multi-level underground parking under construction near the Tverskaya metro station.

Guest parking- guest parking is organized in addition to any of the mentioned types of parking near the residential complex, office or on the territory of the cottage village to accommodate guests' cars. As a rule, this is a part of the fenced house adjoining territory allocated specifically for these purposes.

Parking and parks. One of the possible ways to solve the problem of traffic jams is the construction of intercepting parking lots in the hot spots of the transport problem, offering everyone the opportunity to rent parking spaces for an arbitrarily short period of time.

The very first official mention of the idea of ​​building park and ride parks in Moscow dates back to 2005. At that time, it was planned to build 170 intercepting parking lots (they even selected sites, many of which were located in the central part of Moscow). But this project, having come under criticism from the city's leadership, has undergone some changes, as a result of which 170 intercepting parking lots throughout Moscow have been transformed into 23 parking lots at the end stations of the Moscow metro. According to the project, the construction of 23 park-and-ride parking lots in Moscow was to be completed by the end of 2007, but due to some circumstances, only one such parking lot was built - on pl. Gagarin with the number of parking spaces 481.

The experience of operating this parking indicates that about 50% of all parking spaces are assigned to citizens living in neighboring blocks, and only the remaining 50% are used for vehicles of citizens who need parking only during the working day. Only half of the first 50% during the working day is used to park “non-locals”, since the second half of the residents keep their cars in the parking lot all the time, only occasionally using them for relatively short trips, for example, to the country house. In addition, outbreaks of conflicts of interest between "local" and "non-local" car owners should be noted, primarily caused by the non-compliance of both parties with the car parking schedule.

The conclusion suggests itself: the project of an intercepting parking lot on Sq. Gagarin has some shortcomings that should be taken into account and eliminated during the construction of the next intercepting parking lots.

Organization of construction of parking lots

Quite recently, the Transport Mission company demonstrated its first, but not yet quite ready, multi-storey automated parking lot, which is located in Ostankino, where it has been under construction since 2005.

The company "Transport Mission" decided to use the solution of the German company "Nussbaum" in the construction. This solution is a structure with a height of 6-14 floors and base dimensions of 10x10 m. This solution was chosen after a long study of the garage structure market. In this case, the constructor building is the optimal solution for densely populated Moscow. Moreover, such buildings are very spacious and can become a haven for 34-54 cars.

Rice. 1. Rotary parking: 1 - general view; 2 - parking without an awning; 3 - parking with an awning

Why are such parking lots built only in the Ostankino area? The first version of such a building is located here and consists of seven floors. It accommodates almost all cars of Channel One employees. Perhaps the place for construction was not chosen by chance - after all, the price of parking spaces in such parking lots is high, and company employees can use parking spaces for free, based on the fact that they work at Ostankino. Now the second car park is being put into operation here.

However, the introduction of a second multi-storey car park is not easy, because this kind of parking is not standard or even common in our country, and therefore there is no regulatory documentation for this kind of parking. It turns out that in order to build an alien parking lot in Moscow, it is necessary to go through difficult stages of coordinating documentation in various departments, and this is month after month, since the legislation makes regular amendments that extend this kind of construction.

Officially, according to the project documentation for this type of structure, such a parking lot should be built no more than 30-35 days and with minimal cash costs. In our country, an alien parking device costs investors a pretty penny, and the construction of such a “prefabricated” complex can drag on for years. What is actually seen on the example of the company "Transport Mission".

When the parking lot is finally put into operation, the cost of parking spaces on it will vary from 280,000 to 560,000 rubles.

Parking lots built by Transport Mission are not the only ones in Moscow. There are also parking lots rebuilt by the MAS-M company, which are considered trial samples. Nine such parking lots were made, but they did not take root. Parking lots are built quickly, they save space, but there is a catastrophic lack of space even for their construction, and now, in order to build something, something must be destroyed. In the meantime, the price for a parking space will start from 500,000 rubles.

The construction of such parking lots depends only on whether land will be allocated, since it is not possible to buy land at a land auction. Reducing the cost of parking, and, consequently, and subsequently parking spaces in them, depends on the issuance of land. Everyone is waiting for what this confrontation between the authorities will lead to, which will cancel previous decisions and impose their own.

This can be supported by an example. The APS company proposed a parking solution in the idea of ​​building a low but spacious parking lot, which allowed five cars to be parked in the place of three parking spaces. The city authorities gave the go-ahead for the production of such parking lots. Then the authorities changed and the new representative of the authorities does not give the go-ahead for the construction of parking lots of this type, considering this decision unacceptable. Land is not allocated for construction either - the project has “stalled”.

Multilevel car parks

The parking design must take into account many key and secondary factors that will further have a strong influence on the success and comfort of the invested event. Organization of parking is a complex, complex and extremely responsible process, which includes many factors, both legal and technical. A competent parking project determines the further success of a construction project.

The area and profitability of parking lots are calculated from the number of parking spaces per 100 m², while taking into account unique indicators and features. The parking efficiency indicator is the maximum capacity. It is for this reason that the construction of multi-level parking lots comes to the fore. Multi-level parking is the most effective and surest way to solve the problem of parking as many vehicles as possible in a relatively small area.

Automated car parks are an extremely effective way to solve car parking problems, allowing more cars to be placed in a smaller area, while saving money and time on building car parks. Automated parking is divided into two types: carousel, arranged on the principle of a Ferris wheel, and independent, which do not require additional structures (pits, shafts).

The construction of a parking lot is a serious investment project. The organization of parking requires careful attention to the preparation of the necessary package of documents, the same number of documents as residential buildings. Parking systems, with the necessary investment, often pay for themselves in a shorter time than houses.

Underground parking

The construction of a parking lot determines the further class of housing; it is a necessary element of the infrastructure of any shopping center. It is for this reason that the construction of underground parking for these types of buildings is so relevant today. In accordance with the recommended market indicators, the parking capacity is determined by the ratio of 4-8 parking spaces per 100 m? general retail area. Parking also plays a key role in the infrastructure of a professional warehouse complex. The construction of a parking lot is necessarily implemented for hotel real estate.

Rice. 2. Mechanized parking: 1 - lift; 2 - shaft with boxes for cars

Multi-level parking lots are the most effective way to solve the problem of storing vehicles in large quantities in a small area. The construction of a parking lot involves the construction of a solid, capital building with beautiful facades, wide passages, comfortable boxes for parking cars, as well as an exhaust ventilation system, fire extinguishing, and video surveillance.

Rice. 3. Underground parking: 1 - normal, with the placement of cars in the plane; 2 - equipped with automatic parking

The multi-level parking project involves box and arena, heated and unheated, above-ground and underground types. There are, however, a number of significant differences. The construction of an underground parking requires the presence of a heating system, unlike the ground one. The arena type parking lot often has a lower safety of cars than the box type.

Rice. 4. Construction of the first automatic parking in St. Petersburg

Parking is an object of increased danger, therefore, at the design stage, high requirements must be placed on fire extinguishing systems and fire alarms. Closed-type parking lots are equipped with individual powder-type fire extinguishing modules, which allow localizing the source of fire. To increase the number of parking spaces, a parking option with an operated roof is possible.

Underwater parking

The Department of External Economic and International Relations of the City of Moscow, together with the Department of Road, Bridge and Engineering Construction of the City of Moscow, offers a radically new approach to eliminating constant congestion, especially in the central part of the Russian capital.

We are talking about the construction using advanced scientific achievements and technical capabilities of fully automated parking lots and garages for cars under the bottom of the Moscow River and canals.

This proposal is interesting, first of all, for the following reasons:
- solution of the problem with the allocation of sites for the construction of parking lots, especially in the center of Moscow;
- cleaning in the adjacent area of ​​the day of the Moskva River when installing completely insulated tanks below the water level. Improving the ecology of the Moscow River and canals
- reduction of construction time (three months on a turnkey basis) and operating costs for parking maintenance due to the absence of heating costs; under the river bed, the temperature is constantly kept at around 5-7 degrees Celsius);
- ultra-modern parking elevators connecting underground parking lots with embankments do not require much space and, with the right decision, can become an adornment of the architectural appearance of the capital;
- with a parking tank diameter of 20 m and a pallet structure height of 20 m, 120 vehicles can be accommodated. With an increase in height - up to 240 cars. Vehicle processing speed from 60 to 90 sec. Thus, up to 12,000 units can be placed on one kilometer of the water artery. passenger vehicles.

The city has already started implementing the project together with the owner of the Moscow River - the Federal Agency for Water Resources. A working group has been created, which includes all interested structures. Under her leadership, 25 sites have already been selected for the construction of underwater garages.

These will be multi-tiered mechanized parking lots with cells for hourly storage of cars. Such a device is fully automated and controlled by one operator. The driver only needs to put the car in the elevator and hand over the magnetic card to the operator.

