Premier Palace. Residential complex "Premier Palace"

Good afternoon, this post is addressed to everyone who has anything to do with the LEK company. Her client, past, present or future, employee, etc. It is useful for clients to get information about the company No. 1, but for employees - to find out the opinion about themselves and their company and try to become better. Although in this case, the fish rots from the head and ordinary employees (from my point of view) are hostages of the situation.
So, having contacted the LEK company, a person after some time realizes that he has been scammed. The promised housing has not been built, and one can no longer believe in the endless promises and exhortations of the LEC employees. The fact that they threw a person understands, but can do nothing. And realizing that there is nothing left but to wait - it is waiting. But there is a way out!
I'll tell my story. In February 2008, I bought an apartment in the Premier Palace residential complex. LEK cheerfully promised to build me an apartment as soon as possible by May 2009. I bought it in February 2008, but I started looking at this residential complex about a year before. Having a construction education and seeing how fast the house is being built, how much equipment, workers, etc. are used there. I understood that by May 2009 the house would be completed, perhaps slightly delayed due to some approvals, but there would be no global delay.
I bought an apartment on the 9th floor in the 1st stage and began to wait. By the way, my apartment was already built, there were walls, a ceiling (2 floors from above), some windows were inserted. At that time, 4 construction cranes and 200-300 workers were working at the construction site. All this inspired optimism, but unfortunately it continued until September 2008. In September, everything stopped abruptly. The cranes were turned off, a team of 15 workers was left to dig at the construction site, which created the appearance of work.
Separately, it is worth mentioning the position taken by the LEK company. Because I was naturally worried, because it was generally not clear how the matter would end, and a lot of money had been paid, then I turned to the sales department for information. From there I was sent to the contract support department, where I was allegedly supposed to be helped, but absolutely incompetent people work there, whose position is “you paid the money - this is your problem, wait.” At first, they still told stories that everything was fine and the construction was going on, and everything would be delivered on time, but then I stopped contacting them.
At the same time, this is a construction site, and you can’t hide an awl in a bag, people work there who also share information, you can just stand there stupidly and see if any work is being done. As I said, from September 2008 to September 2009, 5-10 people worked at the construction site and, according to information from the head of the site, about 3 million rubles were allocated per month for the entire construction site. rubles (for reference: only I paid several times more for my apartment).
Naturally, the prospect of being left without an apartment and without money did not please me, and I decided to part with builders No. 1. But it was not there. This turned out to be impossible. Despite the clause of the contract, according to which I could terminate the contract unilaterally, albeit with a loss of 20% of the compensation, LEK was not going to terminate the contract with me.
Separately, I want to say how I had to communicate with them. I wrote a statement addressed to the director (since the people in the support office did not solve the problem, and it is generally not clear what they are needed for), where I stated my request and submitted it to the window, which worked only on Tuesdays from 12.00 to 14.00 in the office on Moskovsky avenue. Those. you understand how "convenient" it is. Then mail me! a month later!! the answer came. For example, I wrote - "I am such and such, I ask you to terminate the contract for the sale of an apartment with me and return my money, minus 20%." I was even ready to lose 20%, just to get my money back. To which I received a similar answer after a month and a half: “Sorry, at the moment we can’t go to a meeting with you, let’s return to this issue in 3 months.”
I began to think what to do next. Naturally, I tried to solve this situation in different ways. Starting from the search for acquaintances and acquaintances of acquaintances within the LEC. I succeeded, but these people, although they occupied influential positions in this structure, did not help me in the end. The second way I went, I began to look for a lawyer who would help me in the matter of terminating the contract and returning the money. This path was very thorny, because. no one really knew anything and different lawyers said different things and called different prices for their services, but the saddest thing is that no one gave a 100% guarantee and this most of all stopped them from taking a decisive step to go to court.
The prices were called the most different - from 20 thousand. for compiling and submitting an application, another 40 thousand. for winning the case, and another 10% of the amount for the actual refund. Money, as you understand, is not small, and even for not 100% results. And I realized that LEK successfully uses this. It takes advantage of the legal illiteracy of the population. Firstly, at first, slipping an absolutely untenable contract that people blindly sign, and secondly, they take advantage of the fact that there is no practice of such cases.
