A counterfeit 5000 bill in the mail. What to do if you get a counterfeit bill

Suspicious bill

More often than not, people themselves are the first to discover a fake if it ends up in their wallet. It is difficult for cybercriminals who counterfeit money to compete with Goznak, therefore their "products" are much more rude both in appearance and in touch. On some samples, even an imitation of protection is absent - only reckoning on inattention.

So, having seen a fake, there is no need to try to pay off with it. It is clear that it is a pity for money, especially if it is 5 thousand rubles, but no one has canceled criminal liability for the sale, transportation and storage of counterfeits (Article 186 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation). Still, freedom is more expensive.

Of course, you can just tear it up, throw away the unfortunate bill and, without bothering, forget about it. But it is better to turn it over to the police: if the counterfeiter is found, then real money will be charged from him. True, you have to be patient and be ready for investigation and verification.

Contact the bank

If you are not completely sure whether a bill is counterfeit or not, you can check it at the bank (this is a paid procedure).

Having found a one hundred percent fake, employees of a credit and financial institution will put an advising stamp on the bill and advise you to contact the police.

They can simply take a suspicious note in order to send it for examination to the Bank of Russia. At the same time, they must issue a certificate indicating the details of the seized banknotes (regulation of the Central Bank of Russia No. 318-P), otherwise the bank employee himself can be suspected of dishonesty.

And the third option. There may not be any signs of counterfeiting on the banknote, but they may recognize the money as insolvent. This threatens in the case of a damaged banknote. It is stamped "Exchange denied".

The fake was found in the store

It is not such a rare situation when, when paying for a purchase in a store, the cashier can suddenly declare that the bill is counterfeit. You don't need to faint if you have nothing to do with it.

Of course, according to all the rules, the police must be called in the store, and the buyer will have to wait for them to give an explanation or testimony. Law enforcement officers need to tell everything as it is: the bill came to you by accident, you did not know that it was counterfeit, it is advisable to remember where and from whom it was received.

But the rules are not always followed, often the bill is simply returned and asked to pay with other money.

It is worth noting that, unlike a bank in a store, a bill is not taken anywhere, for example, with the words: "We have a machine for checking." After all, they can take a real banknote, and return a fake one, which suddenly ended up in the sales outlet's proceeds due to the seller's carelessness.

Remember the signs of a real bill

In order not to get into unpleasant situations in banks and shops, the police recommend learning how to identify a genuine five-thousandth bill (they are forged more often).

The most important thing is to pay attention to the presence of a bright shiny horizontal stripe in the middle of the coat of arms of Khabarovsk. It can be seen from a right angle. When the banknote is tilted, it moves.

Another main feature is that repeating images of the numbers "5000" are visible in the figured window on the fragment of the security thread coming out onto the surface of the paper on the front side of the banknote. When tilted, the numbers move relative to each other.

Another protection that is difficult to counterfeit is on the decorative tape located on the front side above the inscription “five thousand rubles”, namely above the word “thousand”, a hidden image in the form of the letters “PP” is visible at an angle.

Of course, 5-thousandth banknotes can be checked on other grounds. But in order to quickly determine the authenticity of the bill, the three listed above are enough.

Security measures against counterfeit bills

The very first thing - do not exchange large banknotes in the market or at private owners, there is a great risk that counterfeit money will be slipped.

Today, when almost everyone has bank cards, it is advisable to use cashless payments more often.

Large bills received at the store must be checked on site. For this, the knowledge of the features of a genuine banknote will come in handy, the definition of which does not require special devices.

When you need to pay for a large purchase (for example, for an apartment), you need to take care of checking the bills. Bank settlement is the best option.

5000 rubles is the largest denomination of banknotes in Russian Federation... In view of this, it is this bill that most often attracts the attention of fraudsters. It is quite difficult to forge a banknote, since the form itself has many security differences, but still there are crafts. How to distinguish a counterfeit 5000 bill from a real one and to recognize a fake one can be found in the bank's policy on banknotes.

