Hookah OKVED code. How to open a hookah bar in Russia Okwed for a hookah bar

Opening a hookah bar is often not viewed by many aspiring entrepreneurs as a good business idea, as they fear the illegality of such activities. At the same time, this type of business does not require too much investment and can quickly reach full self-sufficiency and bring good profits. Find out how to open a hookah bar in Russia in 2017-2018 and what laws regulate the activities of such establishments.

Table of contents:

How to open a hookah bar and what is good about this business

In general, it is quite easy to do business on hookahs - now in Russia this type of recreation and entertainment is gaining more and more popularity among people of all ages, but it is young people who are really fond of hookahs. Accordingly, as a business, a hookah bar can be more than profitable - after all, demand creates supply. At the same time, you can open your hookah bar at relatively low cost. In general, the benefits of a hookah bar can be summarized as follows:

  • Popular and in demand type of recreation;
  • Low cost of opening a room;
  • The possibility of organizing related entertainment or vice versa - using the hookah bar as an additional business in addition to the main one;
  • High profitability;
  • Fast payback.

However, like every case, a hookah bar can have a number of disadvantages. These include:

  • Uncertain legal status of hookahs and hookahs, as well as their possible ban on the territory of the Russian Federation in 2017-2018 in connection with the consideration of new bills;
  • High requirements for the professionalism of staff;
  • The need to provide an attractive room design;
  • Limited demand in small towns.

An important fact

As of October 2017, hookah bars are completely legal. However, there are many nuances that you should know before starting to open such a business.

The general procedure for opening a hookah bar in general may look like this:

  1. Choosing a hookah bar format.
  2. Assessment of the target audience and geographic location.
  3. Hookah business plan writing.
  4. State registration of a hookah bar.
  5. Calculation and search for start-up capital.
  6. Search and arrangement of premises.
  7. Purchase of equipment.
  8. Recruitment and training of personnel.
  9. Hookah bar marketing and advertising.

In general, it should be remembered that the above plan is not required to be followed, but only shows an approximate course of action. If necessary, the implementation of these actions can be carried out in a different order - for example, the search for start-up capital can be started even before state registration, as well as the preparation of a business plan, and personnel training can only include the work of the entrepreneur himself and also do not require additional efforts and actions during the direct opening of the institution.

Choosing the format of the hookah bar

One of the main obstacles that a hookah business may face is the current anti-tobacco law - Federal Law No. 15 of 23.02.2013. This law, in particular, restricts the consumption of tobacco and tobacco-containing products in public catering establishments.

At the same time, the provisions of such a law do not distinguish between different tobacco-containing products, equating cigarettes with cigars, hookahs and even chewing or snuff. It is in connection with the operation of this law that many entrepreneurs prefer not to consider the hookah business, fearing that it will be considered illegal.

Of course, many hookah shops today operate in an illegal or semi-legal legal environment. Such establishments usually close after the first for a violation, or continue to operate at the expense of a component of activities and bribes, which ultimately only increases the degree of possible liability of the creators and owners of such establishments, as well as their staff. However, this article will only consider the methods and formats of activities that provide for the absolutely legal opening of a hookah bar by law without possible claims from law enforcement or supervisory authorities and violation of current legislation.

First of all, in order to open a hookah bar according to the law in 2017-2018, you need to choose an activity format. The entire activity of the hookah bar will depend on the chosen format, its legality, profitability, the required start-up capital, the required equipment and marketing. So, the main formats for organizing a hookah bar can be the following options:

