Proportions of mixing cement for laying blocks. Technology for preparing a mortar for laying bricks

High-quality mortar for laying bricks will provide the structure with the necessary strength and durability. There are several options for manufacturing a binder that a private developer can successfully use.

The quality of the solution depends on the reliability and durability of brickwork.

Masonry mortar is in demand at every construction site. For mixing the composition in large volumes, a concrete mixer is required. If a binder is needed for cosmetic repairs, a small amount will suffice. In this case, the kneading is done by hand.

The brick laying mix consists of several components:

  • binder;
  • water;
  • sand;
  • filler.

As the first, cement, clay or lime is used. Clay-based compositions are suitable for use much longer than cement-based mixtures. Lime mortar has a lower strength than cement and clay.

Sand for mortar should be of medium grain size and extracted from a quarry. River sand is not suitable, as the grains of sand in it are too small, so they will provoke the fragility of the masonry. Various materials are used as a filler:

  • crushed stone;
  • gravel;
  • sawdust;
  • needles;
  • expanded clay;
  • slag (waste of metallurgical production);
  • straw.

Depending on the type of filler, different types concrete: sawdust concrete, slag concrete, expanded clay concrete. An important criterion for the quality of mortar for laying bricks is plasticity. To achieve it, special additives are introduced: plasticizers. You can use those offered by the trading network. But you can use less expensive, but no less effective means.

These include washing powder and liquid glass. The latter will make the composition not only elastic, but also water-repellent. But the most economical way is to use an inexpensive washing powder. In the recent past, builders ensured the plasticity of the brickwork mortar by adding PVA glue to it. But now this method is considered obsolete.

For self-mixing, without using a concrete mixer, you will need the following:

  • container for kneading;
  • shovel;
  • bucket;
  • metal mesh for screening sand.

Cement-sand mixture can be prepared with or without filler. For laying walls, compositions without filler are suitable. The grade of the solution depends on the type of binder used. Traditionally, cement of the M400 brand is taken for masonry. His other brands are also suitable: M300, M500.

Types of mortars for laying bricks

Since a properly prepared solution ensures the speed and quality of work, they approach its mixing with all responsibility. Which cement to choose is decided based on the tasks of construction. The cost of the binder is included in the estimate.

Builders believe that the best cement for laying bricks is M400. It has all the properties necessary for high-quality construction:

  • optimum hardening speed;
  • frost resistance;
  • moisture resistance;
  • good compressive and flexural strength.

A brick mortar based on it provides the walls with the strength required by SNiP.

A high quality mixture can only be obtained if a concrete mixer is used.

The technique will ensure the necessary enveloping of each grain of sand with cement. When laying the ingredients of the composition in the concrete mixer, it is necessary to observe the proportions of the mortar for laying bricks.

Methods for preparing building mixtures

There are several ways to get a quality composition. For handmade kneading, use the following:

  • sifting sand;
  • sand and cement are poured into the container in layers (the height of the "bed" should be no more than 30 cm);
  • using a shovel, the contents of the container are mixed;
  • the resulting mixture is sifted through a mesh with a mesh of 3x3 mm;
  • water is added to the container in small portions, constantly mixing the composition;
  • achieve a creamy consistency;
  • during kneading, a plasticizer or frost-resistant additives can be added to the composition.

Mixing with a concrete mixer

A high-quality mortar for laying bricks is prepared in the following proportion:

  • 4 parts of sifted quarry sand;
  • 1 part cement brand M400;
  • water.

Bulk materials are measured in buckets. First of all, cement is placed in the concrete mixer. Then sand is added. Turn on the hopper and mix the materials for several minutes. Without turning off the concrete mixer, they begin to pour water into it. Its quantity should be such that a mixture of medium density is obtained: when compressed in a fist, no liquid should come out of it. Cement mortar is traditionally used for laying foundations and load-bearing walls made of red brick.