So, back to me. Having gone through a bunch of lawyers, and having studied the cases on the website of the Moscow Court, I saw that there are a sufficient number of citizens' appeals to the court against LEK, LEK 1, LEK 4 etc. This inspired optimism. I found a lawyer who won the case and the man got his money! This inspired even more optimism. So, in June 2010. I filed a lawsuit to terminate the contract. The consideration of the case lasted 8 months (preliminary hearing, hearing in the district court, cassation appeal of the LEC, consideration of the case in the city court). Unfortunately, our courts do not work quickly, judges get sick, go on vacation, and there are simply not enough of them. However, in February 2011 The city court confirmed the decision of the district court and satisfied my claim, namely, ordered the LEK to fully return the amount I paid, pay for the services of a lawyer, and partially pay the interest for using my money for 3 years. March 20, 2011 I received in my hands the "Executive List", which I immediately gave to the bailiffs.
Most of all, I was initially frightened - you might win the court, but it’s unrealistic to get money. Everyone was frightened, both lawyers and various “experienced” people. Therefore, for myself, I decided that I have two tasks: the first is to win the court and the second is to get money. With the first task I coped, the second task turned out to be easier than I thought! After submitting the “Writ of execution”, the bailiffs are given a certain time to notify the LEK (suddenly he voluntarily wants to give away his acquired illegally), determine the accounts used by the LEK, etc. Because the court decision is the LAW, then LEK has no reason not to pay the money. Only if they are not bankrupt. To speed up the process, I myself took the request to the tax office (by proxy from the bailiff). It turned out that LEK 4 (the organization with which I entered into an agreement) had four different accounts in four different banks. Again, with great pleasure, I delivered the orders on the arrest of accounts to banks. Bailiffs receive for their work 11% (or so, that's not the point) of the amount claimed. For example, LEK owes me 1 million. Accordingly, he transfers 1.11 million to the bailiffs, and the bailiffs are already transferring 1 million to me. The scheme is very simple. I will say right away that I did not pay the bailiffs anything. My bailiff was a very nice woman, thank you very much. Therefore, when you are afraid of 10-20% that you have to give to bailiffs or someone else, you should know that you are being bred.
So, here is the most pleasant thing, as soon as I arrested the accounts of builders No. 1, the next day they remembered me, started calling me, sending Nadezhda Kalashnikov to me (a woman, in principle, pleasant and intelligent, but absolutely without any authority young lady), which is called LEC Development Director. The essence of their request was to remove the arrest from the accounts and stipulate a payment schedule (6-9 months). I felt like a winner, I wanted to ask: - Where have you been before, dear? As you understand, for 3 years I have accumulated a lot of things, to tell them, but it was useless to tell Kalashnikova. I would like to tell Pasha Andreev that behind every apartment there is a human fate, and even the fate of several people, you can’t do this to people.
Well, naturally, I did not go to their persuasions, especially since, according to my information, the money was regularly received in one of the accounts. The bailiffs began to transfer money to my account on May 11, and on June 20 the entire amount was paid to me in several tranches, everything, to the penny. The amount is rather big. Although the LEC initially scared me that I would not get anything this way, I felt that they were bluffing.
And now the moral: if you contacted them - do not give up and fight for your rights. The sooner you start, the sooner you finish. By the way, I talked with my lawyer, the last cases were going much faster, apparently I was just “lucky”. Look for lawyers who won against LEC. I can recommend mine (write me [email protected]) help everyone.
LEK breeds and feeds with promises very competently, but it is enough to visit any of their construction sites and see what is happening there, as everything becomes clear. If you are just thinking of contacting them or the guys from the NDV - think 1000 times. Pay them money, and then you will tear your hair, for which you did it. If you are going to still contact - do not conclude their contract, let your lawyer look at it and make points on which, in court, you can part with them without losing money. Especially now, when the NDV is still involved in this scheme, everything is even more confused. If the LEC does not want to change the contract, do not sign it, then it is not in your favor.
Even if you are ready to wait until the LEC completes your house, demand compensation from the LEC for waiting, though if you just come and ask for compensation, they will ignore you, sue - the LEC will come running to you. When I bought an apartment, a square meter cost 110 thousand. rub. Now the same meter costs 70 thousand rubles. rub. Now I can buy in the same house either 20 meters more, for the same money, or the same area for a couple of million less. Don't sit still. Your rights are in your hands, and until you fight for them, the LEK will continue to spit on you without a twinge of conscience.
Good luck to you.