The elevator will raise the car to the desired tier, and then move it to the cell corresponding to the card code. Eight-, ten-level parking lots will have a height of up to 40 m. Each of them can accommodate from 100 to 600 cars.

The world leaders in the production of automated equipment declared their readiness to cooperate with the Moscow government on the implementation of the project. These companies are: WOHR (Germany), Anglo-Italian company Trevipark, Elito Global eng (Japan) and PID Parking GmbH (Germany).

The listed companies are ready to consider the issue of launching production in Russia of their automated parking systems, including components and software, at enterprises in Zelenograd. A draft version of the placement of parking lots under the bottom of the Moskva River has been developed. Along with this, companies from Finland, Bafo and Fira, who have experience in building underwater and pallet facilities, including those at great depths, expressed their willingness to participate in the project (they made such facilities, in particular, in the United Arab Emirates). An innovative project for the city may become attractive to investors and companies willing to develop the parking business on a concession basis or otherwise.

The appearance of underwater parking lots will add to the city from 2.5 to 15 thousand parking spaces. And in places where the shortage of parking lots is the most acute. For example, in the Moscow City area, near the Balchug Hotel, near the Obvodny Canal, Kievsky Railway Station. It is assumed that the construction will be carried out at the expense of investors.

Home parking

Already familiar to us, for a long time of use, garage boxes faded into the background. Such a waste of space for cars has become too unprofitable, because one garage is much more space than one car needs. Now, ground and underground parking lots are “in vogue”, where each car is assigned a certain place, which is marked with simple markings on the floor. Moreover, these places are very strictly distributed if the parking belongs to a residential building.

In this case, a person who does not have and is not going to buy a car becomes the happy owner of a scarce piece of land. These pieces are highly valued by those who own not one, but two or more cars. But unfortunately, even knowing that a piece of land is ownerless, it’s not so easy to buy it, since many people are used to keeping plots in reserve, for example, for children, and if they want to sell, knowing the entire shortage of parking spaces in Moscow, they try to “snatch » For this plot, the price is higher. The result is a huge overpayment. In the history of the purchase of parking spaces, there are cases when one parking space is sold for a price of five or ten times the price offered by the developer.

Rice. 5. Dependent parking

Parking spaces are not provided in all houses. Even in new buildings, there is not always a place for parking a car. So many cars need to be placed somewhere for the night. Parking, of course, should be included in the construction project, but most often, it turns out that parking is a second priority project, which very often is never implemented. So in the end, it turns out that the parking space is not even in a neighboring house, but in most cases a few blocks from the house, and this is from 15 to 25 minutes on foot. It’s good if your parking is near the house or you have looked for a good place for a car somewhere nearby. If this is the case, then it will not be superfluous to check whether the future storage of your car meets the necessary requirements, since sometimes it happens that the ratio of price and quality does not correspond to each other.

Here are the requirements for surface parking:
- security, round-the-clock security, manufacturability, normal lighting;
- Separately located entrance and exit, which should not create discomfort when the car is taken out;
- Sufficient parking space for your car.

If the parking lot is underground, then the requirements for it will be somewhat different:
- availability of systems: waterproofing, ventilation and gas control, fire extinguishing and smoke removal, communications;
- each parking lot should have its own microclimate (warm and dry), which will ensure the storage of cars in a decent condition;
- for modern car parks, air curtains are relevant, which “slow down” the access of cold air from outside, which is especially important in winter;
- there should be an excellent overview inside the underground parking in order to protect cars and their owners from possible accidents;
- a sufficient height of the ceilings and the width of the entrances and exits, sidings are required, - ensuring comfortable movement for your car.

To purchase a parking lot and assign it to your personal property, you must register a parking space with the Rosregistration authorities. Registration takes place on a general basis (as well as with any other types of private property). But there are also some nuances here, depending on the registration authorities of your area. There are two registration options here.

A simplified option is to register an apartment and a parking space as one residential property with a non-residential area attached to it. A more complicated option is to register a separate apartment as a dwelling and a separate parking space as a non-residential premises. The difficulty is that registration must take place in different instances, corresponding to the direct purpose of the objects. No one can specify the exact method of registration, and all of the above depends on the officials and their way of thinking.

If you can buy a parking space, then registration will not be difficult for you, much worse for someone who does not have the opportunity to immediately pay the entire amount for a parking space, the cost of which will soon approach the real cost of the apartment.

What about those who do not have the opportunity to buy a parking space. It is impossible to take a loan, since banks do not provide for the situation of buying garage and parking spaces, for the reason that in the event of a loan default by the borrower, only residents of neighboring houses can sell a parking space, and this narrows the possibility of selling a garage and parking space. It is for this reason that so far premises such as garages and parking lots have not been included in the list of pledged objects. So those who want to buy a parking space can only take a loan at high interest, which is issued by a pawnshop or a bank (consumer loan), secured by an apartment or other property. Although let's hope that low-interest mortgages will appear in the near future.

Parking lots in terms of law

Considering the concept of a parking space in the legal sphere. The category of an ordinary garage box, located in the structure of a standard flat car park, is no longer relevant and only occupies a usable area on which you can build an excellent multi-level parking lot that will fit much more cars. Now, in place of such garage flat boxes, there comes a new-found zone for a car (strictly limited in its size), which has received the name and is further referred to as a "parking place".

This term has taken root and is used in the vast majority of legal acts of Moscow related to the field of reconstruction and construction of real estate, and, in addition, in legal acts in the field of management and disposal of city property. Although the exact numerical and quantitative definition for "parking spaces" is not in the "holy of holies" - Federal legislation. Consequently, when disputes arise, the settlement process cannot take place within the proper framework of the law, and this greatly complicates the process of considering cases of “car spaces”. And even more, the correct spelling of the term is not even provided for parking spaces, since in some cases the term “parking place” is used, and in others - “parking place”. That in itself cannot be an official term for use in legal acts of a state orientation.

In the near future, the city authorities plan to create up to 90,000 parking spaces in the Central Administrative District alone. Only 40,000 of these parking spaces will be located in the park-and-ride parking lots in the peripheral zone of the Central Administrative District. And on the way to the city center - outside the Central Administrative District, more than 90 thousand parking spaces will be located. This decision was made in accordance with paragraph 1.11 of the Decree of the Government of Moscow dated April 24, 2001 No. 410-PP “On the draft urban development plan for the development of the territory of the Central Administrative District until 2020” for the population in garages up to 122 thousand parking spaces, in parking lots. In accordance with all of the above, I would like to conclude that the government has seriously taken up the problem of lack of parking spaces, and that it should be solved as soon as possible.

It can also be noted that, in accordance with paragraph 2 of the Temporary Regulations on City Parking in the City of Moscow, approved by Decree of the Government of Moscow dated November 1, 2005 No. 854-PP “On the Creation, Arrangement, Maintenance and Use of City Paid Parking in the City of Moscow”, a part of the land a site designed to accommodate one car without a trailer within the allotted area for parking. And this is again without any numerical or quantitative values.

From this document, it follows that the parking space defined in accordance with the regulation on terminology, fairly considers only those car parks that are open areas, i.e. those parking lots where cars are located directly on the land plot and (or) on its asphalt surface. The rapid development of the city cannot afford such a non-functional use of such a large space, which is now occupied by surface one-level parking lots. Consequently, the question of building multi-level parking lots or built-in and underground parking lots, as well as legalizing the definition of the term "parking place" is increasingly becoming.

Until the term “parking place” is legalized, the legislation will not be able to redirect to the construction of exactly those parking lots that the capital and other large cities need. This gap should not even appear against the background of the annual increase in vehicles, and, moreover, in the state of neglect achieved. Every year, the growing shortage of space for organized storage of vehicles can lead to unplanned consequences that can incur massive losses for both car owners and the state as a whole.

Another way of bringing car owners and the state to losses is the slowness of government officials in re-preparing documentation to resolve the issue of legal regulation of the description and accounting of a parking space as an individually defined thing. Since the parking place is a real estate object, on this basis there are problems of legal regulation of space-planning and constructive work on the equipment and placement of parking lots in Russia. After all, according to clause 5.35 of SNiP 21-02-99 “Car Parking” in underground parking lots, as a rule, it is not allowed to divide the common room for parking spaces into separate boxes using partitions.

Although there is an exception, since, according to clause 5.40 of the SNiP, it is possible to install separate boxes within separate underground parking lots, the size of which is limited to no more than two floors, and parking lots located on the basement floors of buildings. This exception is allowed only if the parking lot is located in an undeveloped area, subject to full compliance with clause 5.40 of SNiP 21-02-99. In addition, this SNiP provides for the creation of separate boxes in open-type above-ground parking lots, but only if the established fire safety requirements are met (the building must be of a certain type of fire resistance). In other cases, the construction of separate boxes in the buildings of open-type elevated parking lots is strictly not allowed.