Clay and lime mortars

The clay-based masonry composition is in many ways similar to that used for the manufacture of bricks. The best strength indicators can be achieved with clay of medium fat content. Soak it the day before use. The proportions of the building mixture:

  • 1 part clay;
  • 2-4 parts of sifted sand;
  • water (to the required density of the mixture).

If you add 100 kg of Portland cement to 1 m³ of clay composition, the strength of the masonry will increase by 2-2.5 times. Clay mixtures prepared in a ratio of 1:2 or 1:4 are often used for the construction of ground building elements from ceramic bricks.

The composition of the lime-clay mixture:

  • 1 part lime;
  • 0.5 parts of clay;
  • 5 parts of sand;
  • water.

The cooking process is similar to the previous ones: first, the dry and least wet components are mixed. In this case, it is lime and sand. After that, clay is added and, last but not least, water. In the process of laying the components, the composition is continuously mixed.

To prepare a lime mortar, you will need lime dough or quicklime crushed. This ingredient is mixed with sifted quarry sand. Then water is added in small portions. If lime paste was used, water may not be needed.



  • 1 part lime;
  • 2-5 parts of sand;
  • water.

The strength of such a composition is 2 kgf / cm². The inclusion of a better binder: cement will help to increase it. To obtain a strength of 8 kgf / cm², it is necessary to add 85-100 kg of Portland cement per 1 m³ of the composition. Lime mortar is traditionally used for laying sand-lime bricks. After drying, the composition acquires a whitish tint, which significantly improves the appearance of the masonry.

Additional Information

High-quality masonry can only be done if there is a mobile and elastic solution. Cement-based compositions must be worked out within 1-1.5 hours. The brand of cement will report on the strength of the solution. If M400 is selected, then 1 cm² of the composition is able to withstand a load of up to 400 kg.


It is customary to distinguish lean, normal and fatty building mixtures. For the construction of walls and foundations, normal ones are suitable. They have an optimal balance of binder and filler. Working with such mixtures is easy and convenient.

The preparation of mortar for brickwork has never been considered a difficult construction operation, and in the brigades this work is performed by the youngest and most inexperienced. But mistakes in its execution are immediately evident to professionals, and their elimination does not require much time and effort.

Basic requirements for the prepared solution

Properly prepared mix for laying bricks must meet certain requirements. There are only three of them, but failure to comply with even one of them makes high-quality masonry impossible. First, the mixture must be sufficiently plastic. This is important, since the quality of filling irregularities and voids in brickwork depends on its plasticity.

Secondly, the setting time must be optimal. If the prepared mixture hardens too quickly, then it will be impossible to use it for masonry. Cement-based mixtures retain their plasticity for 1.5-2 hours, and when lime is added to them, this period increases to 5 hours. Thirdly, maintaining sufficient strength after complete solidification. If the hardened mixture is not strong enough, then the laid masonry is likely to deform.

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The main components of the solution

To fix bricks in masonry, various types of mortars are used. But they are all prepared according to a similar technology. The composition of any mortar for laying bricks necessarily includes a binder, a filler (usually sand is used for these purposes) and water. They differ only in the astringent component. If necessary, for better plasticity and viscosity, clay, PVA glue or other additives are sometimes added to the mixture being prepared.

As a binder for the preparation of the solution can be used:

  • lime;
  • cement;
  • cement-lime mixture.

Mortar for laying bricks using lime is almost never used. Lime makes it warmer, but it is also the main reason for the lack of strength of the mixture. The only places where bricks can be laid on lime mortar are the foundations of furnaces and brick chimney stacks. Depending on the fat content of lime, the proportions of mortar for laying bricks can vary from 1:2 to 1:5 (1 part lime to 2-5 parts sand).

Cement-based bricklaying mortar has been and remains the most popular among amateur masons. Although it is the coldest and toughest of the three types, it is also the most durable of them all. The plasticity of the cement mixture depends on the amount of cement in it. The proportions of cement and sand, depending on the brand of cement and the requirements for masonry walls, can vary in a wide range: from 1:2 to 1:5.