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"Premier Palace"- a residential complex remarkable for its location and very worthy in terms of its characteristics. However, on the opposite side of the scale lies a factor that cannot be ignored - the slow pace of construction. For the company "L1" there is nothing unusual about this. The developer allows delays in many of its facilities. Taking this into account, and also paying tribute to the experience of the company and the scope of its work, the experts rated "L1" with an average score of "B" in . In a word, there is no doubt that the Premier Palace residential complex will be completed (L1 always completes everything), but it will have to wait. All buildings of this residential complex were commissioned with delays, but, nevertheless, the process does not stop and the implementation of the project is gradually reaching the finish line. Today, the last two houses remain unfinished: No. 4-2 and 4-3. Until recently, taking into account the postponement of the deadlines, it was planned to hand over them in the second quarter of 2018. However, it is already known that this deadline will not be met. The information published on the official website of the company states that these buildings will be commissioned in the second quarter of 2019. At present, judging by the latest report on the progress of construction, monolithic work has been completed on both buildings, installation of double-glazed windows, roofing, facade and internal work, as well as work on internal and external engineering networks. In principle, more than a year should be enough to complete the construction. However, when it comes to an object, the deadlines for which are systematically postponed, one cannot be completely sure of anything.

In earlier opinions of the portal, we have already considered all the pros and cons of Premier Palace. There are more advantages, even despite the main drawback, which has already been mentioned above. Therefore, apartments in this residential complex are certainly of interest. Price sq. meters for the Petrograd side and for the site on the embankment is quite adequate. Sales here are going at an average pace. Some of the completed buildings have already been completely sold, while others have a limited number of apartments. There are still quite a lot of available options in buildings No. 4-2 and 4-3 under construction, but the developer prefers not to advertise the exact number of apartments remaining for sale.

If we talk about competitors, then in similar in terms of view characteristics, built (“B”) apartments are more expensive. The situation is similar with the residential complex on the opposite side of the Malaya Nevka. They are already on Krestovsky Island, where the situation obliges them to keep the mark. In general, the nearest new buildings on Petrovsky Island are comparable in price: from LSR Group (A + rating) and Ostrov residential complex, built by Stroitelny Trust (A rating, LCD in). Also, projects comparable in price are located nearby, in the depths of the Petrogradsky district: from (there are postponements of delivery dates), etc.

Opinion (December 2016) December 19, 2016

What can you say about the complex, which has been under construction since 2007? According to this fact, Premier Palace Residential Complex is quite rightly located in where the “location” of the object was excellently assessed, the quality of the project was “good”, but real estate market experts recognized the investment as risky. Not surprisingly, the commissioning of the buildings of the first stage lasted for more than 3 years - from November 16, 2012 to December 2, 2015, after which the developer did not commission any more buildings in the complex.