  1. Hookah bar as part or restaurant.
    In this case, in order to comply with anti-tobacco legislation, it is necessary that smoking is carried out on a summer terrace or terrace. At the same time, it is not allowed for the hookah bar to be in an adjacent room or in a closed annex. This method is suitable only for owners of operating cafes and restaurants in warm regions of Russia, or for those entrepreneurs for whom the presence of a hookah bar and the possibility of providing hookahs to visitors is not the main way of earning money, but only an additional income. However, now it is possible to make a year-round outdoor terrace by using directional infrared heaters.
  2. Hookah bar at a cafe or restaurant, as a separate business entity. A very common method is to organize a hookah bar in cafes or restaurants in such a way that, from a legal point of view, its premises belong to another business entity who rents or owns the adjacent premises with the cafe or restaurant itself. In this case, all settlements with the hookah are carried out, most often, directly in its premises, and the owners of both establishments do not violate the law in any way, subject to certain nuances. One of them is necessarily the presence of one room between the premises of the restaurant and the actual place of smoking hookah - only a small corridor or hallway will be enough. Another nuance is that drinks or food should not be sold in the hookah room itself.
  3. Hookahs without tobacco or vapes. This method of organizing a hookah bar allows you to bypass the prohibitions offered by anti-tobacco legislation. Today there are a large number of mixes and dressings for hookah, providing for the complete absence of tobacco. And, as a consequence, such hookahs, as well as electronic cigarettes and vapes, are not subject to the requirements of the anti-tobacco law 15-FZ, which was considered earlier. However, it should be remembered that inspections may require the withdrawal of such substances for examination. In addition, the Ministry of Health plans to include tobacco products and vapes with hookahs in 2018 - the corresponding bill has not yet been adopted, but its adoption is very likely. At the same time, a hookah bar of this format can be organized as a separate institution serving drinks or dishes, or simply be part of an existing cafe or restaurant.
  4. A full-fledged hookah bar without catering services. The most common way to organize individual hookah establishments is to use the modern "anti-cafe" format. Moreover, if public catering services are not provided in this anti-cafe, hookah smoking in it can be allowed subject to the current fire-prevention and sanitary-epidemic standards. However, it is necessary to provide additional legal protection in order to prevent minors from smoking hookah and to inform consumers about the possible dangers of hookah and their consent. Often, these hookahs can be organized in the form of closed clubs and establishments, where you can get only by prior arrangement or by invitation.
  5. Hookah home delivery. This format of activity may be the most economical, since there will be no need for its organization to purchase and equip premises. However, marketing and advertising costs will be higher anyway. In addition, you will also need professional staff and, possibly, transport for the delivery of hookahs and employees. This way of working is also characterized by high risks of damage to property on the part of consumers, therefore, it will be necessary to introduce a deposit for each hookah. Also, hookah delivery can be practiced in almost any other format of doing business.
  6. hookah bar. Work under another franchise can provide for almost any format of hookah bar activity, however, at the moment, the most common are the franchises of individual hookah bars. At the same time, the advantages of such activities lie in a ready-made, well-oiled mechanism of legal regulation of the operation of a hookah bar - when working on a franchise, it is guaranteed that there will be no problems with regulatory authorities. Also, the franchise provides for the presence of direct contacts with suppliers, ready-made requirements for the recipe of hookahs, the arrangement of the premises and the professionalism of the staff, provides good advertising and, in some cases, provides ready-made advertising products. The disadvantages of a franchise are both the increased costs at the initial stage of the business due to the payment of a lump-sum fee, and the fixed costs in the form of royalties, as well as the need to follow strict internal rules established by the franchisor. The most famous hookah franchises in Russia are MINT, THE OFFICE NARGILIA LOUNGE, Hookah place and others.


Regardless of the chosen format of the hookah, with the exception of delivery, you should remember that certain requirements must be met in terms of legislation on the arrangement of the premises. For example, it does not matter whether the hookah is tobacco-free or not - in any case, it is necessary to provide ventilation of the room, which must necessarily be displayed above the ridge of the building's roof, regardless of the location of the hookah in such a building.

Hookah bar target audience and geographic location

The main target audience of hookah establishments are people aged 18 to 35 years.
Of course, one way or another, this hobby is also beginning to spread beyond the aforementioned group - especially in regions with a predominantly Muslim population, where hookah smoking has been a tradition dating back centuries. But in general, the majority of establishments, especially those that open precisely as hookah bars, and not offering hookah as an additional service, focus on the above-mentioned age segment.

At the same time, although the main age group of visitors is quite clearly defined for any hookah, there is a need to independently determine other features of a potential visitor when organizing your own hookah. For example - the solvency of the main customers and the pricing policy of the enterprise. If minimum fixed costs are planned, it can be very effective to reduce the cost of visiting a hookah bar to attract a large number of customers.

However, if the fixed costs of renting premises, staff work are high, and the level of service is appropriate, on the contrary, it may be more justified to focus on the category of VIP clients with high paying capacity.

The geographic location of the hookah is extremely important - except for the delivery of the hookah to your home. In other cases, the most effective is the location of the hookah bar in the city center, where night and evening entertainment is most common. At the same time, one should also assess the level of competition in such an environment - it would be unprofitable to open a hookah bar near an existing establishment of this format.