Hota provides for the construction of separating barriers made of non-combustible mesh material. Therefore, with a strong desire, a parking space can be allocated in any case, but again, on the condition that only cars of the specified sample, private type will be stored within the allocated parking space. It is forbidden to store spare and, especially, combustible substances in places of organized storage of vehicles (in a dedicated parking space).

This definition is detailed in SNiP 21-02-99, according to clause 3.1 of which a place for organized storage of vehicles (parking) is a building, structure (or part of a building, structure) or a special open area intended only for organized storage (temporary parking) cars.

It should be noted that the BTI authorities in Moscow take into account parking spaces as separate real estate objects. Therefore, before using the car for storage in any building or structure, it is necessary to obtain a floor plan of the building or structure and an explication to it from the State Unitary Enterprise MosgorBTI (in accordance with clause 1.1 of the Regulations). Further, various stages of transactions for rent, sale, etc. are possible. buildings, structures, non-residential premises. In this case, the above documents should be submitted to the registration authority for registration of rights to real estate objects and transactions with them. This regulation makes an exception only for title documents.


The principle of operation of automatic parking

At the entrance to the automatic parking, the driver of the vehicle stops in front of the entrance desk, where there is complete information for him (Fig. 6). He presses a button and a ticket with a barcode appears in a special window. When collecting the ticket, the barrier opens and the vehicle enters the parking lot. The barrier closes immediately upon entry. If suddenly, for some reason, the car stops under the barrier, the barrier will not hit the car, as the induction loops sense that the car is under the boom, and the second step of security in the form of an IR sensor will not hit.

Rice. 6. Automatic parking. General views

After the car has been in the parking lot for some time, the driver presents the ticket to the exit counter or to the cashier (depending on the system configuration) when leaving. The barcode of the ticket is scanned and the display shows the amount that the driver must pay. After paying the required amount, the barrier opens and the vehicle leaves the parking lot.

The driver will not be able to enter into an agreement with the cashier, since the opening of the barrier is controlled through the cash register. It should also be noted that it is impossible to get a ticket at the entrance desk without a car. It is also impossible to drive up to the counter by car to get a ticket and drive off without entering the automatic parking lot, and then leave using this ticket. Such a ticket that did not enter the parking lot is considered invalid by the system.

The system is used for various capacity and intensity of automatic parking; It is possible to customize the system to suit your needs and tasks. The system uses various forms of payment for parking; it is possible to provide discounts and set various tariffs; vandal resistance. Operation of the equipment in various climatic conditions (-45 °С).

The system uses special cards. Subscription cards are intended for a limited period of validity, debit cards - for a certain amount of parking costs, service cards - for emergency vehicles, etc. A user who has a valid card presents it to the system at the entrance and exit. At the same time, the system determines the legality of this card, checks the availability of funds on the debit card and reduces the balance of these funds by the amount of the parking cost.

Equipment composition: entrance counter, exit counter, cash terminal, barriers, induction loops, video identification system for automatic parking, readers, automatic parking software. Option with automatic payment through an automatic cash terminal located in the parking area

Main Functions of the Automatic Parking System

Accounting for the entry and exit of cars, calculation of the cost of automatic parking. Settlements with the user using payment machines, issuance of change, fiscal receipt. The ability to use one-time tokens, subscription, debit, service cards. Working procedure for one-time visitors. A one-time visitor drives up to the entrance and stops next to the entrance counter in front of the barrier. Without getting out of the car, he presses a button on the counter and receives a plastic token, which contains the time of entry, the number of the counter and other information.

As soon as the user takes the token, the barrier opens and the user enters the parking lot, the barrier automatically closes.

After the parking is completed, the visitor pays at the payment machine. To do this, the token is lowered into the token acceptor, the machine calculates in accordance with the current tariff and displays the cost of parking on the scoreboard. The user inserts banknotes into the bill acceptor. The machine returns the token with payment information, issues a fiscal receipt and change.

Within the specified free exit time (usually 15-20 minutes), the user must leave the parking lot. The user drives up to the exit and stops at the exit counter in front of the barrier. Without leaving the car, he lowers the token into the token holder of the rack. The counter checks that the token has been paid and the check-out time has not expired, the barrier opens, the user leaves the parking lot, the barrier closes automatically.

Operating procedure for regular visitors. A regular visitor with a subscription, debit or service card drives up to the entrance, stops next to the entrance counter in front of the barrier and inserts the card into the counter reader.

The system checks the legality of the card, an offer to pick up the card appears on the display of the counter. As soon as the card is removed from the reader, the barrier opens and the user enters the parking lot, the barrier automatically closes. After parking is completed, the user drives up to the exit, stops near the exit counter in front of the barrier, inserts the card into the reader on the counter.

The operator's desk checks the legality of the card, the barrier opens and the user leaves the parking lot, the barrier automatically closes. If you use a debit card, the system debits the amount from it in accordance with the parking time and the current tariff.

The system may include a payment terminal with an operator. Subscription, debit and service cards can be issued, renewed and replenished here.

Full automation. The staff does not take part in the control of entry-exit and payment. It can be used at any objects, it will be especially useful for large areas and multi-storey car parks, when it is not possible to place an operator for payment.

At the entrance, the client receives an identifier (token) automatically. After completing the parking, makes the payment for the parking cost in the automatic payment terminal and presents the ID to the exit counter for exit.

Reversible entry-exit can be used within this configuration if space does not allow separate entry and exit lanes. It can also be useful if at certain times it is necessary to change the capacity of entrances and exits in one or the other direction, for example, when there is a lot of traffic for entry in the morning hours, and for exit in the evening hours.

For payment, automatic payment terminals are used, which are located in premises that are not geographically tied to entrances and exits.

Software for automatic parking

The software of the automatic parking system includes several basic software products, there are also additional software modules that are used to expand the functions of the system. The software is divided into network and local. The network software is designed to be used on a system with more than one computer, the local software is intended to be used with one computer.

Main features of the system software

Setting different parameters by time, type of currency, number of places used for parking, actually used and occupied places at the moment, etc.

Controlling the automatic parking system and setting various settings from the system server.

Assigning each operator a login and password to work with the system, as well as various permissions for certain actions.

Ability to receive and archive reports for any period of activity.

Manual control of entry and exit posts in emergency cases (barrier opening) from the server or system workstation.

The discount system allows a restaurant or supermarket located next to a parking lot to provide its customers with free parking or a discount on the cost of parking. It is enough for the client to present his ticket or card to the discount terminal located in a restaurant or supermarket. In this case, the system will provide this client with a certain discount when paying for parking. The system keeps a record of the discounts provided to ensure mutual settlements between the owner of the parking lot and the owner of the enterprise that provides discounts to its customers.

Registration of cards. The system uses contactless proximity cards. Functionally, the cards are divided into several types - subscription cards for a certain period with and without reservation of a parking place, debit cards for a certain amount of parking cost, service cards for emergency vehicles.

Setting different tariffs for different types of users (one-time tickets, subscription and debit cards) allows you to provide almost any payment structure and tariffs required by the parking owner. The system allows you to generate different rates depending on the duration of parking and time of day.

Protocol of all events. All major operations in the system are under control. This allows you to determine which of the employees performed certain actions (accepted money, sold a subscription card, let the car out of the parking lot without payment, etc.).

The system for counting places in garages and parking lots.

One of the options of the automatic parking system is the ability to count spaces in garages and parking lots. We have developed a system that regulates the traffic inside the garage and parking lot. For this, induction loops are used, which are mounted at the places where cars enter the parking lot. Sometimes photocells are used for this purpose. This task is solved by the traffic controller. This device determines the direction of travel and controls the traffic light and barrier, and can also remotely block the passage. Passage controllers work in tandem with the master controller.

The master controller counts the free spaces in each parking or garage zone and gives all the information received to the information boards, which, in turn, is connected to the information channel of the central controller and displays information about the number of consolidated places on the board.

The master controller also works on the GSM channel to transmit information to remote displays of the automatic parking system.

Video identification system for automatic parking.

This option of the system (Fig. 7) is designed to exclude cases of vehicle theft from the territory of automatic parking. At the entrance, while receiving the card, the car is photographed, and at the exit, when the card is inserted, photography is also taking place, so if the operator notices that a Zaporozhets entered using this card, and a Mercedes leaves, then it is clear that this is theft and the operator prohibits departure pending further proceedings. Thus, theft is impossible.

Rice. 7. Video identification system at the entrance to the parking lot

When the car leaves, at the moment of presenting the document, 2 images appear on the operator's screen (the moments of entry and exit). The operator visually compares these images and, if necessary, can prohibit the exit.

Payment for additional services, for example - car service, car wash on the computer of the settlement terminal. Also, all information is archived.