Four buildings of the second stage "L1" are going to be put into operation in the first quarter of 2017. At least, this is the last date called by the developer, whether it will become final can be found out very soon. According to the photos of the construction progress posted on the official website of the developer, it can be seen that the outwardly buildings are already ready, although they stood in this form already at the beginning of 2016, work continues on finishing common areas. For any other developer, you can say that there should be enough time, but in this case it is better to wait and see what happens. The buildings of the first stage of the third stage should be commissioned in the second quarter of 2017, but the photo shows that there is still a lot of work to be done - it is necessary to complete the facade glazing, insert double-glazed windows and finish the inside of the buildings. Given the speed of the developer, this task looks impossible within the specified time frame. The buildings of the second stage of the third stage should be commissioned in the second quarter of 2018, that is, there is still quite a lot of time, but the problems here are the most - by now only a few floors have been built. It is too early to draw any conclusions about these houses.

An analysis of the developer's financial indicators suggests that construction has not stopped, construction work is underway, but their speed is curled from the rate of cash flow, which picky buyers are in no hurry to spend on long-term construction. On sale until now, and the project began in 2007, there are 278 out of 587 apartments, which is 47%. Although the cost of apartments in this residential complex for this location is the lowest. So, in May 2016, the Premier Palace occupies the first line in. The competition for the object of the company "L1" was (BBA estimates in ), (BCA estimates), "Petrovskaya Riviera" and The House on Zhdanovka (BBC estimates). In July 2016, the Premier Palace was again the first, this time in. This time, the competitors were (B + BB ratings), “Officer” (BBC ratings), (B + BC ratings) and the previously mentioned “House on Zhdanovka”. In August 2016, the Premier Palace received only the third line in. It was possible to get ahead of the object of the company "L1" (BBB estimates) and (B-BA estimates). Behind the "Premier Palace" were (rated B + BB in) and the previously mentioned. As a result, we can say that the location has a lot of options from more reliable developers, for example, the Ostrov residential complex from, which was even included in, which includes the most reliable and high-quality projects according to real estate market experts and the activity of real buyers.

October 30, 2015

Which have not be avoided. With this phrase, equity holders "Premier Palace" can console themselves in the troubled years of protracted waiting for their apartments. The history of this long-term construction began back in 2007, when the media first reported on the project, and now, at the end of 2015, the next stage of construction should be completed. It doesn't make much sense to comment on this. At first "Premier Palace" the crisis of 2008 clipped its wings, then there were other reasons that explained the protracted wait. But in general, for those who follow the St. Petersburg construction market, this situation does not raise any special questions. Buyers of apartments on Krestovsky Island are most likely provided with housing. Be that as it may, the first few buildings have already been commissioned and occupied. In the end, the rest will be all right. On this topic, we will close the long-term construction.

In architectural terms "Premier Palace" very interesting and looks very impressive from the banks of the Krestovsky or Lazarevsky bridge. And when, after the completion of construction, the embankment is landscaped, there will be beauty in general. Structurally, in terms of the level of comfort offered, according to the layouts, the residential complex deserves a high rating. The footage of apartments differs greatly, which allows us to consider this residential complex as an option suitable for different groups of buyers - the only question is purchasing power. Still, housing here is not very cheap, which is determined by the prestigious location. Many apartments in "Premier Palace" have excellent visual characteristics. In a word, the developer rightfully classifies this residential complex as an elite one.

Another advantage of the complex is a well-developed social infrastructure. On the Petrograd side there is everything you need for a normal life. And the walking distance of Krestovsky Island, famous for its parks, as well as sports and recreation facilities, is a separate plus for those who lead an active lifestyle or just love hiking in nature. The proximity to the islands (Krestovsky, Kamenny and Elagin) is perhaps the main plus "Premier Palace" in terms of ecology, given that there are no parks near the residential complex on Petrogradka itself, but there are plenty of cars.

In general, the traffic situation in the area "Premier Palace" very complicated, and new settlers can’t get away from it. Admiral Lazarev Embankment, Bolshaya Zelenina, Pionerskaya and Novoladozhskaya streets - all of them are traffic jams every day (and not only during peak hours). This also applies to the Lazarevsky and Bolshoi Krestovsky bridges. So far, there is no prospect of resolving this situation. If we talk about public transport, then the metro is within walking distance. It is a kilometer in a straight line to Chkalovskaya, and this, of course, is a plus. In general, everything is typical. beautiful and loved by many, but living in it means putting up with the usual problems for a metropolis.