It should also be borne in mind that a hookah bar, as a separate institution, and not as an additional option for services in a cafe or restaurant, can only be effective if it is opened in cities with a population of more than 100 thousand people - these are the requirements put forward by almost all successful hookah franchises. ...

An important fact

When choosing the location of the hookah bar, you can inquire about the possibility of establishing partnerships with nearby establishments, primarily nightclubs and restaurants. Often, such cooperation can have high mutual benefits, which can be obtained at the initial stage before starting a business.

Hookah business plan

Like any other type of business, opening your own hookah bar requires compiling a business plan. In this document, all the necessary calculations will be carried out, the methods of opening and developing a business will be outlined in stages, the necessary start-up capital will be substantiated, the approximate indicators of the profitability and payback of the enterprise and the feasibility of opening it will be calculated. This information is important, first of all, not for third parties, but for the entrepreneur himself.


Most hookah franchises provide their own business plans or help with the preparation of the relevant document on an individual basis. Considering the cost of purchasing ready-made business plans with calculations, cooperation with a franchisor in such a situation can be a very profitable solution, if it is impossible to draw up a business plan on your own.

In general, a business plan should have the following paragraphs in its structure:

  • Analysis of the market and the situation on it;
  • General description of the proposed services of the enterprise;
  • Start-up capital and initial opportunities;
  • Marketing plan;
  • Organizational plan;
  • Financial plan and related cost and benefit calculations;
  • Enterprise SWOT analysis;
  • Potential risks and ways to neutralize them.

Of course, there are no strict requirements for business plans, so this document can be drawn up in any form and with any content. But you can also resort to global business plan formats, mainly implemented by large audit organizations such as KPMG. The presence of a business plan as a whole is practically necessary for concluding agreements on possible partnerships with other enterprises or for obtaining a loan or attracting an investor to the implementation of a finished project.

An important fact

In business planning for a hookah bar, special attention should be paid to the chosen format of activity and ensuring the legality of the enterprise, since it is the legal side of the hookah business that is the most "problematic" point.

How to register a hookah bar

State registration is a mandatory step for any business entity - hookah bars are no exception if their creator wants to operate in the Russian legal field and conduct business on legal grounds. First of all, when arranging a hookah bar, it is necessary to choose the organizational and legal form of business. For such activities, it is allowed to choose either the format of doing business as a non-legal entity, or in the form of a limited liability company. The following will discuss the main advantages and disadvantages of each of these organizational forms for a hookah bar:

  • Individual entrepreneur. Such registration of a business, including a hookah one, will require minimal initial costs. It is much easier for an individual entrepreneur to obtain loans for business development, since he is fully responsible for his obligations. However, the IP format does not allow organizing the sale of alcohol in a hookah bar, its financial responsibility is an additional risk factor, and organizing a business with several founders in this format of activity will be simply impossible. However, for the delivery of hookahs or a small mini-hookah at home in the form of a closed club, such a format of activity will be optimal, taking into account the minimum costs required to organize a business.
  • Limited Liability Company. LLC for a hookah bar will require more costs than starting a business as an individual entrepreneur. This applies to both a larger state fee and an additional requirement for the presence of an authorized capital in an amount not less than 10 thousand rubles. However, an LLC will be liable only within the framework of its property (except for cases provided for by law), it will allow several founders to be involved in organizing a business on different or equal rights, depending on the Charter of the enterprise and their shares. In addition, LLC also allows you to implement any format of a hookah bar, including those with the possibility of selling alcohol.

After determining the organizational and legal form, it will be necessary to apply to the Federal Tax Service for registration of a business entity with a package of documents, depending on the chosen registration method. So, such a package includes a statement, the decision of the sole founder or the minutes of the meeting of founders for the LLC, a receipt for payment of the state duty for registration, as well as documents proving the identity of the sole proprietor or founders of the LLC.

It is best to determine the appropriate taxation scheme at the registration stage, since a change in taxation regime subsequently may require waiting up to a year.


Finding OKVED codes for a hookah bar can be very difficult. The most suitable codes will be for catering establishments, if the hookah bar is tobacco-free and provides drinks or food. In the case of opening it as a separate institution, you can use the OKVED code for the hookah bar 93.29.9, which provides for the provision of services in the field of entertainment and entertainment.

