Ash oak laminate. Laminely Laminate Opening Ash Oak

Possible payment methods

  • Cashless payments. By bank transfer, you pay according to the invoice issued by the manager. When requesting an invoice, please indicate with or without VAT, by default the invoice is issued without VAT.
  • Cash. You can pay in cash directly at the store or during the delivery of the goods by the driver-forwarding agent. When transferring the goods, you will be provided with payment documents (sales receipt and bargaining-12).
  • Payment by credit card online on the site. To pay, you need to place an order. After registration, the manager will contact you to confirm the availability of the material in the warehouse and send you a link to go to the payment system.
  • Prepayment of goods. If the goods are not in stock in the required quantity or not at all, an advance payment is required for the order, many goods are delivered only on order from various countries.
  • Payment by bank cards by term. The goods can be paid for by credit card through the terminal in the store, or through the terminal at the driver-forwarder. To pay through the terminal at the forwarder's driver, be sure to inform the manager when placing an order.

Minimum orders

Minimum order quantities

Orders over 10 m2 or from 3 doors- processed and delivered as usual with delivery within 1-2 days and with a payment method convenient for you.

Orders less than 10 m2 or 3 doors- 100% prepayment is accepted and only pickup from our store is possible. Delivery to stores is carried out along the way with another shipment from this warehouse, so the term for the execution of the minimum order can last from 1 to 30 days. The approximate date must be checked with your manager. It is also possible to deliver a minimum volume of products, provided that delivery is paid in an additional amount of 1,500 rubles, because we use only freight transport (agreed with the manager).

Orders worth more than 50,000 rubles are delivered only on a prepayment basis !!!

Relevance of prices on the site

Best Price Guaranteed

Our store provides the best price guarantee. Since our store has 10 years of experience in selling flooring and doors, as well as long-term partnerships with all distributors of products, we are able to offer special conditions and favorable prices for products. The best price guarantee can consist of both a low cost for the product and in the form of discounts on related products or give them away free of charge, as well as in the form of free delivery.

Relevance of prices on the site

As a rule, all prices on the site are relevant, but since almost all goods are purchased in foreign currency, employees have to make changes on the site every day, so you can check the relevance for today by calling the store manager.

Volume discounts

Very often, customers simply look for the minimum prices on the site, without negotiating with the manager, but the specifics of the business are such that volume discounts are always provided and depends on the type of product. For a number of brands, the discount starts from 11 m2! Do not be lazy to order a calculation in our store.

Bank card

Bank cards Visa, MasterCard, Maestro are accepted for payment.

You can pay by card at the sales office or on the website at the time of order creation.


You pay the courier upon delivery. Payment is accepted only in Russian rubles, strictly in accordance with the price indicated in the invoice.

Cashless payments

This form of payment is commonly used legal entities... When placing an order, you need to indicate the name and details of the paying organization. After receiving your order, we will send you an invoice for payment - by e-mail or fax.

Bank transfer

You can pay for your order through a branch of Sberbank of Russia or any other bank. Term of enrollment Money- 2-3 business days.

Upon delivery, along with the goods, you will receive a full package of documents provided for by the selected form of payment.

Payment by credit card

The procedure for paying for goods by credit card:

  1. Select the product of interest.
  2. Place an order, when placing an order, indicate the payment method - bank card.
  3. Read the terms of the user agreement, tick the box that you are familiar with and agree to the terms. Click on the "Checkout" button
  4. After confirmation of the order by the manager, you will receive a link to payment by e-mail specified during registration. For correct payment using the link, you must be logged in on the site, otherwise an error will occur (white page). Copy the login and password for authorization from a separate letter that came immediately after placing the order. Also, a link to payment is available in personal account on the website, in the "My orders" section.
  5. On the payment page, enter bank card details: name and surname of the cardholder, 16-digit bank card number, card expiration date and CVV2 / CVC2 code *** The name and surname of the cardholder must completely match the information on the plastic card itself. It is not required to indicate the PIN-code of your card! Confirm the payment by entering the code received by SMS from your bank.
  6. After the bank confirms the authorization of the payment, the online store will notify the buyer about the successful payment of the order. After the message "Payment was successful" click the "Return" button and thereby complete the purchase process.
  7. A payment may be declined if an error was made during data entry or the card issuing bank declined the transaction.
  8. Ready! again we are waiting for you in our online store!

*** On the back of the bank card, under the magnetic stripe, find the signature field. 4 digits are printed in the upper right corner of this field - this is the end of the card account number. Next comes the continuation of the field in the form of a small white rectangle, where there are 3 more digits - this is the security code of the CVV2 or CVC2 card.

Payment for goods or services using a bank card on the Internet is becoming more and more popular in our country. The number of companies that accept payments using bank cards is growing, and the advantages of this payment method are obvious to any buyer.

Our online store prides itself on its professional
approach and high quality of products that we offer to customers. And we are making every effort to improve the quality of service and make our services more accessible and convenient. That is why we have introduced the ability to pay by credit card in our online store.

Before paying for goods by credit card:
  • make sure that the bank card has the name and surname of the owner (cards without these details are not accepted for payment);
  • only the cardholder can pay for the goods, who must provide an identity document (passport);
  • check in advance if there are enough funds on the card to pay for the purchase.

The card cannot be used in the following cases:

  • the card number is included in the stop list (after exclusion from the stop list, further use of the card is possible);
  • the card has expired;
  • the card is blocked when entering the wrong PIN-code 3 times in a row;
  • the card is blocked at the request of the Client or at the direction of the bank (blocking of authorized debit transactions on the card);
  • lack or lack of funds on the account to complete the operation;
  • lack of communication with the bank when connecting to the "Mobile Bank".

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