Unlike amateurs, professionals prefer cement-lime mixtures. Due to the presence of lime milk in the composition, they are warmer and more plastic than purely cement ones, but remain strong enough, which makes it possible to use them for almost any type of brickwork.

Their only drawback is that they cannot be used in conditions of high humidity. The optimal ratio of cement, lime and sand for mortar brand M25 is 1:1:4; for a solution of brand M50 - 1: 0.5: 4.5.

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Technology of high-quality solution preparation

The main secret of a well-prepared solution is in the right proportion of mixing its components. To prepare a mortar for masonry, you will need the usual tools:

  • large capacity for mixing components;
  • buckets (can be old, but always clean);
  • shovel;
  • Master OK.

If large volumes of brickwork are expected and a team of builders will be involved, then it is advisable to use a concrete mixer as a container for preparing the mortar, it will save you from heavy monotonous work - mixing by hand.

But if the amount of work is small and you intend to do it yourself, then it is better to prepare the mixture by hand. The setting time of the vast majority of cement mortars for masonry is 1.5-2 hours, having prepared even half the concrete mixer of the mortar, you still will not have time to use it in the allotted time, therefore, waste materials and time for preparation.

Before preparation, sand must be prepared for use, i.e. sift, cleaning it as much as possible from litter and impurities. It is best to use river sand, but regular, quarry sand is also suitable, the main thing is that it be of a fine fraction, no more than 2.5 mm.

Then, sand and cement are poured into the container for preparing the solution with buckets in the right proportion. If you do not know the exact proportion you need, then it is better to start with the most common one - 1: 4 (1 bucket of cement and 4 sand).

Filling up 4 10-liter buckets of sand and 1 of the same bucket of cement, you will end up with not 50 liters of the mixture, but only 40, since the cement will fill the space between the grains of sand, but will not increase them in volume. In the future, by increasing the proportion of sand or cement, you can always correct the prepared solution to the plasticity you need.

First, cement and sand are thoroughly mixed by hand until a homogeneous mass is obtained, after which the resulting mixture is mixed with water. The average water use is approximately 0.8 liters per 1 kg of cement. But these figures are not accurate, the amount of water added to the cement-sand mixture is usually determined already during the preparation of the mixture, adding liquid little by little until the prepared solution acquires the desired consistency.

To mix the mixture, clean water is needed, preferably at room temperature (15-20º). All the time, while you add water, the mixture must be thoroughly mixed. Do not miss this nuance, since sand, as the heaviest component of the mixture being prepared, will all the time settle to the bottom of the tank, squeezing up the water in the mixture. A properly prepared mixture should look like thick homemade sour cream in appearance.

Knowing all the nuances of preparing a masonry mortar, you can easily prepare it yourself without resorting to help, and far from free, construction firms. The main thing is not to deviate from the right technology and not give up after a possible failure.

Many people know how to prepare a mortar for laying bricks. But not everyone knows how to make it right and so that the cost of masonry does not exceed the price of the brick itself. Often cement or limestone mixture is used as gluing elements. As a filler, sand is used, which should be as clean as possible, light, without additional impurities, debris, residues of the root system of plants, grass and other vegetation. In the construction industry, air or water hardening materials are used.

The preparation of a binder product is a very important process, on which the strength and safety of the knowledge being built depends. If violations are allowed, over time, the masonry will begin to collapse, and the structure itself will sag. It is hardly necessary to specify what this may lead to.

What are the types of solutions

Before embarking on the independent preparation of the product, you should study the composition of the masonry mortar and its main types, which differ in technical characteristics.

At the moment, there are three main types of mixture:

Cement mortar for brick laying

It consists of components such as clean, white sand and a cement product. This building material is characterized by a low degree of plasticity, low mobility and is listed in the category of cold components. Regardless of the manufacturer, the cement product is considered too hard, so it is rarely used.