Parking equipment

Entrance parking racks (Fig. 8) (ParkMaster PD1, ParkMaster PD Lite, V3000, V2000) are designed to automate the entrances to paid and service parking areas.

Rice. 8. Parking racks: 1 - ParkMaster PD1; 2 - ParkMaster PD Lite; 3 - V3000; 4 - V2000

Exit racks for automatic parking are used to control the exit of cars from the territory of paid and service parking lots, garages and parking lots. In paid parking lots, they control the fact that the driver pays for parking services. If the answer is positive, the counter takes the token and gives the command to open the barrier. If the fact of payment is not detected, then the command is given to the driver to pay for parking and the command to open the barrier is not given.

The automatic cash desk for automatic parking "ParkMaster RT4" (Fig. 9) is used to pay for services for storing cars in paid parking lots, as well as to sell and replenish parking contactless smart cards. The characteristics of the terminal allow its use in outdoor conditions, it has a sealed housing and an anti-vandal touch screen. At the request of the customer, we complete the cash terminal with a street canopy. This type of cash terminal has the ability to make non-cash payments by bank cards.

Rice. 9. Automatic parking ticket

Automatic barriers are available in models with a boom length of 2.5-12 m. GARD automatic barriers with intensive use are the best choice for restricting entry to private, public and industrial parking lots. Barriers are easy to install, supplied with a wide range of accessories: arrows of different sections, lamps and lighting fixtures, poles, safety devices. CAME barriers meet the most modern requirements for professional equipment for closing passages.

Rice. 10. Automatic barriers

GARD - to block the passage of 2.5 and 4 m. High-speed automatic barriers are the ideal solution when you need to control the passage. Barriers are produced with 230V and 24V motors, bodies are made of special INOX steel (rust resistant). Ideal for working in difficult climatic conditions with a high intensity of work.

GARD4 for blocking passages up to 3.75 m. The new generation of fast-acting automatic barriers with innovative design and integrated security features are the complement to the GARD barrier line. The rubber profile provides additional safety, while the round boom reduces windage. The barrier has become widespread in Russia due to its high reliability, ease of operation and maintenance.

GARD8 - for blocking passages up to 7.6 m. Powerful drive, universal bollard and ease of setting GARD 8 allow you to install arrows with a length of 2 to 8 m. Barriers of this series are indispensable at facilities with frequent redevelopment and restructuring of the territory (construction sites, parking lots, warehouses, etc.). 24V and ~230V versions available

GARD12 - for blocking passage up to 12 m. They are used to restrict traffic in industrial areas with heavy traffic. Extended boom barriers are specially designed for reliability and ease of use in harsh environments. Motors with low supply voltage (24 V), additional reliability of the design make these models of barriers the best solution for closing wide passages.

Traffic lights (Fig. 11) serve to equip the entrances and exits to the territory of parking lots, garages and parking lots. Typically, traffic lights are mounted in front of the barrier and show the state of entry or exit from the parking lot. They have LED indicators of two colors: red and green. The traffic light is mounted on racks attached to the base, or on a suspended structure.

Rice. 11. Traffic light in the parking lot

Security posts (booths) for automatic parking systems. A small building that has a view to several sides and is intended to accommodate security personnel or parking attendants.

The security posts of the booth are insulated, can be equipped with autonomous heating, lighting and provide the employee with comfortable conditions in which he can perform his duties with maximum efficiency all year round.

Financial efficiency of automatic parking

We will evaluate the financial efficiency of a separate automatic parking lot. First of all, automatic equipment is necessary to get the full profit from parking. It's no secret that parking attendants pocket up to 90% of parking revenue.

Suppose our parking lot has 200 spaces for cars. Let's set the price per hour. It should be noted here that it differs in Moscow, in the regions of Russia and the CIS countries from 30 US cents to $ 10.

Let's assume that the price for an hour of parking in a parking lot is $1. Multiply 200 spaces by $1, we get $200. Multiply $200 by 24 hours and we get $4,800 per day. We multiply $ 4,800 by 30 days, we get $ 144,000. For a year it turns out: $ 1,780 thousand. It should be noted here that the occupancy of different parking lots is different, somewhere the parking lot is intended mainly for overnight car storage, and somewhere for daytime storage, but somewhere around the clock (airports, railway stations, ports, hotels, supermarkets).

The fill factor must be taken into account. For example, in our case, if we take 60%, we will receive $ 86,400 income per month. Excluding taxes, operating and maintenance costs, the monthly profit is $ 54,000-58,000 (excluding land rent or parking space). With the cost of equipment $ 200-400 thousand (depending on the configuration), the payback period of investments will be 4-8 months.

In automatic parking lots, it is necessary to correctly calculate the time of entry and exit from mechanized parking. Some design organizations, when planning parking lots, simply draw the placement of cars in parking lots and, as they say, nothing more is needed. Faced with such a situation, our specialists sometimes have to redo entire projects so that the car, with such a “parking design”, would not be given to the driver in an hour, and sometimes in five hours. Entrust the development of automatic parking projects to specialists right away, or oblige design organizations to contact us at the initial stage of designing mechanized parking lots and garages.

Standard multi-level parking solution

A typical mechanized multi-level parking (Fig. 12) is a building made in the form of an above-ground vertical multi-level tower, which provides long-term storage or temporary parking with automatic installation and issuance to owners of up to 60 medium or business class cars, including several SUVs. The class of machines and their number is set at the request of the customer.

Rice. 12. Multilevel car parks

In accordance with the letter of the Moscow City Administration of Gosgortekhnadzor No. 1316 dated July 17, 1998, a high-rise mechanized parking lot is not subject to registration with the Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia and the Rules for the Design and Safe Operation of Elevators (PUBEL) do not apply to this facility. However, to ensure safety, the design takes into account the requirements of PUBEL.

A typical mechanized high-rise multi-level parking consists of two vertical sections (blocks), each of which is a single volume. To ensure the functioning of the car park, each section of the car park is equipped with a set of technological equipment, as well as an automatic control system.

In each of the two vertical sections of the car park, there are:
- a shaft for vertical movement along rigid guides of a special cargo rope hoist driven by an electric winch;
- a lift cage with a built-in manipulator for horizontal movement of the car;
- a swivel device for turning cars 180° (Fig. 13), located in the pit in the area of ​​​​car entry (for options with a swivel device);
- vertical automatic gates for the entry and exit of vehicles (for options for impassable cages - one gate, for options for drive-through cages - two gates);
- car storage cells located to the right and left of the lift vertically on tiers; storage cells are formed by power support brackets reinforced in the shaft frame for installing pallets with cars on them; power brackets are frame elements.

Characteristics of the multi-storey car park lift:
Load capacity of the lift, kgf .............................. 2 500-3 000
Lift platform movement speed, m/s...... 0.71-0.86
Lifting height, m ​​............................................... ........25-27
Number of lift stops, pcs............................15-16
Supply network: type of current - variable,
voltage - 380 volts,
frequency - 50 Hz;
Drive: motor - reducer for vertical movement, power - 22 kW

On fig. 3. It is clearly seen how the parking spaces in the underground parking are increasing due to the underground parking automation equipment. On fig. 3.1 regular underground parking; rice. 3.2 - after the equipment of multi-level parking. Here you can see that the number of parking spaces in this parking lot is increasing significantly.

Building part of a multi-storey car park

The construction part of the multi-storey car park includes the following construction works.

The frame of the building, made in the form of a metal shelf with outer skin.

The foundation of the building with pits for lifts, which contain embedded elements for rotary devices, cage safety buffers, counterweights and safety mechanisms, as well as a system for removing moisture from the pits. Roof of a building with a drain system.

Rice. 13. Installation of the turning circle in St. Petersburg

Machine room with embedded elements for winch frames and block suspension elements (the machine room is the same for two sections).

Set of embedded elements in shafts:
- for power brackets of storage cells,
- for beams in the upper part of the building, designed for blocks and assembly hoists (electric hoists, hoists),
- for cage guides, counterweight and safety mechanisms.

Embedded elements and supporting structures for installing gates.
Ladders, ladders, service platforms.
Operator's cabin with forced ventilation, heating and sanitary facilities.
Fire extinguishing and fire alarm system (for a closed car park - provide a smoke exhaust system).
Water supply and sewerage system; a system of electrical devices for lighting and signaling (in operating, emergency and repair modes), for heating and ventilation.
Finishing of the hall (entrance area, car installation area and customer passage area).
Depending on the desire of the customer, the parking lot will be radio-wired and telephoned, equipped with a burglar alarm.

As the main option, the parking lot is structurally designed as a closed, unheated, fire and explosion safety facility in accordance with the standards and requirements specified in MGSN 5.01-94*, SNiP 21-01-97* and SNiP 21-02-99.