"Premier Palace" are being built on the territory of the former Vulkan plant, and other non-residential territories in this part of Petrogradka are also being actively developed. Accordingly, neighboring quarters are becoming more and more attractive and prestigious. Accordingly, it makes sense to look for alternative proposals. "Premier Palace". First of all, it is worth mentioning, of course, as well as such new buildings as "Aristocrat" and "House on Zhdanovka". In addition, nearby "L1" sells apartments in another of its facilities -. As for the nearby residential complexes on Krestovsky Island, apartments there are much more expensive. In general, against the background of nearby new buildings, the cost of apartments in "Premier Palace" looks very attractive. Whether this atones for the associated costs mentioned above is up to each buyer to decide for himself.

For 10 years, out of three phases, the developer has completed only one. In 2017, "L1" promises to finally hand over the second and continues to build the third.

Reading time: 13 minutes

So "Premier Palace" looks from the Lazarevsky bridge

There are few construction projects on Petrogradka, so each one catches the eye. The mystery shopper has been looking away for a long time - a massive complex on the banks of the Malaya Nevka. And finally got inside.

What did you think and what did you get

The brainchild, which many still call "LEK" in the old fashioned way, was conceived as an elite, club project:

  • high-rise buildings of the original configuration;
  • impressive views from the windows to the Neva, Petropavlovka and the Admiralty;
  • unusual polygonal and round layouts, the area of ​​some apartments is more than 150 m2;
  • three-level penthouses with pools on the roof;
  • territory tightly closed from strangers;
  • restaurants, shops and salons on the first floors.

Sounds tempting. It's just that construction has been delayed.

The 1st stage of Premier Palace was supposed to be commissioned back in 2008. They handed it over - in 2011. They promised to send the second stage to the state commission in 2014, but they have not done this so far. Stage III was going to be completed in 2017, but the deadline has already been postponed to mid-2018. There is nothing to say about IV - either piles are being driven there, or not. In the official reports on the developer's website, nothing is said about the current state of the IV stage.

We will not carry out archaeological excavations and inquire how much the apartments in the Premier Palace cost until it turned into a long-term construction. Now in it you can find options for 5 with a little, and for several tens of millions. 5 million for an apartment on Petrogradka is a democratic option. Considering that we are talking about a 35-meter odnushka, then a square meter here costs 170 thousand rubles. According to the latest report from the Real Estate Bulletin, the average cost of a square in this area is 215.4 thousand.

The complex should include 13 brick-monolithic buildings of various configurations, 10-16 floors each. For Petrogradka, this is high. According to the site, in 8 of them all the apartments are already sold out. If you believe the managers, single options can still be found there.

Website and office call

Unbelievable, but true: the elite complex does not have its own website, there is only a page on the "L1" website. There are broadcast recordings from four surveillance cameras installed in different parts of the Premier Palace. But at the time of writing this article, the first camera showed a highly artistic abstraction, the second - already inhabited buildings, and the third and fourth - views of the river.

There are plans on the page, but no prices. And about the terms of payment you need to find out by phone. And, as it turned out, this is not so easy to do.

My call was answered by the secretary - all the managers were busy. To begin with, I wanted to know the cost of small apartments - one-room and two-room. It turned out that in the first queue there were only four-room apartments. In the second stage, which is promised to be commissioned in the second quarter of this year, there are no one-room apartments, but there are two-room apartments from 66 m2 and from 10.5 million rubles. But in the III stage, which "L1" wants to hand over in the II quarter of 2018, there were even odnushki with an area of ​​35 m2 for 5.1 million. Kopeck pieces in buildings of the III stage, as my interlocutor said, start from 70 m2 and 9.4 million rubles .