It is made from warm, plastic, quicklime product and sand. In terms of strength indicators, they are inferior to cement.

If it is difficult to decide on the type, you can safely stop at the combined one, which has all the advantages inherent in the cement and limestone components. Elements are great for almost all types of bricks.

First of all, you need to carry out preliminary preparation of sand, remove all unnecessary elements and sift. Only pure, homogeneous material, when mixed with other components, can create an astringent effect.

Types of sand

If more cement is added to the composition, the level of plasticity and mobility will increase.

As a filling element, sand, clay or limestone material can be used. The last two are elastic, but they can not be used in all cases, for example, in the process of laying bricks with cavities. Over time, they will absorb moisture, as a result of which walls and partitions will lose their thermal insulation properties.

To increase the volume of the solution and qualitatively improve its characteristics, aggregates are included. And if only sand (preferably river sand) is suitable for laying bricks, then crushed stone, gravel, expanded clay, perlite, etc. should be used to install monolithic structures.

Porous aggregates (slag, expanded clay) are needed to increase the thermal insulation of the entire structure. In this case, the maximum diameter of the filler should not exceed 15-20 mm, so as not to reduce the adhesion of the composition.

The most important constituent of the mass is water. It is she who acts as a connecting element and provides the necessary bundle. Its quality and quantity are determined by GOST 23732-2011.

To improve the properties, the following components can be added:

  • elastic plasticizers - facilitate the application of the composition, increase the density and increase resistance to deformation;
  • hardeners - used to accelerate polymerization;
  • anti-frost additives - stop the process of water freezing during winter work and maintain the hydration of the substance;
  • pigments - decorative additives to give the masonry a certain color.

The grade of cement used for mixing shows how many kilograms 1 cc of cement mortar can withstand.

At the moment, the classifications of the product of the following series are widely used:

  • 0-2 - rarely used.
  • 4, 10, 25, 50, 75 are the most popular brands.
  • 100, 150, 200 - are used in the process of erecting specific structures.

The series is assigned after checking the speed of hardening of the product and for compression.

It is forbidden to use the latest brand of cement (from F200 and higher) when mixing a mortar with requirements for frost resistance without air-entraining additives (plasticizers).

The more cement is added, the better the astringent properties, but its excess is fraught with rapid hardening of the solution.

The correct texture has a certain degree of mobility, which is important for building processes. The value of mobility is determined by the method of practical research. A special cone is immersed in a product of recent preparation, if the element goes far inland - the mixture has an increased degree of mobility, but the lower the immersion, the worse the elasticity of the components. It is advisable to carry out such an experiment every time a new portion is kneaded.

VIDEO: Preparation of mortar for laying bricks

Composition and table of proportions of sand and cement

The proportions of mortar for laying bricks can be calculated based on the following criteria:

  • how many floors are planned to be built in the building;
  • the purpose of the building being produced;
  • type of soil on which the house will be built, etc.

If you want to build a one-story cottage, then you can use a limestone type product, which is lightweight and has a high degree of adhesion. The most optimal ratio is 4:1.

Cement mixture is needed for the construction of walls, the thickness of which does not exceed 250 mm. When mixing, components such as sand and cement are added in proportions of 3-6: 1. The amount of the first element depends on the purpose of the building being erected and the manufacturer of the cement mixture.

For buildings built from refractory building materials, which are subsequently expected to be subjected to intense exposure to elevated temperatures, a special binder is used, consisting of sand, clay, a refractory component, fireclay powder. Often used for the construction of fireplaces or stoves.

kgf / cm 2

Optimal Ratio Proportions
(sand, cement)

How to knead correctly?

Consider the recipe and steps on how to properly knead the mortar for laying bricks.

  1. It is necessary to prepare the components from which the cement product will be produced - sand, water, cement, limestone element.
  2. Next, mix all the main components in the required proportions and dry. Next, a little fireclay powder is added to increase the level of plasticity.
  3. Water is gradually poured into the mixture and thoroughly mixed until a homogeneous consistency. It is important to remember that after 1.5-2 hours the mortar for brick laying loses its technical characteristics and begins to harden.