The temperature regime inside the building is from -20 to 30 °C. An insulated version with sandwich-type panels is possible, ensuring that the temperature inside the building is not lower than 5 °C at an air temperature outside the building of -35 °C.

Automated parking systems

Automated parking systems completely exclude human participation in the parking process. Types of automated parking: ELEVATOR PARKING, MULTI-LEVEL PARKING, FLAT BI-DIRECTIONAL PARKING, LIFT SLIDING PARKING, CYLINDER.

Benefits of automated parking

Space saving (parking for 57 cars located on 47 m?). Automatic parking without human intervention with low time costs.

Various designs (tower, underground structure, mixed type).

Possibility of various geometric configurations.

A wide range of control devices (from magnetic cards to remote controls).

Complete safety in use (there is no need to enter narrow dark passages and return along uncomfortable stairs).

Using the system for parking cars of different dimensions in height and weight (weighing up to 2.5 tons).

Easy adaptation to any individual project, lack of ramps and access roads, no need to install expensive lighting and ventilation systems. Car storage in showrooms and service centers.

The equipment allows you to significantly save space and rationally use space by installing different parking systems in one room.

A wide range of proposed systems allows you to choose the most suitable mechanisms for a particular case.

Unauthorized access of unauthorized persons with the help of individual means of identification (key, coded magnetic or electronic card, infrared means and remote control means) is excluded.

If the safety rules are observed, the designs completely exclude accidents and are not dangerous for users.

Protection against atmospheric, technogenic pollution and other damages is provided. Warranty maintenance is carried out.

The high quality of the presented equipment of our company is confirmed by the relevant quality certificates of the manufacturing countries and GOST R.

The system occupies an area of ​​three cars and allows parking up to 44 cars. The most popular installation for big cities.

In the ELEVATOR automatic parking system (Fig. 14), the latest high-speed elevator device is used to move the car vertically, to the left and right of which there are parking spaces. The mechanized parking system is designed to park a standard car, however, the possibility of parking large vehicles can be taken into account if this is required in accordance with the conditions of the project.

Rice. 14. Automated parking ELEVATOR

Advantages of the ELEVATOR PARKING automatic parking system

The use of a turntable parking platform at the entrance/exit level makes it possible to significantly simplify the process of leaving a car from an automated parking lot.

The parking system uses a safety device that prevents the entry/exit doors from opening until the pallet movement has completely stopped.

The automatic parking system is safe to use, has a low level of noise and vibration. Depending on the site and the requirements for the placement of the entry/exit level, the most suitable option for parking is selected.

Standard car dimensions: length 5050 mm, width 2040 mm, height 1550 mm, weight 1850 kg. It is possible to design an automatic type of parking for cars of other dimensions.

Automatic multi-level parking MULTI-LEVEL

The principle of operation of the system is based on the placement of vehicles on pallets located in one row, moved longitudinally by the type of conveyor and vertically using elevator devices. This automated parking system is the most suitable solution for parking in a narrow and long area. A variant with the use of a turntable is possible. It is possible to design an automatic type of parking for cars of other dimensions.

Automated parking system BOX PARKING

The principle of operation of the system is based on the placement of vehicles on pallets arranged in a row (Fig. 15), which are moved longitudinally along the conveyor type and vertically using elevator devices. The most suitable solution for narrow and long sections. A variant with the use of a turntable is possible.

Rice. 15. Multi-level parking BOX PARKING: 1 - lift; 2 - layout diagram; 3 - placing cars in a row

Table 1 Specifications

Table 2 BOX PARKING dimensions

Automated parking systems TRANSLO PARKING

In the system, with the help of a manipulator, simultaneous vertical and horizontal movement of the car is carried out (Fig. 16). Entrance-exit to the parking lot can be installed on any of the parking levels, which allows rational use of ground and underground space for parking.

Rice. 16. Parking system TRANSLO PARKING: 1 - placing cars in the boxes; 2 - layout type 1; 3 - layout type 2; 4 - layout at the level; 5 - layout at the level with the turning circle; 6 - layout type 3

Table 3 Specifications

Table 4 Dimensions (types I, II, III)

Automated parking system CYLINDER

The system makes it possible to use a small area for economical placement of vehicles. The conveyor lift moves in the center of the circle and places 9-12 cars on the same level around the circle. It is possible to design an automatic type of parking for cars of other dimensions.

Rice. 17. Mechanized parking CYLINDER PARKING: 1 – general view; 2 - dimensions at the level; 3 - height dimensions

Table 5 Specifications

Equipment for parking vehicles SMART PARKING, FAMILY PARKING made in the Republic of Korea. There are domestic developments of rotary parking for 8-10 cars. SMART PARKING, FAMILY PARKING systems are designed for 6-16 parking spaces.

Rice. 18. Rotary (carousel) parking: 1 - general view; 2 - the location of the car vertically; 3 - layout in plan

General characteristics of the Rotary (carousel) parking module

The maximum waiting time for a car is 1.5 minutes. The car enters the module's parking tray from the front. It may be possible to leave the car from the parking pallet both forward and backward. The roof and fastening elements of the body kit are provided. It is possible to release the car manually in case of failure of the control system.

Table 6 Characteristics of installed vehicles

Specifications of the elevator type module

The parking module has a lifting mechanism, which consists of two closed roller chain circuits with car storage cells suspended on them using brackets. The lifting device is an electric cargo lift for special purposes.

Drive unit parameters:
Engine power - 9 kW;
Voltage - 380 V, 50 Hz;
Speed ​​of rotation of a shaft of a reducer - 6,3 rpm;
Brake system - disc brake;
Elevator speed - 3.6 m/sec.

Technical requirements for the building part

The building part is an integral part of the SMART PARKING, FAMILY PARKING parking module project. Proper interconnected placement of components and mechanisms in the construction part ensures uninterrupted and reliable operation of the parking module as a whole. The project for the construction part is carried out under a separate agreement with a specialized organization according to a separate technical assignment.

The requirements for the foundation in terms of manufacturing accuracy, as well as the load on the building part from the operation of the parking mechanism are specified in the construction task (including the task for lighting, power supply and operator cabins, which is developed depending on the requirements of the customer and the location of the module.

The construction part includes the following structures and systems:
- foundation with embedded elements for installation of technological equipment;
- Enclosing structures of the module itself and the entry-exit zone;
- stairs, service platforms, hatches and ladders;
- pits with drainage;
- with a large number of modules, an operator's cabin with heating;
- supply of power supply;
- installation of protective grounding.

Engineering systems:
- illumination of the entry-exit zone and the operator's cabin;
- fire extinguishing and fire alarm;
- heating of the operator's cabin;
- drainage from the module installation area;
- finishing and painting of the module, operator's cab, enclosing structures in the entry-exit zone.

Terms of use and operation

Parking SMART PARKING, FAMILY PARKING is carried out in the form of an open (or closed body kit) unheated volume and is operated in an outdoor environment. Operating temperature mode of module operation: from -40 to 50 °C.

If there is an operator cabin that ensures the operation of a group of modules, the room where the operator is located is considered as a closed heated room with an air temperature of at least 18 °C and not higher than 40 °C. The air temperature in the cabinets of the control system is not lower than 5 °С and not higher than 40 °С, it is allowed to provide local heating.

In the module or group of parking modules, fire prevention measures must be provided in accordance with the requirements of SNiP 21-02-99, MGSN 5.01-94 and MGSN 1.01-99.

Dependent car lifts

Dependent parkings are the parking equipment of constructive type the lift lift of dependent type. In dependent parking systems (dependent parking systems), in order to drive out the top car, you must first free up a parking space with a tier below, i.e. remove the bottom car. The parking is managed by the driver. No construction work is required for dependent parking equipment, which makes dependent parking lifts one of the most sought-after product groups in our range of parking equipment. Among other advantages of dependent elevators over other types of parking systems, one can note their low price.

At the CITY lift (fig. 19) the upper platform is inclined, which saves the height of the room.

Rice. 19. Car lift CITY: 1 – general view; 2 – side view; 3 - top view

Table 7 Specifications

Car lift METRO

Elevators (Fig. 20) allow you to increase the parking space by placing one car above another. In dependent parking systems, in order to drive out the top car, you must first remove the bottom car. The parking is managed by the driver. No building work required.

The difference between the METRO system and the CITY system is that the platform is located without inclination, with an increased load capacity.

Rice. 20. METRO car lift: 1 – general view; 2 – side view; 3 - top view

Table 8 Specifications

Dependent system of multi-level parking 3- and 4 HIGH LIFT

Elevators (Fig. 21) allow you to increase the parking space by placing one car above another. In dependent parking systems, in order to carry out the exit of the upper car, it is necessary to first remove the lower cars. The parking is managed by the driver. No building work required. The difference between the HIGH LIFT system and METRO is that 3-4 cars are installed. Dependent parking for three or four cars without a pit. The ideal solution for car storage in showrooms.