For apartments in already commissioned buildings, a contract of sale is concluded, and for apartments in houses under construction, a share agreement. The girl noted that with a 100% payment, there is a 10.5% discount. There is an interest-free installment plan, and the larger the down payment, the more profitable it is. But the employee of "L1" refused to tell about the mortgage. The mortgage manager was supposed to provide me with further information. In order for him to contact me, it was necessary to leave a phone number for the secretary. I didn't want to do this.

At the counseling center

There is a consultation center at the construction site, so theoretically it is possible to kill two birds with one stone - to talk to the manager live, and to see the object.

But here, as it turned out, everything is not simple. After a few minutes of my communication with the consultant, the brain began to boil. And we spent a total of an hour and a half together! In his speech, the numbers of queues, buildings, names of types of apartments sounded every now and then. Considering the scale of the complex and its number of storeys, figuring out what is what and where it is is another task. A sensible booklet would have been useful here, in which everything is intelligibly painted, but no - the consultant gave me only separate printouts for sections.

The layouts in the "Premier Palace" are varied. There are original and, moreover, comfortable ones - the bathroom is adjacent to the bedroom, the guest bathroom is closer to the entrance. And there are completely incomprehensible - with a giant hallway and a tiny kitchen. Some apartments have storage rooms.

The consultant was able to tell me some of the prices himself, and then he began to call the office on the city phone, wait for the welcome-waiting music to play there and find out the prices from the manager. Their conversation sounded like they were playing a sea battle: "B 2.3, E and F, four rooms!" Then he handed the phone to me. Again, the types of apartments and the names of buildings sounded, they were supplemented by interest on several installment options for several apartment options. The manager offered to meet at the office to find out some more details, but I no longer had the strength to perceive the information.

The consultant sympathized - they say, he himself understands how difficult it is to remember all this. He spoke well about the complex. Another question is that such a large company should take care of the comfort of customers and collect all the information in one place. Now we need to collect individual facts like a puzzle, communicating with several employees at once, alternately studying either the site or printouts. In the end, taking souvenirs with us (a magnet and a box of candy with the image of Premier Palace) and putting on helmets, we went to the construction site.

"Premier Palace": inside view

It is impossible to seep into the territory of the complex from the street - you will have to explain yourself to the guards. But accompanied by a consultant, you can even get into buildings that have not yet been handed over.

Houses of the first stage look neat. I'm not a fan of this kind of architecture, but the buildings were obviously not built without a hitch. The facades are ventilated, finished with natural stone and porcelain stoneware. Entrance groups look stylish. Playground in front of the house in good condition. The consultant showed me on the plan a certain ancient architectural monument, which remained on the territory of the complex - it cannot be demolished, and a kindergarten will most likely be opened there.

Stage II, according to the consultant, is promised to be commissioned in two stages: building 2.3 in April, the other at the end of the year. The secretary named a common deadline for them - the second quarter of 2017. To begin with, we went into building 2.3. There remained one four-room apartment on the third floor. It impressed me with its size and layout - it is conveniently zoned, the bathrooms are spacious: the bathroom is not the size of a small room. It was warm inside.

The base cost of this option is 19 million. With a one-time payment, the apartment costs 17 million. Installments in this building can be taken for 12 months (in some - only for 6). The minimum down payment is 20%. If it is more, discounts are provided. With an initial payment of 5 million, there is a 10 percent discount and 13.4 million remains to be paid. You can pay monthly at 1.1 million or split payments into quarters. You can immediately deposit 50%, and in six months - another 9 million. Then there will be a discount on the down payment.

Then we went to the neighboring building 2.2 - to see a three-room apartment. It is also impressive in size and layout. There are similar apartments on the 5th, 8th, 9th floors. Their area is 159 m2. If you take this option on the 5th floor, then the parking space is a gift. If a parking space is not required, you can get a discount of 2 million. The base price of the apartment is 24 million. Installment is possible. If the initial payment is 5 million, then a discount of 500 thousand is added and it remains to pay 18.5 million. On high floors in large apartments, floor-to-ceiling windows are installed.