Component consumption calculation

Solution preparation

One of the most popular ways to prepare a mortar for laying bricks is the combined version of the cement-sand type.

For 1 sq.m of a brick wall, with a thickness of one standard brick, up to 80 liters of liquid mixture are intended. If the laying must be carried out with a thickness of one and a half bricks, more than 110 l / m 2 will be consumed.

Regardless of the fact that the building materials market in our time is overflowing with a variety of mixtures for the construction of houses, a self-made cement product is still not inferior to them in terms of its technical features.

It should also be remembered that any work related to the construction of any structures should be done in the summer season. Thus, the construction of a small cottage can be completed by winter.

Of the main advantages of the cement component, ease of availability, low cost of its components and the ability to use with low-grade brick material are distinguished.

The only disadvantages are that special tools are required to prepare the mixture, a large layer thickness is obtained during laying, and after drying, the material requires subsequent processing with decorative cladding.

VIDEO: How to lay a brick correctly. How to make perfect seams

For the organization of durable and high-quality masonry, it is important to follow the existing rules for mixing solutions. You must keep the exact proportions. What is the required ratio of sand and cement for laying bricks?

The main requirements for the solution

The composition prepared by you must meet all existing requirements.

Which of them are the most important?

Depending on the selected components, the compositions remain plastic in the period from 1.5 to 5 hours. But the average application time is about two hours. It is important to do everything right so as not to spoil the components.

We prepare the optimal composition

Usually it is used in low-rise construction of private houses. The following components are suitable for it:

  • Pure water.
  • Portland cement M400.
  • Clean sand with particles up to 2 mm.

Keep in mind that it is important to maintain the proportions of sand and cement for masonry and other main elements of the building. But you must keep in mind that the more aggregate you add, the less durable the composition will be.

As a rule, the following proportions of cement and sand are used for bricklaying:

  • For M25 - 1:5.
  • For M50 - 1: 4.
  • For M75 - 1: 3.

Thus, the proportion of cement and sand for laying bricks will vary. In the most critical areas, solutions M50 and M75 are used.

Such areas include the following:

  • Pillar foundations made of brick, if the soil is wet.
  • Socle elements of the bath.

When building a brick house, a special masonry mixture for bricks is used as a fastening material. The best option is a solution whose consistency meets the requirements.

For laying bricks, a solution of medium density is well suited, which can fit well on the product and at the same time be held on its surface until it hardens. In addition, it is important that the mortar has good adhesion, is durable and does not absorb excessive moisture.

For the construction of a reliable structure that meets the requirements of strength and durability, a high-quality mixture should be used, the preparation of which followed the technology and recommendations of specialists. The creation of such a solution requires knowledge of the varieties of existing mixtures.

Features of solutions

The choice of the type of masonry mixture should be based on the requirements for the construction of a particular object.

For example, the construction of a bath involves the use of a plastic solution that can fill all the seams, voids and surface irregularities. The requirements put forward to the composition include various characteristics. The solution must have sufficient strength, which will not cause deformation of the future wall. The density and speed of hardening of the mixture must correspond to the speed of the work performed. The time period required for the complete hardening of the composition depends on the components used and its purpose.

The classic simple composition involves the presence of water, sand and cement. This composition is used in the construction of small houses or auxiliary buildings. For its manufacture, cement 400-500, clean water and sand fractions up to 2 mm are used.

The amount of sand used in the composition determines how strong the finished mortar will be. The smaller it is, the more reliable the solution itself will be. And, accordingly, vice versa. The most commonly used proportions are:

  • 5 parts of sand and 1 part of cement (M25);
  • 4 parts sand and 1 part cement (M50);
  • 3 parts sand and 1 part cement (M75).