Rice. 21. Dependent multilevel parking system 3- and 4 HIGH LIFT

Table 9 Specifications

C - the height of the foundation cushion, concrete grade M250.

Independent car lifts

In independent parking systems, parking and exit of cars are carried out independently of each other. The parking system (as in the case of dependent parking systems) is controlled by the driver. If the installation of a dependent parking system does not require special construction work, then in the case of independent parking systems, the situation is a little more complicated. An independent type car lift-lift is an elevator parking equipment, the installation and operation of which implies the presence of a special technological pit, and, consequently, a number of construction works for its installation. This pit, in fact, provides the opportunity and convenience of "independent parking".

In independent parking systems MANYPARK (Fig. 22), entry / exit of cars is carried out independently. The parking is managed by the driver. A pit is a must.

Rice. 22. Independent car lifts MANYPARK: 1 – general view; 2 - 2-level lift; 3-level lift; 4.5 - the layout of the car at the level

Table 10 Specifications

KIPPARK independent car lifts

In independent parking systems KIPPARK (Fig. 23), entry / exit of cars is carried out independently. The parking is managed by the driver. A pit is a must.

Rice. 23. KIPPARK independent lifts

Table 11 Specifications

The Under Lift 1 parking system is used both to store cars and drive the car to another level. A pit is required. Load capacity 2,000 kg. Electric motor 5.5 kW. Power supply: AC, 380V, 50Hz, three phases. Level height H (mm) according to the project.

Rice. 24. Independent parking system UNDER LIFT: 1.2 - type 1 (general view and layout); 3.4 - type 2 (general view and layout)

The Under Lift 2 parking system is used both to store cars and drive the car to another level. A pit is required. Load capacity 2,000 kg. Electric motor 5.5 kW. Power supply: AC, 380 V, 50 Hz, 3 phases. Level height H (mm) according to the project

Parking mobile platforms for car parking

Mobile parking platforms move along guides only in a horizontal plane and serve to increase the number of parking spaces by filling driveways, spaces behind columns and in hard-to-reach places, as well as to turn the car around. If the height of the parking ceilings does not allow increasing the number of parking spaces by installing car lifts, in this case, parking areas can be optimized using mobile parking platforms. Load capacity of platforms 2 500 kg. Electric motor: three-phase, 0.75 kW, 380 V, 50 Hz, IP 56.

Rice. 25. Turntable: 1,2,3 - RS-1 platform (general view, side view, top view); 4,5,6 - platform RS-2 (general view, side view, top view)

Turntable RS-1, RS-2. Load capacity of platforms 2500 kg. Electric motor: three-phase, 0.75 kW, 380 V, 50 Hz, IP 56. Turning angle RS 360o, right and left. The difference between the RS-1 platform and the RS-2 platform is in the pit configuration.

Rice. 26. Mobile platforms: 1, 2 - transverse platform TT (general view, layout); 3, 4 - longitudinal platform TL (general view, layout)

Mobile platforms: transverse - TT, longitudinal - TL. Parking platforms move along guides only in a horizontal plane and serve to increase the number of parking spaces due to driveways, space behind columns and in hard-to-reach places, as well as to turn the car around. Load capacity of platforms 2 500 kg. Electric motor: 3 phase, 0.75 kW, 380 V, 50 Hz, IP 56

Semi-automatic parking

The semi-automatic parking system implies the participation of the driver not only in the process of parking the car in the receiving compartment (on the parking pallet), but also the management of the placement of a mechanized parking space in the semi-automatic parking using the control panel (control panel). The RUZZLE semi-automatic parking system and the ROTARY PARKING semi-automatic rotary parking system are common.

Semi-automatic parking system RUZZLE

RUZZLE semi-automatic parking uses a combination of lateral movement and lifting. At the bottom, the number of parking spaces is one less than at the top level, which allows free entry / exit for any car in the top row. RUZZLE type parking equipment is a multi-level parking system. Underground and ground execution is possible.

Advantages of the RUZZLE parking system:
- easy to use and easy to maintain;
- multiple increase in the number of parking spaces due to compact car parking at several levels with one access road;
- high reliability of a design;
- high safety for cars and drivers;
- independent car parking;
- high reliability of modern mechanisms and drives;
- the ideal decision for the house mechanized parkings (parkings in the yards of houses).

Rice. 27. Semi-automatic parking PUZZLE: 1 - placement in the garage; 2 - placement in an open parking lot; 3 - the layout of the car at the level; 4 - layout of levels.

Table 12 Specifications of the PUZZLE Semi-Automatic Parking System

Rotary parking ROTARY PARKING

Semi-automatic parking ROTARY PARKING occupies an area of ​​two parking spaces and allows organizing parking for 5-12 cars. Easy access and high vehicle delivery speed are achieved by vertical rotation. The structure can be easily dismantled and moved to a new location.

Table 13 ROTARY PARKING Specifications

Table 14 ROTARY PARKING Dimensions

Prefabricated modules for parking

This prefabricated parking structure is very relevant for sea and river ports in places of unloading or filling cars. Prefabricated parking lots are widely used all over the world as an alternative to expensive projects.

A prefabricated structure made in Korea is used for parking from 8 to 800 cars in the parking lot. Ready prefabricated modules are assembled as a constructor. They are considered prefabricated due to the timing of manufacture and installation. They are easy to dismantle, transport and reassemble at a new site.

Modular Park parking system

The Modular Park parking system (modular parking) is built by coupling modular parts measuring 5x5 meters, or 5.5x5.5 meters or similar, with two single ramps.
Maximum load capacity of each parking space, kg..... 3,000
Dimensions of a separate module, m .............................................. ...... 5x5
Level height, m ​​............................................... ......................... 2.4 to 3
Design in accordance with the seismic regulations of the country of installation.
Base parts made of hot-dip galvanized steel.
Fencing according to European standards.
Electrical components for lighting according to local regulations.
Fire-fighting components according to local regulations.

Installation of the Modular Park system

The Modular Park system (Fig. 28) is designed for outdoor installation. Able to withstand weather conditions (water, ice, wind, etc.). To do this, the steel structure is completely hot-dip galvanized and the various parts of the structure are connected to each other with galvanized bolts.

Rice. 28. Easy-to-build modular parking lots: 1, 2 - access ramps; 2 - placement of cars; 4 - frame; 5 - connection of frame elements; 6 - car lift

Various metal parts are made up of material classified according to UNI 7070 standards, types Fe360, Fe430 and Fe510 depending on the structural/mechanical characteristics of the part.

The level is covered with RCK30 S4 concrete, approx. 15 cm thick. Asphalt 2-3 cm thick can be laid on top of it. The reinforced concrete structures are divided into several parts measuring approx. .

The system can be installed anywhere and, if necessary, can be completely dismantled, transported to another location and installed again, even with a different placement, since it consists of interchangeable modules connected together.

When erecting or dismantling, each part of the structure can be easily moved with a crane on the construction site. These features guarantee maximum system flexibility, allowing it to be adapted to different terrain heights when the system is re-installed. Since the system is easy and quick to mount, dismantle and re-erect, it is patented.

Each module is supported by four hollow steel support posts, main beams and auxiliary beams to support the superstructure parking level.

Beams of IPE type or suitable dimensions are used and bolted in place.

Support posts installed at ground level consist of a plate that distributes the load on the ground surface and also have special connections to take into account the terrain features of the site (slope). The support posts are attached to the ground with anchor bolts. Each strut is strong enough to withstand impacts from slow-parking vehicles.

Support legs have a special protection that protects the rack from three sides from possible vehicle impacts. For additional safety when parking, a tubular ring is installed around the pillar at the base to protect the tires in case of improper maneuvering of the car.

The surface is treated with transparent water-based epoxy resin, and the double coating makes the surface non-slip and waterproof. The treatment allows you to protect the surface of the parking levels from fuel and hydrocarbon compounds.

The upper levels of the parking lot are set at a slight slope with channels to collect rainwater. These channels direct water to downpipes inside the support posts.

The entire perimeter of the parking lot is equipped with reliable security fences in accordance with European standards, and proper road signs and lanes delimiting parking areas and driveways.

The entrance ramp is made of modules with the same mechanical and structural properties, but with one distinctive feature: the surface for the ramp is made in the form of a herringbone (to increase the friction of the tires of the incoming car) and flat channels along the sides for water drainage. Requirements for the site when installing parking modules

When installing only one level of modules, the surface where the Modular Park system will be mounted must be asphalted or covered with concrete and withstand a load of at least 6 kg / cm?.

When installing two levels of modules - the surface where the Modular Park system will be mounted (Modular Parking) must be covered with concrete or a small foundation under the column.

In each case, the foundation must be made in accordance with local regulations and ground conditions, the foundation is not included in the price of parking.