Signs of bill authenticity

There are signs on how to recognize a 5000 counterfeit bill. Comparison of genuine and counterfeit banknotes is often carried out by bank employees. Also, these skills are possessed by police officers and the Department for Combating Economic Crimes. If an unreliable bill is found, there is no point in hoping for a replacement or refund of real money.

Certain differences in the authenticity of the five thousandth banknote are familiar to almost every person. RUB 5,000 the following data will help from the original:

  • the originality of the paper: clear, sounds specific, dense;
  • watermarks are detected only in the light;
  • at the moment, the five-thousandth bills depict a portrait of Muravyov-Amursky, as well as the denomination of the banknote. In this case, the watermark can be different in brightness and change color;
  • micro-pattern that cannot be photocopied;
  • if we consider 5000 rubles. with a magnifying glass, you can see a pattern of geometric shapes;
  • microtext throughout the banknote, such as "Denomination 5000" rubles, microtext "Central Bank of the Russian Federation";
  • the presence of a vertical thread with a holographic coating is required. The width is 3 mm. In this case, the thread can change color. The banknote was stitched vertically.

Large bills are often the subject of counterfeiting

Also, the banknotes have special signs for people with poor eyesight, which are applied in the lower right corner of the banknote. In general, in order to learn how to distinguish a counterfeit banknote, you need to pick up a real banknote and a counterfeit one and compare them. Anyone who has worked with money at least once understands that there is a fake in his hands, even by the type of paper.

How to identify a fake

A fake is identified by the following criteria:

  • checking in special equipment, which is in the office of banks. It can be purchased by individual entrepreneurs and owners of various firms;
  • special elements are visible in the light, which are translucent under ultraviolet light. With infrared inspection, the elements appear more clearly. At the same time, without equipment, you can distinguish a fake and independently

The main signs are as follows:

  • the oval, which is located to the right of the Muravyov-Amursky monument, changes color and shimmers with stripes when the banknote is tilted;
  • the denomination has microperforation, while fakes rarely have watermarks;
  • the paper is much denser than with ordinary five-thousandth banknotes;
  • the silver thread can be imitated. This fake can be easily distinguished in the light.

Gluing is another option: fraudsters cut several banknotes and glue them in such a way that they get 10 bills. Most often, counterfeits are removed from ATMs, since the terminals cannot determine the authenticity.

Counterfeit money is the object of crimes provided for by the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. They entail both a fine and a real restriction of freedom - the severity depends on the number of identified banknotes.

Signs of counterfeiting

On one's own

When a counterfeit bill is found, proceed as follows:

  • apply to the bank, where they will seize the banknote and carry out its examination;
  • give an opinion whether it is fake or genuine;
  • if the money is counterfeit, then the police will investigate further.

It happens that a bill simply loses signs of readability in mind, for example, combustion or other influencing media. The banknotes are recognized as authentic and are replaced with banknotes of the same denomination.

Anna, PR specialist of a pharmaceutical company:

“Before the New Year, I bought two iPhone 7s - for myself and my husband as a gift. But as it turned out, my husband also bought me an iPhone, so I put mine on Avito for 65 thousand rubles. Two days later, a woman called, she was the only one who responded. She said that she was ready to come and pick up the iPhone within half an hour. She arrived with a man. They studied the phone very carefully, called somewhere and dictated the serial number to make sure it was "white". After making sure of the authenticity of the goods, they handed me the required amount. I immediately noticed that they were a little strange to the touch, but the bills had all the security signs I knew, including watermarks, a holographic thread, so I took the money and gave them the phone. ”

Anna later paid off one of these bills at a hairdresser's. According to the girl, the salon administrator studied the banknote for a long time, passed it through a special machine and eventually accepted it. But with some disbelief, which alerted Anna, and she turned to her friend, who works in a coffee shop, asking her to check all the remaining bills on a special machine. And she confirmed her fears, saying that the money was counterfeit.

What if you find a counterfeit bill in your wallet?

You need to walk to any nearest bank and hand over the banknotes that are in doubt for examination by the Bank of Russia.