If in the hookah bar it is planned to sell alcohol within the framework of the same institution, you should also worry about obtaining a license for such sale. The cost of this license for 2017 was 65 thousand rubles. At the same time, there are additional restrictions under which it is impossible to obtain a license and which should be taken into account at the stage of business planning. So, the distance from a hookah bar with alcohol to the nearest medical, educational and sports institutions should be at least 100 meters - and it is calculated based on the extreme points of the territory of the relevant institutions, and not directly on buildings and objects on it. In addition, the area of ​​the hookah itself in such a situation should be at least 50 square meters.

After choosing the taxation regime and registering the company, you should also obtain all the necessary accompanying documents. In particular, it can be an extract of statistical codes for an LLC or a TIN for an individual entrepreneur. Also, it is recommended to order a seal and indicate in the Charter of the LLC the obligation to use it, order a cash register and open a bank account. Despite the fact that these actions are not mandatory - the presence of a cash register, a current account and a seal will greatly simplify the conduct of business and the conclusion of contracts with potential partners and suppliers. In addition, when selling alcohol, the presence of an account and a device is mandatory.

Hookah start-up capital

The sources of start-up capital and its size for a hookah bar can be very diverse. However, in general, starting such a business from scratch and without money will be quite difficult. At a minimum, a certain amount of funds will be required for state registration of a business entity. The cost of opening a hookah bar will vary from the chosen format of business and depend primarily on it.

So, the cheapest way will be to open the delivery of a hookah to your home. In this case, the cost of starting a business can be less than 100 thousand rubles, especially if the entrepreneur himself will play the role of the only employee and hookah operator. At the same time, the above amount will be enough both for the initial purchase of hookahs, and for the purchase of direct mixtures and tobaccos, and other consumables, state registration and advertising costs.

  • State registration as an LLC and related procedures - 20 thousand rubles;
  • Rent of premises with an area of ​​60 square meters for 3 months - 100 thousand rubles;
  • Arrangement of premises and repairs - 100 thousand rubles;
  • Purchase of furniture and hookahs - 150 thousand rubles;
  • Payment for staff work in the first month - 30 thousand rubles;
  • Advertising expenses - 50 thousand rubles.

In total, when opening an institution, you can initially keep within 500 thousand rubles. Of course, this amount may vary depending on the specific locality and its conditions. Thus, the labor cost of a professional hookah operator, as well as the rent of premises in the capital, is much higher than in most other cities of Russia, however, the average bill in such establishments is also quite high.

As for the sources of start-up capital, in many cases it is personal savings and savings or loans from relatives and friends. It should be remembered that the ownership of the premises, as well as certain equipment can significantly reduce the initial costs of organizing a business. In addition, a very good solution to reduce initial costs can be the search for premises of the former cafes and lounge areas - in this case, the repair and arrangement of the hookah bar will cost much less.

Raising credit will be very difficult for an LLC - you can get a loan to open a hookah bar only if you have a business plan, an operating business, or when you provide certain property as collateral. For individual entrepreneurs, it is easier to get a loan, but the collateral is also likely to be required.

The easiest way, if your own start-up capital is insufficient, will find an investor or business partner. With a competent business plan, such a partner can be a nightclub or an already operating restaurant, next to which it is planned to arrange a hookah bar.

Hookah room arrangement

The arrangement of a hookah bar depends on a number of additional factors. At the same time, it is necessary to separate the requirements for hookahs, which are put forward by the provisions of the current legislation and regulations, and which are dictated by the specifics of the relevant market. In the first case, it will be simply impossible to avoid their implementation, since otherwise the activity will be carried out in violation of the laws, and in the second situation, these will be only recommendations, violation of which can sometimes even be useful if potential customers like it.

Mandatory requirements for hookahs include the presence of forced supply and exhaust ventilation, as required by the SanPiN standards regarding the arrangement of premises in which smoking occurs.

Such ventilation without fail, as mentioned above, must be taken out of the building, and such a conclusion must be made above its ridge, regardless of where and on what floor the hookah room itself is located. That is why the arrangement of such establishments in the basements and on the basement floors often leads to significant unforeseen costs precisely for the organization of ventilation. A fire alarm is also required, given the use of coal and the increased fire hazard of the hookahs themselves.

From the point of view of marketing and consumer needs, when arranging a hookah bar, special attention should be paid to interior design and, if possible, exterior design. In particular, one of the main requirements, which are practically mandatory, is the creation of a private atmosphere - each area for hookah smoking should be separated from the rest. The presence of rigid partitions is not necessary, however, in general, the delimitation of zones should be mandatory.


