Megamarket saving on the purchase of the necessary goods. Tips on how you can save money on things and groceries

It's not about buying less.

This post will deal with the question of how to buy the goods we need cheaper, that is, at discounts.

But first, let's understand the concepts what is saving for me but different people have their own idea of ​​it.

Here, I once talked with a friend and she told me that she bought some goods for 50 UAH cheaper. In general, it's great - 50 UAH is also a savings. But when I found out that she spent a whole day with a ponytail on this - she monitored different sites, searched, compared, corresponded with the support service and many other crap. My eyes widened.

For me, this is not saving for sure ... Spending a day of your life to save 50 UAH - I would say that this is a dubious saving.

That's why when it comes talking about saving money whatever it is For me there are 2 key factors:

  • money
  • time.

First, I look at the discount, then I figure out how much extra time I will spend, or maybe even save it, and whether the "skin is worth it."

There is still one catch in discounts that you don’t need to be led to - if there are discounts, then I will buy more and a lot of things - “Schaub Bulo”.

Here we need to soberly assess whether we need it.

The well-known fact that you can’t go to the store on an empty stomach also works. Oh, got caught on this more than once. And, most importantly, my husband and I say to each other - "We are hungry, we do not adequately estimate the volumes" ... But we still manage to buy more than we need when we are hungry.

Well, the list, of course, helps out - it is the main one. Usually, when we go to a supermarket with a list, we clearly know what we want and what we need.

How to save on purchases and find out about discounts in a few clicks

Now let's talk about discounts in supermarkets, pharmacies and other stores.

How them fast analyze(save time) and then choose the ones we want discount products (save money).

In this post, I will tell you how to do this on a specific site and show our example of using this feature.

I have already told you about various coupon sites with which you can save on entertainment and travel, shared what is the catch of such coupons.

This site is - "Skidochnik".

Only it contains information from various coupon sites, as well as supermarket promotions and sales of online stores. This way you can browse by topic and find the offers you need in one place.

It was clear to me - you find the right discount and buy a product or service via the Internet.

Didn't quite understand how useful sections of supermarkets and information about discounts. Anyway, I buy products in the supermarket, I'll look there.

Until it just dawned on me.

Wow, how have I not seen the benefits before. It's really possible save money and time.

For example, next to a lot there are several supermarkets (I specifically have 4) at a distance of plus minutes 2-4 blocks from each other. In some we buy more often, and in some less often.

Now, I can access the site. Quickly - in a few minutes to view discounts and whether there is what we need for discounts, until what day the discount is and plan the purchase.

And now I will show how it works on the example of our recent purchases.

We go to the section where we show discounts in supermarkets.

I have chosen Kyiv, and you can choose another city.

By the way, I want to say that we now live in Irpen - it's near Kiev. But discounts in supermarkets coincided with those in Kyiv.

Or choose service.

In my case, I looked at discounts in supermarkets. But there are not only supermarkets.

Current offers can be found on the website.

It is very convenient that when choosing a specific service, immediately shows the map Where in the city is he located? I will show the screen later when I share information about how this site can be useful when traveling.

What did not like

I can’t say that I didn’t like it directly :) Most likely it would be convenient if there was such an option.

I missed at least a couple of lines of product description. Especially in situations where it plays a decisive role.

For example, I looked pasta "Chumak". But it is not clear whether this is ordinary vermicelli or durum wheat.

Maybe a specialist can determine by eye, but I do not belong to them. We buy vermicelli not so often and different brands.

Although to be honest, this is not a fundamental issue. After all, I don’t buy it via the Internet, but in the store when buying, I can always see what’s what.

How to save money on shopping while traveling

This question will concern travel in Ukraine, because the site provides information on services in different cities of Ukraine.

This is especially true for those who organize their own trips on your own and wants to make them more budget-friendly.

See you soon on our blog pages. about travel and leisure!

Hello, friends!

Today I want to write about how to save on purchases in online stores, and not only save money, but even earn money. This article can be considered an addition to the previous one on how to make money on affiliate programs. In it, I talked mainly about affiliate programs for information products, but many online stores that sell physical goods also offer partnerships.

He introduced me to this method of earning E. Vergus, which I have already mentioned more than once in my articles.

Online store owners use a variety of methods to attract customers. One of them is the so-called cashbacks. What it is? This term is understood as the return of a part of the purchase price to increase customer loyalty.

To get such a cashback, you need to use a special service. This is a service. To start saving on your purchases and earn on others, you just need to register on this resource and go to stores through it. The service has already cooperated with almost a thousand of the most famous stores.