“The credit institution is obliged to accept such banknotes in order to suppress the circulation of counterfeit banknotes. Acceptance of counterfeit money is formalized by a certificate, which indicates the details of the person transmitting the counterfeit banknotes and the details of each dubious banknote (denomination of the banknote, year of issue, series, number, and so on), "says the lawyer of the Bar Association" Burtseva, Agasieva and Partners " Vera Efremova.

The victim, according to her, is given one copy of this certificate, signed and certified by the round stamp of the cash desk. If the check shows that the money is real, then it will be returned to the owner, if not, then the bank will transfer information about counterfeit banknotes to the territorial bodies of internal affairs.

“The police officers, in turn, initiate a criminal case and summon the victim to give written explanations about how he got a counterfeit bill,” says Vera Efremova.

Source: Central Bank

By the way, if a person is sure that the money is counterfeit even without expertise, then he can immediately go to the police, bypassing the bank.

“You can go to the police on your own and write a statement about the initiation of a criminal case on the fact of fraud (criminals took possession of the phone by deceiving, paying for the purchase with fake tickets The central bank), indicating with whom, when and by what phone you contacted regarding the sale of the phone. You will also need to inform that you paid off one of the bills in a hairdresser, not knowing and not suspecting that the money was counterfeit, ”says Marat Amanliev, lawyer of the Trunov, Aivar and Partners Bar Association, and immediately clarifies that the main thing is to state in detail how you ended up with counterfeit banknotes, and explain to law enforcement officers that you had no purpose to sell and store counterfeit funds.

Who will compensate for the loss?

Counterfeit banknotes cannot be exchanged. The only way to get yours back is to get damages from the culprit.

“Within the framework of a criminal case, the victim can file a claim for compensation for material damage directly from the culprit, in the amount in which he received counterfeit banknotes from him. Any organization, including a hairdresser, in which the victim paid for services with counterfeit bills, can also sue for the recovery of material damage from the culprit. For this entity(the hairdresser's) must also be recognized as a victim in the criminal case, ”emphasizes Vera Efremova.

But the chances are slim here. According to lawyer Marat Amanliev, even if they find those people who bought the phone, it is almost impossible to establish that it was they who sold the counterfeit funds. In their explanations, they can indicate that they paid with real money and have nothing to do with counterfeiting.

“It will be necessary to carry out a whole range of operational-search measures, various examinations, including to establish whether there are fingerprints of these persons on the banknotes. Conduct searches in apartments for counterfeit banknotes. So, the question of bringing to justice those who sold counterfeit banknotes remains open. Therefore, if you understand that the bills are counterfeit and time is precious to you, it will be easier to tear them, throw them away and forget, ”the expert brings to the disappointing conclusion.

What if you pretend that nothing is known about counterfeit bills and continue to pay with them?

This is definitely not worth doing. Possession and sale of counterfeit money is a crime (Article 186 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation). “The maximum penalty for which is imprisonment for up to 8 years with a fine of up to 1 million rubles. Therefore, there is definitely a risk of being guilty of selling counterfeit banknotes if it is proven that the person knowingly knew about counterfeit banknotes, ”warns Vera Efremova from the Burtseva, Agasieva & Partners Bar Association.

Pavel Andreev, Managing Director of BCS Forex.

Recently, the cases of detecting counterfeit banknotes in denominations of 5,000 rubles have sharply increased. Fraudsters have opened a new distribution channel, having learned to deceive ATMs, "feeding" them crudely made forgeries (they are clearly marked only with tags that are read by the installed software of the terminals), and soon after that they cash out real money.

On the territory of the Moscow region alone, cash collectors seized more than 15 million counterfeit rubles from ATMs. In total, in the III quarter of 2013, 17 thousand counterfeit banknotes were seized in Russia, of which 6.5 thousand were the largest denomination signs.

ATMs without banknotes: 5-thousandths remain bannedBank of Russia Governor Elvira Nabiullina and Finance Minister Anton Siluanov reassured citizens who faced the fact that ATMs do not accept 5,000 bills. According to them, this is a temporary measure.