For a long time, the presence of an oriental interior was considered a must for hookahs. However, the high-tech interior, which THE OFFICE NARGILIA LOUNGE tried to use in their establishments, made a splash among the clients and demonstrated that the oriental style is by no means obligatory for hookah bars. However, in any case, the interior must be done professionally and taking into account the needs of the target audience in obtaining relaxation.

If drinks and food are not served in the hookah bar, visitors should also be given the opportunity to bring them with them or order them from third parties by delivery. In addition, an additional advantage can be the organization of all kinds of entertainment in addition to smoking a hookah - the ability to play consoles, watch TV, listen to live music. Based on these additional services, the requirements for the premises may also change.

For example, if you have a kitchen or a bar, the requirements for a hookah bar will be almost the same as those for cafes or restaurants - at least in terms of the current government regulations.

Hookah equipment and consumables

When you open your hookah, it is imperative to take care of the availability of certain equipment and consumables. Moreover, this concerns not only the presence of hookahs themselves - in many cases they constitute the minimum part of the costs. So, in particular, the minimum set of required items and furniture for a hookah bar with five zones can be as follows:

Additional costs will depend on the chosen format of the enterprise. So, a very good way to diversify the leisure of visitors would be to purchase consoles and, as a result, video games for them. It may also be a good idea to offer various board games and create a full-fledged anti-cafe on the basis of a hookah bar.

An important fact

On average, the price of one high-quality hookah is about 5-8 thousand rubles. At the same time, the most important is not the appearance of the hookah and its country of origin, but the material and length of the shaft and pipes. It should be noted that more expensive models are not always of better quality - it is best to use the help of professional hookah workers when selecting equipment.

Do not forget about consumables - foil, charcoal and tobacco. It is best to order them directly from world-class manufacturers - most of the well-known brands have the ability to work directly or through dealers. Thus, both the high quality of the product and its compliance with the expectations of customers and the requirements of the legislation will be guaranteed. In particular, the presence of certificates for tobacco or smoking mixtures will avoid questions from the inspection authorities.

How to find staff for a hookah bar

The professionalism of its employees is of great importance in the work of the hookah bar.
After all, the whole reputation of the institution will depend on how tasty and correct the hookah will turn out. Therefore, special attention should be paid to the selection of personnel and their training. On average, the salary of one hookah operator depends on many factors and often includes a salary scheme plus a percentage of completed orders. This format of work implies bonuses to the hookah operator for service and attracting a large number of customers.

However, finding professional hookah makers can not always be easy. In small towns, there may not be any specialists of the required level at all. However, this does not mean that they cannot be found - a good option may be to send employees to hookah courses, which are held in almost all regional centers of Russia.

After such courses at a relatively low cost, you can get a real professional. An alternative to such courses with a large number of potential employees and a solid scale of the enterprise can be to attract a specialist from the capital or the regional center to conduct a training course directly at the hookah bar.

An important fact

When recruiting personnel, one should also focus on the personal qualities of a potential employee. The hookah operator must be obligatorily polite, non-conflicting, be able to simultaneously, if necessary, maintain a conversation with visitors, and vice versa - be absolutely unobtrusive in order to maintain a private atmosphere in the performance of their duties, if customers are not inclined to talk with strangers. It should be noted that the hookah bar is one of the few types of business where the oriental appearance of employees is more a plus than a minus, as it allows you to provide the proper flavor.

Hookah advertising and marketing

Special attention should be paid to advertising and marketing policy of a hookah bar - after all, it is the attraction of visitors that will allow you to achieve success. This business, as mentioned above, is highly profitable, so it will be particularly dependent on a constant flow of customers. In general, the methods of marketing in the hookah business can be divided as follows:


How to open a hookah bar in Russia? The hookah business is in great demand among young people and middle-aged people. Many people come to have a good time, enjoy the authentic atmosphere and smoke a hookah. Therefore, a number of start-up entrepreneurs are making every effort to start their own business. This is not so difficult to do. This article will cover the basic steps for opening such a popular establishment.

Most of the owners of hookah bars used to work in this area as hookah workers. Therefore, start-up entrepreneurs should not have problems with experience. Knowing the internal structure is the first step to success. But this is still half the trouble. There are a number of factors to consider:

  • Register as an individual entrepreneur or legal entity.
  • Select the type of taxation.
  • Study the legislation. There are many subtleties of doing this case.
  • Decide on suppliers of tobacco products, components.
  • Read the requirements.
  • Choose and rent a room.
  • Find furniture, make repairs (if necessary).
  • Hire staff: hookah, bartender, service staff.
  • Run the project.