The time of Christmas sales will come soon, when most stores provide significant discounts on their products, but an additional discount in the form of cashback will not hurt anyone. Thus, using store discounts and the capabilities of the Lety Shops service, you can get significant savings.

Registration in the Lety Shops service

But I said that with the help of cashbacks you can not only save, but also earn. How to do it. To do this, the Lety Shops service has an affiliate program. By inviting customers to register in it, you get the opportunity to receive a certain percentage of their purchases.

So, how to work with Lety Shops?

As you can see, everything is very simple. Using the service, you can now save on online purchases and still earn money at the same time.

See you soon!


Save on purchases with AliExpress IS POSSIBLE and NECESSARY! I have been buying on Aliexpress for several years now and basically I have a few rules that I regularly use to save my money. Now I'll tell you about them!

Compare prices from different sellers

First of all, you can save on purchases with Aliexpress by comparing prices from different sellers. Very often, the product you want to buy may be much cheaper from another seller. 10, 20 or even 50 percent. This is a very good savings!

When I find a product that suits me, I go down the page almost to the very bottom and pay attention to the section From another seller.

The same product is usually displayed here, but from other sellers. We analyze prices and choose the most favorable ones.

Choose free shipping

Suppose that the price of the goods we have selected is the same for several sellers. But don't forget about shipping. This can also save you a couple of dollars. For one seller, shipping can cost 1-2 dollars, while for another it will be absolutely free. Which seller we will cooperate with is out of the question. We are learning to save on purchases with Aliexpress ?! Therefore, we choose where it is cheaper.

By the way, the sellers who indicated " Free shipping”, This does not mean that the seller will send the parcel by incomprehensible mail, without a track number and the goods will go for six months! NO. Usually, free shipping means that the cost of shipping is already included in the price of the goods, or the seller pays for shipping from his own pocket. In large stores on Aliexpress, there are huge turnovers, they cooperate with the post office in large volumes, and delivery for such stores costs a penny!

Sales and promotions

From time to time, various sales and promotions take place on Aliexpress. Tracking the dynamics of prices, you can grab yourself a lot of goods at a good discount!

BUT I WANT YOU TO WARN! There are a lot of tricksters on AliExpress who double the prices before the promotion, and then allegedly make a 50% discount. But in reality they are trying to sell the goods at the same price, and in some cases, on the contrary, more expensive!!! But not all sellers are such liars. There are those who really put, though not a big, but very pleasant discount.

Usually, sales and promotions on Aliexpress are held on November 11 (November 11 of each year), on black Friday, on the birthday of the store itself, and so on. In advance, before discounts, you need to remember the prices for the goods you need and compare these prices on the day of sales. Thus, already draw a conclusion about certain sellers. Who gives a real discount, and who only pretends.

We use cashback

In more detail, I told about what cashback is and how to save good money on every purchase with it. Well, here I will tell about it briefly!

cashback translated from English as money back. The essence of cashback is that we can return part of the money from each purchase in Aliexpress and other stores. To receive cashback, we need to register on a special website (cashback service) and simply switch from this service to Aliexpress. Then buy the goods you need and get part of the money back.

I've been using the ePN cashback service for several months and have already saved several hundred dollars with it. Now I'll show you how to use it.

1. Follow the link and register in this cashback service!

2. Activate your account by clicking on the link in the email from ePN!

3. On the ePN website, find the AliExpress icon and click More !

4. Click Buy with cashback.

5. Once on Aliexpress, buy the goods you need (! without closing the browser)

6. Return to ePN to the Statistics section and check the cashback accrual

Please note that in order to successfully receive a cashback, you need to do the operation to activate the cashback again every time you start the browser again! That is, if you decide to buy something, then you will need to go to ePN and follow the links More details - Buy with cashback. And only then buy.

In order not to forget to activate cashback, install the browser extension from ePN and it will remind you about cashback!

Moreover, it is very easy to use Activate cashback by signing in.

The number of online stores is growing, their range is expanding, and ordering online is already more profitable and more interesting than shopping. But what and how to do so that purchases always please and remain inexpensive?

Measure your parameters and keep the data at hand

Size confusion can turn any shopping experience into a nightmare. American manufacturers, European and Russian designate body parameters in completely different ways.

Even if you know exactly how long your jeans should be and what waist circumference, buying without trying on is a risk. What is marked M in one store is considered L in another.

Way out: before ordering, check the ratio of your parameters and the size table of the store.

You will need to measure: bust, waist, hips and neck, sleeve length and the length of the trousers along the inner seam. Save the data so that you do not have to measure everything again the next time you buy.

Catch discounts

We will not repeat that everything is cheaper at large sales. But after all, you still need to stumble upon this sale, and the necessary thing may not participate in the action.