The problem became so acute that in October, banks, one after another, began to refuse to accept 5,000 ruble bills in their ATMs. There is no doubt that the problem will be resolved in the coming weeks - according to our information, credit institutions are already fully modernizing and reinstalling the ATM software. Historically, cybercriminals are better than anyone else to "help" identify and eliminate gaps in banking security.

Meanwhile, the "civilian population" is increasingly asking two questions - what is the likelihood of getting a salary with "candy wrappers" and what to do if a counterfeit bill is found in your wallet.

A number of Russian banks have temporarily suspended acceptance of five thousandth banknotes due to the influx of "ATM counterfeits." How to distinguish a real bill from a counterfeit one, and what are the security signs of the most frequently counterfeited bills, learn from the infographic.

Concerns about the first question are greatly exaggerated - it is almost impossible to get a fake by making a request to withdraw cash from an ATM, since after depositing at an ATM, banknotes do not automatically reach the client who makes a request for cash withdrawal.

Before returning back to the wallets, the money undergoes a multi-stage check, including at recounting cash desks.

However, no one is immune to counterfeiting. Fakes are of such high quality that sometimes even technical means of verification cannot recognize them. If the bank or store told you that a dubious one was found among your bills, or if you yourself suspected a fake, there is no reason for panic, however, in order to avoid possible problems, you need to act clearly.

How to determine the authenticity of a five thousandth noteThe five thousandth bill is perhaps the most counterfeit banknote. For the first time, she took the palm in the number of fakes back in 2012. How to distinguish real money from counterfeit money and what to do if a counterfeit banknote falls into your hands, the infographic will tell you.

According to Chapter 16 of the Central Bank Regulation N 318-P "On the procedure for conducting cash transactions and the rules for storing, transporting and collecting banknotes", the identification and redemption of counterfeit banknotes is carried out by banking institutions. You come to the bank and present a bill. If a bank specialist defines it as insolvent, it is stamped "Exchange refused" or "Fake", the name of the bank, date, full name of the employee and signature. In this case, a bank employee draws up a protocol for withdrawing a note, indicating its denomination, series, and also number. The protocol is presented to the client from whom the banknote was withdrawn, so that he can make sure that the bill number matches. Then the canceled insolvent banknote is withdrawn.

If the bank simply considered the banknote questionable, then the cashier must draw up a certificate in the form 0402159, entering the banknote details, face value, year of manufacture. The certificate is handed over to the client instead of the bill, which is sent for examination. The research is carried out within five working days. If, according to the official conclusion, the banknote is recognized as genuine, then this money is returned to the owner or credited to his account, if it is counterfeit, the bill will be destroyed without any compensation.

Perhaps the most important advice: if a counterfeit bill was found in your wallet or such a suspicion simply crept in, in no case try to purposefully pay with it, since in this case you deliberately become an accomplice in a crime that is punishable by imprisonment for up to 15 years (Art. 186 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation "Production or sale of counterfeit money or securities"). If you have the slightest doubt, immediately go to the branch of the nearest bank, where your banknote will be checked for authenticity.

Remember that markets, small stalls and street exchange bureaus are most likely to encounter counterfeit money. Be careful and attentive!

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Remember what is depicted on the banknote of one, two, five thousand rubles? Do you pay attention to protective signs? Do you think that this does not concern you, and you do not have to know how the banknotes should look?

You are wrong, because ignorance does not absolve you of responsibility. And if counterfeit bills appear in your wallet, with which you want to pay for the goods, then you may be held liable under Art. 186 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation "Counterfeit money".

What should be done to protect yourself from counterfeit banknotes, what punishment can you incur for revealing fake money in you?

Most often, five-thousandth bills are forged in Russia. It is not very profitable to draw banknotes of 1 thousand rubles, therefore, they are less common in circulation.

Every day, cybercriminals are inventing new ways of producing banknotes. They can make dozens of counterfeits from just one real bill. And it is sometimes not so easy for ordinary citizens to detect a fake.

There are over 20 levels of protection for real money. But it is hard for an inexperienced citizen to see all the flaws by eye. He can only detect so-called clumsy counterfeits.