To open a hookah bar, the following codes are suitable OKVED OK 029-2014 (NACE rev. 2):

  • 93.2 (main) - Activities in the field of recreation and entertainment. Includes: a wide range of organizations that operate facilities or provide leisure and entertainment services to their clients, depending on their wishes.
  • 93.29.9 - Other entertainment and entertainment activities, not included in other groups.
  • 96 - Activities for the provision of other personal services.
  • 96.09 - Provision of other personal services not included in other groups.

Hookah taxation

There are several types of taxation: STS, PSN, OSNO, ESHN and UTII (will be canceled from 2021). A simplified taxation system at 6% is more suitable for a hookah bar.

The use of a simplified taxation system by entrepreneurs provides for their exemption from income tax, property (with a few exceptions). All other taxes and fees are applicable in accordance with the applicable laws of the country.

I recommend preparing documents for registration of an LLC or individual entrepreneur using online service "My Business"... The guys will help you choose the form of ownership and taxation.

In 2016, this service helped me quickly and free of charge to prepare all the necessary papers, it was enough to fill out a simple form with prompts, print the received documents and submit them to the tax office.

Sergey Klyatov, owner of Dovir Finance

The hookah bar must comply with the requirements of fire safety and protection of citizens from tobacco smoke. There is a whole regulatory framework that regulates the requirements for business: Federal Law No.-15, Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation No.-390, Order of the Ministry of Health of Russia No.-786.

The main theses spelled out in the laws:

  • The presence of a fire warning system.
  • Protection of the area from passive smoking by strangers.
  • It is necessary to have one fire extinguisher for each hall.
  • Restriction on business advertising. Any advertising of tobacco products is prohibited by law. You can get around the ban by creating a group on a social network.
  • The presence of a ventilation system. Allows you to avoid problems with excessive smoke in the room.

Age restrictions must be taken into account. It is forbidden to visit the institution for persons under the age of majority.

Legal assistance with paperwork:

Choosing a room for a hookah

Before opening a hookah bar in Moscow or a small town, you need to choose a suitable premises. It can be any commercial property with a closed area or an open veranda. Some large hookahs have two types of space.

Benefits of an indoor establishment:

  • Absence of extraneous sound.
  • Weather conditions do not affect attendance.
  • Passers-by do not inhale the smoke.

The advantages of a veranda:

  • Colorful landscapes.
  • Lively atmosphere.
  • Lack of spending on high-quality ventilation.
  • Large area that can be increased incrementally.


The hookah bar cannot be opened in medical institutions, hotels, hostels, gyms, at gas stations. These restrictions are spelled out in the Federal Law No. 15.

Everyone chooses for himself where to open an institution for smoking a hookah. Any room has advantages and disadvantages. The main thing is that the area should be zoned for greater convenience of visitors.

Is it possible to open a hookah bar in a residential building

There are no direct bans on opening an establishment in a residential building. It is important to take care of sound insulation and ventilation. This is done to eliminate complaints from residents of the building. Before opening a hookah bar in a house, you should make sure that the residents agree to do business.

Most of the checks come precisely from the filing of a complaint from the tenants of the house.

Each city has proven points of purchase of tobacco products. Therefore, there should be no difficulties in finding suppliers. At first, you can resort to the services of tobacco shops. But the costs will be slightly higher, since the cooperation will develop through intermediaries.

You need to know reliable suppliers of tobacco products in order to purchase a product at a reasonable price. This can be facilitated by connections and personal knowledge of the sphere.

The minimum set of equipment and furniture

Furniture and equipment are selected taking into account the size of the room. The best option is to buy several sets of sofas and armchairs (up to 10), as well as tables. A simple roomy cabinet is needed to store tobacco and equipment. To facilitate the work of the staff, a bar counter is purchased.

But besides the furniture, you need to buy the hookahs themselves. You will need at least 8 of them at the start of the project. Sometimes visitors order two or three hookahs at one table, coming in a large company. Even taking into account 8 tables, the number of hookahs involved in the process can be up to 15 pieces.

Hookah profitability

Not every establishment pays for itself. Therefore, many close in the first months of work. There are several important factors that must be observed that have a positive effect on profitability:

  • Location.
  • Atmosphere.
  • Availability of promotions for students, special hours.
  • Creation of a unique interior.
  • Dissemination of information through regular customers.
  • Creation of a group on a social network.
  • Goodwill.
  • An approach to business with a soul.