The ground load of each leg is 15,000 kg for single-level parking and 30,000 kg for two-level parking.

Lightweight construction EasyRaise

The easy-to-build structure EasyRaise (fig. 29) is used for parking from 8 to 800 cars. Installation time - four days. Finished blocks are assembled as a constructor.

Rice. 29. Prefabricated modular car park EASYRAISE: 1-3 - common pitchfork; 4 - car placement

The easy-to-build car park design is easily placed on the existing car park, allowing it to increase its capacity by several times. Suitable for both temporary and permanent solutions. Prefabricated car parks are the right choice when other solutions are not cost effective. The easy-to-build structure EasyRaise is used for parking from 8 to 800 cars. Installation time - four days. Finished blocks are assembled as a constructor. The design is easily placed on the existing car park, allowing several times to increase its capacity. Suitable for both temporary and permanent solutions.

The reality of our world is the lack of parking spaces and storage of cars on the streets, squares, hotels, offices, etc. This problem is solved by mechanized parking lots. Based on world experience, it is proposed to solve this problem by installing automatic parking lots and car parks, which uses the maximum area for car storage. The introduction of mechanized parking will allow not to increase the area for their places, but rather save space in the areas of their development.


In preparing the materials, the following regulatory documents were used:
1. Decree on the city target program for the construction of parking garages in the city.
2. MGSN 5 01-01 Car parking.
3. MGSN 5.01.94 Manual Parking of cars.
5. VSN 01-89 Vehicle maintenance enterprises.
6. SNiP 21-02-99 Car parking.
7. Decree of the Government of Moscow No. 1139-PP dated 12/16/2008 "On approval of the Regulations on the placement and installation on the territory of the city of Moscow of objects that are not objects of capital construction".
8. Information on easily erected parking structures.

In preparing the material, materials from several companies and organizations were also used:
- DOMETRA Real Estate Encyclopedia.
- "ParkPlus" LLC.
- IronHorse Auto - moto and bike portal.
- Company APS (APS).
- Company "VRK1" (Prefabricated buildings).
- Directorate for the construction and operation of garage facilities in Moscow.
- Department of Foreign Economic and Trade Relations of Moscow.

Based on materials http://www.stroyka.ru/Materials/detail.php?ID=329485

In view of the constantly growing level of motorization, providing the designed objects with the necessary number of parking spaces has become an important task for the architect.

SP 42.13330.2011 "SNiP 2.07.01-89* Urban planning. Planning and development of urban and rural settlements "sets the level of motorization 350 cars per 1000 inhabitants, including 3 - 4 taxis and 2 - 3 departmental cars. Therefore, the number of individual cars per 1000 inhabitants is 343 cars.

The actual level of motorization is even higher: 400-600 cars per 1000 inhabitants.

In terms of quantity and placement requirements, parking spaces can be divided into 3 types:

parking places for permanent storage of individual vehicles- for the stay of vehicles belonging to the permanent population of the city, at the place of registration of vehicles;

temporary storage spaces- for temporary stay in the parking lots of vehicles belonging to visitors of objects of various functional purposes;

guest storage spaces- designed for parking cars of visitors to residential areas.

Quantity permanent storage parking spaces of individual vehicles is determined on the basis of the level of motorization. At least 90% of parking spaces for permanent storage of individual vehicles must be placed within walking distance. Walking radius garages and open parking - no more than 800 m, and in areas of reconstruction or with unfavorable hydrogeological conditions - no more than 1500 m.

Quantity temporary storage parking spaces can be determined in two ways, depending on the tasks of the calculation.

To determine aggregated indicators, SP 42.13330.2011 “SNiP 2.07.01-89* Urban planning. Planning and development of urban and rural settlements ”gives an enlarged coefficient - at least 70% of the estimated fleet of individual cars.

For each specific facility, the number of temporary storage spaces can be calculated according to Appendix K to SP 42.13330.2011 “SNiP 2.07.01-89* Urban planning. Planning and development of urban and rural settlements”:

Norms for calculating parking lots

Recreational areas, recreation facilities, buildings and structures Unit of account Number of parking spaces per unit of account
Recreational areas and recreation facilities
Beaches and parks in recreation areas 15-20
Forest parks and reserves Same 7-10
Short-term recreation centers (sports, skiing, fishing, hunting, etc.) « 10-15
Coastal bases of the small size fleet « 10-15
Rest houses and sanatoriums, sanatoriums, recreation centers for enterprises and tourist bases 100 vacationers and service personnel 3-5
Hotels (tourist and resort) Same 5-7
Motels and campsites « According to estimated capacity
Public catering, trade and public services in recreation areas 100 seats in the halls or one-time visitors and staff 7-10
Horticultural associations 10 plots 7-10
Buildings and constructions
Management institutions, financial and legal institutions, meanings:
Republican 100 employees 10-20
local Same 5-7
Scientific and design organizations, higher and secondary specialized educational institutions « 10-15
Industrial enterprises 100 workers in two adjacent shifts 7-10
Hospitals 100 beds 3-5
Polyclinics 100 visits 2-3
Sports buildings and facilities with stands with a capacity of more than 500 spectators 100 seats 3-5
Theatres, circuses, cinemas, concert halls, museums, exhibitions 100 seats or one-time visitors 10-15
Parks of culture and recreation 100 one-time visitors 5-7
Shopping malls, department stores, stores with more than 200 sales area 100 sales area 5-7
Markets 50 trading places 20-25
Restaurants and cafes of citywide importance 100 seats 10-15
Top class hotels Same 10-15
Other hotels « 6-8
Stations of all types of transport 100 long-distance and local passengers arriving during rush hour 10-15
End (peripheral) and zone stations of high-speed passenger transport 100 passengers per rush hour 5-10

Distance pedestrian approaches from parking lots for temporary storage passenger cars differs depending on the purpose of the object:

to the entrances to residential buildings -100 m;

to the passenger premises of railway stations, entrances to places of large trade and public catering establishments - 150 m;

to other institutions and public service enterprises and administrative buildings -250 m,

to the entrances to parks, exhibitions and stadiums - 400 m.

Quantity guest storage parking spaces normative and technical documents do not establish individual vehicles. However, they can be established by the Local Urban Design Regulations for each city separately.

It should be noted that Local urban design codes may have more stringent requirements to the provision and placement of parking spaces: a higher level of motorization, smaller radii of pedestrian accessibility, higher standards for the provision of parking spaces for temporary and guest storage.

Some regions may contain requirements for the placement of a certain percentage of parking spaces strictly within the boundaries of the land plot of the facility.

Parking spaces required place in accordance with SanPiN 2.2.1/ "Sanitary protection zones and sanitary classification of enterprises, structures and other objects", containing regulatory gaps from parking lots and parking garages to buildings for various purposes and places of recreation.

Gap from car storage facilities to building sites

Objects to which the gap is calculated Distance, m
Open car parks and parking lots with a capacity of cars
10 or less 11-50 51-100 101-300 over 300
Facades of residential buildings and ends with windows 10 15 25 35 50
End faces of houses without windows 10 10 15 25 35
Territories of schools, children's institutions, vocational schools, technical schools, playgrounds for recreation, games and sports, children's 25 50 50 50 50
Territories of medical institutions of a stationary type, open sports facilities for general use, places of recreation for the population (gardens, squares, parks) 25 50 according to calculations according to calculations according to calculations

Please pay attention to the following notes:

For guest parking lots of residential buildings, gaps are not established.

Gap from ground parking garages, closed parking accepted based on calculation results dispersion of pollution in the atmospheric air and levels of physical impact - therefore, can be reduced relative to the standard.

Ground parking garages, parking lots, car parks with a capacity of over 500 m/m should place on the territory of industrial and municipal warehouse zones.

Gap from the territories of underground parking garages is not limited. The requirements related to underground garages apply to the placement bunded parking garages.

For underground, semi-underground and bunded parking garages regulated only distance from entry-exit and from ventilation shafts to the territory of schools, preschool institutions, medical institutions, residential buildings, recreation areas, etc., which should be at least 15 meters.

In the case of placing underground, semi-underground and bunded parking garages in a residential building, the distance from the entrance-exit to the residential building is not regulated. The sufficiency of the gap is substantiated by calculations of atmospheric air pollution and acoustic calculations.

On the operated roof of the underground parking garage, it is allowed to place recreation areas, children's, sports, play and other facilities, at a distance of 15 m from ventilation shafts, entrances and exits, driveways, provided that the operated roof is landscaped and the MPC is provided at the mouth of the release into the atmosphere.

Ventilation emissions from underground parking garages located under residential and public buildings should be organized 1.5 m above the roof ridge of the highest part of the building.

Gap from vehicle passages from parking garages, parking lots, parking lots to normalized objects should be at least 7 meters.