Signs of the original banknotes:

If the fake is still in your wallet, then don't even try to get rid of it in the store.... If the seller or cashier suspects a fake, then he will have to call the police.

And if the police suspect malicious intent in your actions, then you may well get a real punishment for complicity in the sale of counterfeit money.

If you are suspicious of any bills, but you are afraid or do not want to contact the police, then you can check the authenticity of the money in this way: put money on your bank card through the payment terminal.

ATMs recognize at least 4 security levels. If the banknote is counterfeit, then the money transmitter will simply not accept it.

Even for the sale of one bill, a person can be jailed if his intent is proven, the intention that he planned to pay with a counterfeit bill.

Option 1. Go to the police

If you identify an obvious counterfeiting of a banknote, you can contact the police yourself. The person on duty will ask you to write a statement on the identification of counterfeit money.

Based on the statement, the police officer will initiate a criminal case, conduct an investigation into the discovery of counterfeit money.

When writing an application, the applicant must remember all the details, the nuances in which he received a specific banknote.

If possible, he should also describe in the application the person who paid the applicant with the counterfeit bill.

Option 2. Go to the bank

You can contact not only the police, but also banking institutions. If you are in doubt about the authenticity of bills received from someone, then you should:

  1. Contact the bank.
  2. Order an examination Money on their authenticity.
  3. Write an application for checking a suspicious bill.
  4. Fill out a certificate of acceptance of dubious banknotes.

After that, the client is allowed to go home until all the circumstances are clarified.... A bank employee sends a suspicious bill to the internal affairs bodies.

There is a possibility that the internal affairs bodies will invite the client to their place so that he can tell how this or that bill got into his hands.

If employees understand that the emission of banknotes was massive and the internal affairs bodies already know that they have already encountered certain signs of counterfeit banknotes, then as a rule, they no longer invite a client.

If the banknote differs in some way from other counterfeits, then the client must be invited by law enforcement agencies to find out the source of the purchase of the suspicious banknote.

What to do if, when receiving cash from a customer, you see that the money is of dubious quality, and the device for detecting counterfeit bills shows a red button.

You need to proceed as follows:

  • Call the police on "102", call the task force.
  • If the offender is trying to escape, then you need to look in which direction he is heading, in which car he is leaving. You also need to be careful - remember what the attacker was wearing, what he looked like, etc. Any information will help operatives to find the attacker.

Police officers warn all citizens to check cash carefully, because carelessness and ignorance can be expensive. Any person can get a fake, the main thing is to recognize it in time.

In case of withdrawal of a banknote, the client is issued a certificate of the established form... It is prohibited by the legislation of the Russian Federation to return a counterfeit bill back to the client.

Each cashier in the store has special samples of certificates of acceptance for examination of dubious banknotes. The cashier does not need to call the police if he finds counterfeit banknotes during a money transaction.

In this case, he must fill out a certificate, be sure to indicate in it the passport data of the buyer, the banknote number, put his signature, as well as the seal of the store.

After that, the certificate is sent to the banking institution for examination.... If, according to the results of its conduct, it is revealed that the banknote is real, then, according to the certificate, the money will be returned to the owner.

Otherwise, the bill will be sent to the internal affairs bodies, where their origin will be clarified.

If there is no time and desire to tinker with a suspicious bill - carry it to a bank or contact the police upon detection of a fake, then you can simply burn or tear the bill into small pieces.

However, there is a possibility that the banknote may have been real, and the person simply did not know it.

If a person is in good faith mistaken that the bill is counterfeit, then he does not bear any responsibility for this. Although in Europe the practice is completely different.

Even the person who conscientiously tries to sell counterfeit banknotes, being sure that they are real, bears responsibility there. For example, in Germany, for such inattention, a person faces administrative responsibility.

You can check the authenticity of bills at home. For this you need:

  • Go to the Central Bank website - http://www.cbr.ru, select the "Banknotes" section.
  • Select the bill that you want to analyze and look at, as well as read about the signs of the bill's authenticity.