Treshka on the 10th floor - almost the same. The base cost is 26 million. It also includes a free parking space or a discount of 2 million. If you make 5.2 million as a down payment, then a discount of 520 thousand is provided, and 20.2 million remains to be paid. Installment can be taken for 12 months.

In buildings of the second stage, residential premises begin from the third floor. Below are parking and technical rooms. A place in the parking lot costs a lot of money - 2.2 million. For such an amount, you can easily buy a studio or even a one-room apartment, though not on Petrogradka.

According to the consultant, all apartments in the complex are rented with aligned walls, pipes, electrics, installed sockets and radiators. The ceiling height is impressive - 3.2 m. Heating wiring in the floor.

Stage III will be delivered in the II quarter of 2018. There is still work to be done here. One building has already begun to be glazed, but the second one is still being completed. There is a 5% discount for apartments in stage III. With installments there is a 10% discount on the initial payment. If you pay the entire cost at a time, then the discount is from the entire amount. Installments can be taken for 18 months. You can immediately deposit 50%, and another 50% in six months. In phase III, the apartments start right from the first floor. Somewhere there is commerce.

The most modest odnushka in 3 stages with an area of ​​35.69 m2 costs 5.1 million. It is located in building 4.2. The upper price limit for this type of apartments is 7.3 million for 53 m2.

Two-room apartments, according to the consultant, are in the range of 73.3-87 m2 and cost 10.1-14.1 million. Let me remind you that the secretary named a cheaper option - 70 m2 for 9.4 million rubles. Building 4.3 has unusual round apartments.

As an answer to my question, why is the Premier Palace taking so long to build, the consultant told an action-packed story. The phrases "secret" and "military secret" were used, so I will not repeat this masterpiece of oral art, out of harm's way. Roughly speaking, the matter is in communications, and this is an insidious thing: in appearance the house is ready for delivery, but in reality it is not, and can stand for months or even years. I would like to believe that the second stage of the Premier Palace will finally be commissioned in the coming months, and then the third will arrive in time. But how do you know, how do you know. The reputation of "L1", frankly, is ambiguous.

"Premier Palace" is interesting for its location, original layouts, and partly for prices - here you can find inexpensive apartments by the standards of Petrogradka. Closed area, large parking. But the parking spaces are expensive, and the residents of the first stage complained online that they are too narrow. Everything would be fine, but just building an elite complex for 10 years is not the case. Considering how many times the developer has already postponed the deadlines, there is no final understanding of when all the buildings will be commissioned. Both buildings of the second stage look like it is already possible to move in there, but there has not yet been a state commission. The delays with the delivery arose due to communication problems, so you need to stay alert and keep in mind that the third turn may also be late. Actually, initially they wanted to hand it over this year, but they definitely won’t have time.

Residential complex Premier Palace is located on the banks of the Neva, in the historical part of Petrogradka, on the contrary - the greenery of the squares of Krestovsky Island. Since the residential complex is located in the central part of the city, secular and cultural life takes place very close, and all the necessary high-level social infrastructure is also close. The territory of the complex is closed, there is an alarm system and other security measures.

Buy an apartment in a new building in Premier Palace residential complex on Pionerskaya street. Information about the builder and free apartments.

Official information from the developer

Developer "L1 construction company No. 1"

L1 Construction company No. 1 is one of the largest construction and investment holdings in the north-west of St. Petersburg. Over the 25 years of the company's operation, 30,000 apartments in 160 houses have been built, and over the past five years, L1 has put into operation 600,000 square meters - 6,700 apartments in 50 houses. Without a doubt, many residential companies are the architectural dominants of the areas where they are located, for example: Monplaisir residential complex, Yantarny Bereg residential complex, Gloria Park residential complex, Emerald Island residential complex, Imperial residential complex, etc.

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