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One of the urgent problems of the modern city, associated with the rapid growth of motorization, is the development of vehicle storage facilities. According to statistics, private cars are on the road for an average of 1-2 hours, and 22-23 hours are in parking lots or streets, cluttering up the streets and making it difficult for public transport. If we take into account the fact that private cars in large cities, such as Moscow, make up about 60-65% of the total number of passenger vehicles, then they basically determine the main need for space for garages and parking lots. So, for example, in Los Angeles, the territory occupied by parking garages and streets makes up about 65% of the total city area.

Parking lots are a place for short-term storage of cars. They can be underground, semi-underground and aboveground. The cost of building underground and semi-underground car parks is 2.5-3 times higher than the cost of above-ground ones. In addition, they are more difficult to construct and require a significant amount of work to re-lay existing underground networks.

Above-ground car parks differ in their purpose from garages. Garages are structures for long-term parking and car repair, with closed and heated rooms, necessary equipment and workshops. Garages are designed according to special standards. Car parks are intended only for parking cars without their maintenance and repair. The main requirement for short-term parking, in contrast to permanent garages, is the need to provide drivers with easier conditions for entering and parking cars in the parking lot, quick and unhindered exit from the parking lot.

The most widely used in the world practice are elevated multi-storey car parks of the ramp type. Such parking lots are distinguished by their economy, relative ease of construction, short construction time, as well as the possibility of increasing the capacity by installing superstructures. The first multi-story ramp-type car parks appeared in the United States in 1935.

Space-planning solutions for ramp parking are very diverse and depend on their purpose, capacity, configuration, and type of ramps. They are located at a small distance from important city centers and main streets within walking distance. In many cases, multi-storey above-ground car parks are independent engineering structures (Fig. 1). Optimal is the arrangement of parking lots with six to seven floors with a width of buildings of 16-17 m, and the coefficient of use of the building area is about 62%.

Rice. one.

In car parks of large capacity (up to 9000 cars) and number of storeys, spiral ramps are most often used (see Fig. 1). The space inside the ramp can be used to accommodate elevators and stairwells.

The largest car parks, designed with half ramps, have a capacity of up to 1600 cars. The use of half-ramps in parking lots with displaced floors (Fig. 2) makes it possible to reduce the time of putting the car into place, as well as to use relatively small areas for the construction of parking lots. The half-ramp slope is 14-16%. Half ramps are one or two lanes wide.

Rice. 2. Scheme of a parking lot with semi-frame and mixed ceilings: - ceilings; 2 -- half ramps

Parking lots of small capacity (up to 1000 cars) are built with sloping floors with a slope of 3 to 6% (Fig. 3.3). With such a system, the most complete use of the parking area is ensured, but the movement of the car inside it is lengthened.

Rice. 3. Scheme of a car park with sloping floors: 1 - sloping floors

The least common are parking lots with straight ramps. In some cases, a combination of individual types of ramps is used. So, for example, a combination of spiral ramps and half ramps allows you to use the advantages of both.

According to the configuration of the plan of one floor of car parks, they can be rectangular, round or of another shape. With the round shape of the parking building, it fits into the urban development more easily and can be given variety and expressiveness. The rectangular shape of the parking plan allows efficient use of standard structural elements. Constructive solutions for car parks are known for their diversity. As a building material, reinforced concrete is mainly used, which meets the requirements of fire resistance and corrosion resistance to the greatest extent. In a number of countries, standard structures made of precast concrete have been developed for car parks. The car park building is most often formed from columns, tee beams, foundation blocks, as well as elements of ramps, elevator shafts, wall fences, etc. On prefabricated floor beams, a layer of monolithic concrete 0.1 m thick is sometimes arranged.

In foreign practice, prestressed columns with a length equal to the height of the car park building are used. On fig. 3.4 shows the main parameters of the car park building from prefabricated reinforced concrete unified elements. The frame of the building is formed from T-shaped cantilever frames. The height of the floor is assumed to be 2.8 m with a distance from the floor to the bottom of the floor beams of 2.2 m.

In the construction of parking lots, in a number of cases, prefabricated spatial elements were used. So, for example, in the USA, prefabricated elements have been developed, consisting of two parallel U-shaped prestressed frames, united on top by a slab. The length of the element is 17.4 m, and its height corresponds to the height of the parking floor. The integration of spatial blocks is carried out in the vertical direction with the help of strands of steel wire passed through the channels provided in the racks of the frames.

Rice. 4. The main parameters of the car park made of prefabricated reinforced concrete elements: a - with external lightweight walls with vehicle dimensions of 4.11.6 m; b - without external walls with a car size of 4.81.8 m

Parking lots are also being built from metal structures. In most cases, rolled steel is used. Overlappings are made in the form of trusses with a triangular lattice. In recent years, weather-resistant steel has been used in the construction of car parks in various countries to reduce operating costs. It is possible to combine metal and reinforced concrete elements as part of the construction of a multi-storey car park.

Metal elements are very effective in the construction of collapsible parking lots. Such buildings are erected on sites intended for other structures in the future. Structural elements in this case have bolted connections. The installation of structures is usually carried out in spatial blocks, within each of which two cars can be installed and a lane for travel is provided (Fig. 5).

Asbestos cladding is used to protect multi-storey metal car parks from fire.

There are examples of the use of reinforced concrete collapsible car parks. Connection of elements among themselves is provided with high-strength bolts.

Multi-storey car parks can be combined into a single structure with any building. Often, multi-storey car parks are part of the buildings of the railway, aviation or maritime stations. Sometimes they are erected above the metro stations, connecting the parking lot with the metro platforms with elevators. Multi-storey car parks can be part of the buildings of large hotels or multi-storey residential buildings, as well as be part of industrial and administrative buildings or surround sports facilities. For the construction of multi-storey car parks or garages, the space under the overpasses of approaches to high bridges is often used.

Rice. five.

In dense urban development with narrow streets, it becomes necessary to build parking lots in areas of limited area. In this regard, mechanized parking lots have become widespread, allowing the use of up to 80% of the building area for parking spaces. Compared to ramps, mechanized parking lots have a number of advantages. If the height of ramp parking is limited to six or seven floors, then mechanized ones can have a height of 30 floors, since cars are lifted by elevators. The height of the tiers can be reduced as the driver does not enter the parking area.

Air pollution from exhaust gases in ramp parking can be very significant, and in mechanized parking lots, the car is delivered to the parking lot with the engine turned off, and special air ventilation is not required.

The high cost of equipping car parks of this type is offset by the relatively low cost of their construction. In addition, in mechanized parking lots, the number of attendants is significantly reduced, and the installation of a car into place takes an average of 1 minute.

There are several types of mechanized parking. Cars are lifted and lowered using elevators or a laternoster (a lift based on the use of a continuous chain). The latter type has a very low efficiency and therefore is not widely used. The most widely used system is based on a combination of vertical movement of cars on an elevator with its subsequent horizontal movement on trolleys without a driver (Fig. 6, a). The capacity of this type of parking usually does not exceed 500 cars. In the central part of the parking building there is a shaft with a lift, and on the sides - boxes for parking. One or more car lifts are located in the mine. Structurally, mechanized parking lots of this type are simple and allow the use of prefabricated elements.

Rice. 6. Schemes of mechanized parking lots: 1 - boxes; 2 - lift platform with a car; 3 - trolley; 4 - turntable

In terms of the building of a mechanized parking lot, it can be round (Fig. 3.6, b). At the same time, two or three cars are lifted at once. The lift is equipped with a turntable, the car is automatically fed on a special trolley to the parking place and the trolley returns to the lift.

With a rectangular shape of the building plan, the car, raised to the corresponding floor, moves on a trolley first along the floor, and then starts into the desired box (Fig. 6, b).

Mechanized parking lots can have independent buildings, or they can be built into other structures, for example, into administrative buildings.

There is an area in Hamburg called HafenCity. It is unique in its architecture, which has no analogues in the world. HafenCity arose on a former port area of ​​about 155 hectares. Investments in construction exceeded one billion euros. As planned by the builders, all buildings in the area should be of futuristic design. To date, only the western part of the district has been built up, and the completion of the project is scheduled for 2025. Now this area has a reputation as an elite one, housing here is not cheap, and the city center is very close. A very interesting area, which is worth devoting a separate walk to it.

But I wanted to show one simple and smart parking solution. See those houses on the left, which are "on chicken legs"? Under the houses there is space for car parking.

This is what the space looks like. At first glance, there are two parking spaces. But if you look closely, it is noticeable that the car is on a movable platform. Beneath it there is another space about two and a half meters high. The entire platform can be lifted up so that the bottom is level with the paving slabs, and the car can drive inside. The platform then lowers, allowing two more cars to park.

Weight restrictions:

This is the simplest mechanism. The manufacturer of these things has more interesting designs for automated parking:

I just want to put one of these in our yard and stake out one place for my car :)

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