Those criminals who make counterfeit money, store it and transport it for the purpose of selling it face a rather severe punishment.

If the investigation establishes that a person was engaged in the manufacture and sale of counterfeit banknotes, then he may face the following liability:

  • bringing a convicted person to correctional labor for up to 5 years;
  • isolation of a convicted person in a colony-settlement, educational or correctional colony for up to 8 years with payment of a fine of up to 1 million rubles. or without paying it.

If the criminal has committed large-scale counterfeiting of banknotes (the damage amounted to more than 2 million 250 thousand rubles), then he may be punished more severely:

  • imprisonment for a period of up to 12 years with payment of a fine of up to 1 million rubles. or without it, as well as with restraint of liberty for a period of up to 12 months.

If law enforcement agencies discover a whole criminal scheme of counterfeiting money, in which several persons are involved, then each suspect may face such punishment:

  • imprisonment for up to 15 years with or without a fine, with or without restriction of liberty for up to 24 months.

If you decide to pay with a counterfeit bill, believing that in the dark the seller will not understand that it is a fake, then by doing so you deliberately become an accomplice in the crime under Art. 186 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

How much will be given to the manufacturer of counterfeit banknotes, and how much - to their distributor?

According to the Criminal Code, all criminals who in any way facilitate the entry of counterfeit funds into money circulation are equally liable. This means that each of the accomplices in the crime will be punished under Art. 186 of the Criminal Code.

Why is there so much counterfeit money from Russia? Due to the economic crisis, people's trust in banking systems falls. Citizens try to keep cash in their hands, and this increases the likelihood of receiving "bad" money.

By the sanction of Art. 186 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation provides for punishment for forging documents both in the form of correctional labor and in the form of imprisonment.

The specific type of punishment depends on the severity of the crime committed, the number of persons involved in organizing the forgery of documents, as well as whether the suspect has any diseases, dependent children, etc.

Does the police have the right to detain a person who paid with counterfeit money, not knowing that it is counterfeit?

If it so happens that the cashier, accepting money from you for the goods, discovers that you gave him counterfeit banknotes, suspects you of counterfeiting and calls the police, then the internal affairs officers have the right to come and detain you.

If you didn't know that the money was counterfeit, then you have to prove it to the police officers. Only after revealing that you had no criminal intent, you will be cleared of suspicion of committing a crime.

If a person makes banknotes or securities that have already been withdrawn from circulation, for example, Soviet money, coins of the old minting, that is, those monetary units that are only collectible value, then corpus delicti under Art. 186 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation will not be.

However, if he makes old-style banknotes for the purpose of selling for a considerable amount, giving counterfeit banknotes as real ones, then his actions fall under Art. 169 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation "Fraud".

Example 1. A certain person, having found in his wallet a counterfeit banknote of 2 thousand rubles, tried to get rid of it in the store. The seller suspected that the banknote was counterfeit and called the police.

Those, having arrived at the place, began to ask the person how he got this banknote. He said that he did not know under what circumstances the money got into his wallet. And in order to get rid of the dubious bill, he decided to purchase some kind of goods for it.

The trial was, the person was sentenced to responsibility under Art. 186 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, since his actions fell under the signs of malicious intent. That is, he knew that the bill was counterfeit, but still tried to get rid of it.

Example 2. The man exchanged money in the market, and then decided to skimp on it in the store. At the checkout, a store employee discovered the money was counterfeit and called the police. The case soon came to trial.

The man was accused of distributing fakes. However, the court did not admit his guilt, since the suspect proved that he was not aware of the falsity of the banknotes that he had, that he had no direct intent to sell the drawn pieces of paper.

Counterfeit money is a disaster for the country; it is destructive both for the people and for the economy of the state.

In order to exclude drawn pieces of paper from circulation, you need to know how counterfeit money differs from real money, to understand the full responsibility for storing and selling fake banknotes.

And those who deliberately engage in the production and sale of counterfeit banknotes face serious liability in accordance with the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

The most severe punishment under Art. 186 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation - imprisonment for up to 15 years.

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