There is an easier option: to get a good discount, you need to find a promo code.

A promotional code is a combination of letters and numbers that must be entered in a special field before buying from an online store.

A promotional code gives the right to buy something at a lower price, not pay for shipping, or receive a gift with the main purchase.

One of the most convenient services for finding such discounts is the portal. Here are the promo codes. In huge numbers. Take and use.

You go to the site, select the category of goods that interests you, and see which stores offer promotional codes. Armed with this knowledge, go where the offer is most generous.

Nothing is required of you, except for a couple of minutes of your time. No money - promotional codes are free. And no catch: it is profitable for stores to attract more customers, and is a way to draw attention to goods with the help of low prices.

There are plenty to choose from. Among the presented categories of goods you can find everything that your heart desires. Promotions and discounts are offered by both recognized monsters of trade and small but interesting shops.

In this article, I want to talk about my experience of saving on purchases and the ways I personally invented not to spend all the money during shopping.

It all started a very long time ago. When I studied at the university and earned very little, with the help of a scholarship, I also wanted to dress beautifully and use expensive cosmetics.

There was little money and I had to save. Today I can afford to buy both a Dior dress and a Paloma Picasso necklace at the same time, but still, how to save on purchases is the first thing I think about when I go to the mall.

Learning to make a list

Once I got my hands on a book by Erin Doland, which talked about how to simplify your life and stop spending thousands of crisp money on unnecessary purchases.

I thought about it and came to the conclusion that we really do often buy what we don’t need at all.

We buy only because it is offered to us. Hundreds of stores with neon inviting signs open their doors at exactly 9 o'clock in the morning to sell us their goods - the entire existing business is based on this.

In order to interest us, they come up with various psychological tricks that we fall for, like mice in a mousetrap: a beautiful wrapper, promotions, gifts, booklets, a bright and cheerful atmosphere. All this makes us think that buying will make life brighter.

To understand how to save on purchases, you need to learn how to make lists. In fact, it is very simple and even fun - try it yourself.

Take a piece of paper and before going to the store, write down what you are going to buy. Then read it again and force yourself to cross off exactly half of the purchases - your brain will find out for itself which things you need first and which are not needed at all.

Making lists helps shopaholics and people who think they don't know how to manage money.

Online shopping to help

In the book of Jeremy Clarks, it was once written that the main thing is to properly organize your expenses. Shopping can also be done in places where the cost of things is much lower.

For example, in online boutiques. Why below? Yes, because they do not have to pay sellers and give money to rent premises, respectively, all goods here have a lower price.

A dress that you buy in an online store will not differ in any way from a dress bought in a regular boutique with only one difference - the price!

Thus, you can save on almost everything: cosmetics, clothing, household appliances and much more.

Recently, I discovered another way to purchase goods profitably. I called this method “look in the origins” or “buy from mom”.

The fact is that the goods that the manufacturer produces go a very long way to us.

They are bought up, transported, resold and bought again to demonstrate to buyers. Of course, all transport costs affect the price.

Why should we overpay for the fact that someone bought something from someone else? It is easier to contact the manufacturer directly, as our grandfathers did when they worked in factories.

Cars for them, for example, cost mere pennies.

Shopping in bulk

If you don’t know how to save money on shopping, and the budget is slipping out of your hands at the speed of tap water, I suggest trying to buy some products in bulk.

It's always cheaper. What can be taken in wholesale warehouses? Cereals, pasta, vegetables, nuts, cookies and more.

And another tip - go to the markets and warehouses right before closing.

Sellers will be happy to drop prices, seeing your indecision. Believe me, they will throw off what they themselves have cheated, because no one wants to sell at a loss.

I want to tell another story. When credit cards first appeared, I was very glad that now I don’t have to carry a wallet with cash - fold it, store iron money, with which I had eternal problems.

But then I analyzed everything properly, and I realized something: credit card we perceive as an endless source of money and are willing to spend everything to zero.

But we try to save cash, because we can feel it and visualize it at any time.

  • magazines and newspapers can not be bought, but viewed on the Internet;
  • check your subscriptions and upgrade to cheaper plans. This applies to payments for cellular communications and the Internet;
  • visit flea markets more often, you can buy a lot of interesting things there;
  • learn to tell your friends what you want to receive as a gift. So you can save on things that you really want to buy;
  • keep a ledger and write down how much you spent. Once I wrote down all my expenses after shopping. The amount was incredible, it made me not go shopping for six months.
  • learn to distinguish branded items from fakes. For example,

That seems to be all - now you know how to save on purchases. Happy shopping and don't forget about savings!

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