Costs play an important role. The cost of opening a small hookah is about a million rubles. The amount can increase due to the number of personnel, location, concept and equipment. Cost minimization occurs through close interaction with trusted people and acquaintances.

If the institution functions normally for six months, we can talk about a successful start of a business and going into net profit.

How much does it cost to open a hookah bar from scratch

It will take a lot of work to open a small hookah bar: from registration to purchasing equipment. The approximate cost will be 500,000 rubles. This includes:

  • Purchase of equipment: from 70,000 rubles.
  • Staff payment: from 50,000 rubles. per month.
  • Purchase of coal and tobacco mixtures: from 15,000 rubles. per month.
  • Rent: the main cost item depends on the location of the hookah bar and the size of the room.
  • Renovation: it all depends on the wishes of the owner.
  • Registration.
  • Public Utilities.

I am happy to answer all questions in

One of the main obstacles that a hookah business may face is the current anti-tobacco law - Federal Law No. 15 of 23.02.2013. This law, in particular, restricts the consumption of tobacco and tobacco-containing products in public catering establishments.

At the same time, the provisions of such a law do not distinguish between different tobacco-containing products, equating cigarettes with cigars, hookahs and even chewing or snuff. It is in connection with the operation of this law that many entrepreneurs prefer not to consider the hookah business, fearing that it will be considered illegal.

Of course, many hookah shops today operate in an illegal or semi-legal legal environment.

Hookah OKVED code

Also, hookah delivery can be practiced in almost any other format of doing business.

  • Hookah franchise. Work under another franchise can provide for almost any format of hookah bar activity, however, at the moment, the most common are the franchises of individual hookah bars. At the same time, the advantages of such activities lie in a ready-made, well-oiled mechanism of legal regulation of the operation of a hookah bar - when working on a franchise, it is guaranteed that there will be no problems with regulatory authorities.
    Also, the franchise provides for the presence of direct contacts with suppliers, ready-made requirements for the recipe of hookahs, the arrangement of the premises and the professionalism of the staff, provides good advertising and, in some cases, provides ready-made advertising products.

Hookah okved codes 2018

Organizations where the share of direct participation in which other organizations exceeds 25 percent

The ban on the use of the simplified simplification does not apply to: - organizations whose authorized capital consists entirely of contributions from public organizations of persons with disabilities, if the average number of persons with disabilities among their employees is at least 50 percent, and their share in the wages fund is at least 25 percent; - non-profit organizations, including consumer cooperation organizations, as well as organizations, the only founders of which are consumer societies and their unions. The application of the simplified simplification is possible regardless of the number of such founders and the size of the share of each of them in the authorized capital (letter of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated November 23, 2012 No.
No. ED-4-3 / 19685); - state and municipal unitary enterprises (letters of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated September 25, 2009 No.

Hookah okved codes 2019

There are many subtleties of doing this case.

  • Decide on suppliers of tobacco products, components.
  • Read the requirements.
  • Choose and rent a room.
  • Find furniture, make repairs (if necessary).
  • Hire staff: hookah, bartender, service staff.
  • Run the project.

If the hookah bar is going to sell alcoholic beverages, then the business will have to be registered as an LLC.

Hookah taxation

There are several types of taxation: STS, PSN, OSNO, ESHN and UTII (will be canceled from 2021). A simplified taxation system at 6% is more suitable for a hookah bar.

The use of a simplified taxation system by entrepreneurs provides for their exemption from income tax, property (with a few exceptions).

Hookah okved codes 2017

Subject to the other conditions provided for in Article 346.13 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, such organizations have the right to apply a simplified simplification regardless of the composition of the founders, their number, as well as the size of their shares in the authorized capital (letters of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated February 22, 2011 No. 03-11-06 / 2/27 and the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated April 21, 2011 No. KE-4-3 / 6459) sub. 14 p. 3 art. 346.12 Organizations, the average number of employees of which for the tax (reporting) period exceeds 100 people sub. 15 p. 3 of Art. 346.12 Organizations whose residual value of fixed assets exceeds 100,000,000 rubles. * When determining the value of fixed assets, only those fixed assets that are subject to depreciation and are recognized as depreciable property according to the rules of Chapter 25 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation sub. 16 p. 3 art. 346.12 para. 2 p. 1 art.