The construction of particularly strong walls is carried out using a mixture of M50 and M75, where the use of an additional ingredient - sand, is reduced. The areas of application of such a mixture are columnar bases, work in conditions of high humidity and the construction of houses from clinker bricks.

For other construction needs, a solution of the M25 brand may be applicable. The preparation of such a mixture for 1 cubic meter of masonry requires:

  • water (250 liters);
  • cement (268 kg);
  • sand (1064 kg);
  • concrete mixer;
  • bucket and hose.

Solution preparation

In order to prepare a masonry mortar for bricks, it is recommended to use river sand. It must first be sifted and separated from all kinds of debris and large particles. It is important to knead exactly the amount of solution that will be used over the next two hours - this is exactly the plasticity period of this composition.

  • Using a concrete mixer, you need to gradually mix the ingredients into the composition in the following order: water, cement, sand and water residues.
  • The components must be added gradually and kneaded for about 2 minutes, after which the finished solution is poured into a container for further use as intended.
  • During the laying process, the mixture should be periodically stirred to ensure its uniformity.

Some cases involve the use of lime for the preparation of masonry mortar. Such a composition is characterized by increased plasticity. The time of possible work with such a solution increases to 5 hours.

This is very convenient, as you can prepare a sufficient amount in advance so as not to waste time on production. However, for masonry, which can be significantly affected by moisture, such a solution cannot be used.

Proportions for the preparation of cement-lime mortar:

  • 1 part cement and lime + 4 parts sand (M25);
  • 1 part cement + 0.5 parts lime + 4.5 parts sand (M50).

A concrete mixer is used to form the solution. Ingredients are added gradually, starting with water. Next, cement is added, then lime. Everything is thoroughly mixed and after that sand and the remaining liquid are added.

Some Features

You can not prepare the mortar with your own hands, but resort to the use of ready-made dry mixes, which, when water is added, are converted into masonry mortar. Such elements can be purchased in specialized stores.

  • For mixing, the same concrete mixer or construction mixer is used.
  • The amount of water required for each preparation is indicated on the packaging.
  • Mixing of such compositions, as a rule, takes about 6 minutes. It is important to follow the recommendations for the use of each specific mixture and in no case add additional ingredients. Such amateur performance can adversely affect the quality of future masonry.
  • For example, a porous, highly absorbent substrate will provide better strength to the masonry mortar, as opposed to a brick that does not absorb moisture well.
  • It is important to monitor the uniformity of the composition during the laying of products, i.e. constantly stirring the solution.
  • If necessary, the consistency can be improved by using additional components. Crushed stone, sand and other additives can increase the density of the solution. The quantity and quality of additional components determine the basic properties of the future material.

Practice shows that a self-prepared solution is of better quality than a purchased one. This is due both to the ingredients used and to personal control over the cooking process.

In addition, it is quite difficult to control the quality of the finished product sold, regardless of its price and manufacturer.

masonry process

The use of masonry mortars is quite wide:

  • walls of houses subjected to loads and external influences from precipitation;
  • foundations;
  • laying chimney pipes;
  • laying walls of concrete blocks;
  • laying walls of clinker bricks and more.

High-quality masonry implies compliance with certain rules when applying masonry material. It is important to maintain the thickness of the joints, which should be within 10-15 mm for cement and lime-cement options.

  • If the construction project provides for subsequent plastering of the building, then the seams should not be completely filled, but 5-10 mm should be left for their subsequent filling with plaster. This is necessary to increase the adhesion of the wall and plaster.
  • When plaster is not planned, the seams must be sealed with great care.
  • Before starting the laying process, the brick must be cleaned of dust and dirt.
  • In the hot period, you should hold the brick in water before starting work. Such a measure will allow the brick to be saturated with moisture before direct contact with the mortar, which will prevent premature drying of the material.
  • If there was a break in work, then the finished row of masonry can also be moistened.

You can use ready-made mixtures or prepare the solution yourself. In any case, it is important to control the quality of the raw materials used and adherence to the preparation technology. Good luck!

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