What OKWED code to choose for a hookah bar


State and budgetary institutions

The ban on the use of the simplified system does not apply to autonomous institutions. At the same time, autonomous institutions created by changing the type of state (municipal) institutions can switch to a simplified system on a general basis: from the beginning of the next calendar year after the transformation.

This is stated in the letters of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated October 7, 2011 No. 03-11-06 / 2/140, dated November 22, 2010 No. 03-11-06 / 2/178, dated October 20, 2009 No. 03- 11-06 / 2/216

subn. 17 p. 3 art. 346.12

Foreign organizations

The ban on the use of the simplified simplification does not apply to Russian organizations established by foreign citizens (letter of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated May 4, 2009 No. 03-11-06 / 2/76)

subn. 18 p. 3 art. 346.12 Microfinance organizations sub. 20 p. 3 art.

Hookah OKWED codes


These restrictions are spelled out in the Federal Law No. 15.

Everyone chooses for himself where to open an institution for smoking a hookah. Any room has advantages and disadvantages. The main thing is that the area should be zoned for greater convenience of visitors.

Is it possible to open a hookah bar in a residential building

There are no direct bans on opening an establishment in a residential building.

It is important to take care of sound insulation and ventilation. This is done to eliminate complaints from residents of the building. Before opening a hookah bar in a house, you should make sure that the residents agree to do business.

Most of the checks come precisely from the filing of a complaint from the tenants of the house.

Choosing a supplier of tobacco products

Each city has proven points of purchase of tobacco products.

Therefore, there should be no difficulties in finding suppliers. At first, you can resort to the services of tobacco shops.


All other taxes and fees are applicable in accordance with the applicable laws of the country.

More information about the simplified tax system can be found on the official website of the Federal Tax Service.

In 2016, this service helped me quickly and free of charge to prepare all the necessary papers, it was enough to fill out a simple form with prompts, print the received documents and submit them to the tax office.

Go to service

Sergey Klyatov, owner of Dovir Finance

Hookah requirements

The hookah bar must comply with the requirements of fire safety and protection of citizens from tobacco smoke.

In the first case, it will be simply impossible to avoid their implementation, since otherwise the activity will be carried out in violation of the laws, and in the second situation, these will be only recommendations, violation of which can sometimes even be useful if potential customers like it.

Mandatory requirements for hookahs include the presence of forced supply and exhaust ventilation, as required by the SanPiN standards regarding the arrangement of premises in which smoking occurs.

Such ventilation without fail, as mentioned above, must be taken out of the building, and such a conclusion must be made above its ridge, regardless of where and on what floor the hookah room itself is located.

Hookah okwed code 2019

So, the distance from a hookah bar with alcohol to the nearest medical, educational and sports institutions should be at least 100 meters - and it is calculated based on the extreme points of the territory of the relevant institutions, and not directly on buildings and objects on it. In addition, the area of ​​the hookah itself in such a situation should be at least 50 square meters.

After choosing the taxation regime and registering the company, you should also obtain all the necessary accompanying documents.

In particular, it can be an extract of statistical codes for an LLC or a TIN for an individual entrepreneur. Also, it is recommended to order a seal and indicate in the Charter of the LLC the obligation to use it, order a cash register and open a bank account.

Hookah okved code 2018

In this case, the cost of starting a business can be less than 100 thousand rubles, especially if the entrepreneur himself will play the role of the only employee and hookah operator. At the same time, the above amount will be enough both for the initial purchase of hookahs, and for the purchase of direct mixtures and tobaccos, and other consumables, state registration and advertising costs.

  • State registration as an LLC and related procedures - 20 thousand rubles;
  • Rent of premises with an area of ​​60 square meters for 3 months - 100 thousand rubles;
  • Arrangement of premises and repairs - 100 thousand rubles;
  • Purchase of furniture and hookahs - 150 thous.

Hookah okved code 2017

There is a whole regulatory framework that regulates the requirements for business: Federal Law No.-15, Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation No.-390, Order of the Ministry of Health of Russia No.-786.

The main theses spelled out in the laws:

  • The presence of a fire warning system.
  • Protection of the area from passive smoking by strangers.
  • It is necessary to have one fire extinguisher for each hall.
  • Restriction on business advertising. Any advertising of tobacco products is prohibited by law.
    You can get around the ban by creating a group on a social network.
  • The presence of a ventilation system. Allows you to avoid problems with excessive smoke in the room.

Age restrictions must be taken into account.

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